# Translation of RocketGenius - Gravity Forms in Swedish # This file is distributed under the same license as the RocketGenius - Gravity Forms package. msgid "" msgstr "" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-05-22 17:37:03+0000\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Generator: GlotPress/4.0.0-rc.1\n" "Language: sv_SE\n" "Project-Id-Version: RocketGenius - Gravity Forms\n" #: tooltips.php:28 msgid "Select the default validation message placement. Validation messages can be placed above the field inputs or below the field inputs." msgstr "Välj standardplacering av valideringsmeddelanden. Valideringsmeddelanden kan visas ovan inmatningsfälten eller under inmatningsfälten." #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:133 msgid "A new form" msgstr "Ett nytt formulär" #: form_settings.php:213 tooltips.php:28 msgid "Validation Message Placement" msgstr "Placering av valideringsmeddelande" #: settings.php:677 msgid "Enable this option to output the default form CSS. Disable it if you plan to create your own CSS in a child theme. Note: after Gravity Forms 2.8, this setting will no longer appear on the settings page. If you previously had it enabled, you will need to use the %sgform_disable_css%s filter to disable it." msgstr "Aktivera detta alternativ för att skicka standard-CSS för formulär. Inaktivera alternativet om du tänker skapa din egen CSS i ett barntema. Obs: efter Gravity Forms 2.8 kommer denna inställning inte längre att visas på sidan för inställningar. Om du tidigare hade alternativet aktiverat måste du använda filtret %sgform_disable_css%s för att inaktivera." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:869 msgid "Default Theme" msgstr "Standardtema" #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:67 msgid "We are always striving to improve the performance of Gravity Forms. In this release, you’ll notice smaller CSS files so that you don’t have to sacrifice performance to have good-looking forms." msgstr "Vi strävar alltid efter att förbättra prestandan hos Gravity Forms. I denna version kan du se att CSS-filerna har blivit mindre. Du behöver inte offra prestanda för att få snygga formulär." #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:66 msgid "Performance Improvements" msgstr "Prestandaförbättringar" #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:65 msgid "Read more about styling your forms" msgstr "Läs mer om hur du kan stilsätta dina formulär" #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:65 msgid "You might have noticed that we recently added a new setting so that you can use the beautiful and customizable Orbital form theme everywhere on your site, including shortcodes! Soon you’ll see Orbital in more places, and you’ll find more ways to customize it." msgstr "Du kanske har märkt att vi nyligen har lagt till en ny inställning som låter dig använda det vackra och anpassningsbara formulärtemat Orbital överallt på din webbplats, inklusive kortkoder! Snart kommer du att upptäcka Orbital på fler ställen, och fler sätt att anpassa det." #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:64 msgid "Orbital Form Styling" msgstr "Stilsättningen Orbital för formulär" #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:58 msgid "Icon of a database" msgstr "Ikon för databas" #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:49 msgid "Icon of color swatches" msgstr "Ikon för färgprover" #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:31 msgid "Screenshot of the compact view in Gravity Forms 2.8" msgstr "Skärmdump med den kompakta vyn i Gravity Forms 2.8" #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:28 msgid "Read more about Compact View" msgstr "Läs mer om den kompakta vyn" #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:28 msgid "Our new compact view makes it easier than ever to edit your forms! If you have long forms, you no longer have to scroll for ages to find the field you’re looking for. The compact view gives you a bird’s eye view of your form, so you can quickly find the fields you need to edit." msgstr "Vårt nya kompakta utseende gör det enklare än någonsin att redigera dina formulär! Om du har långa formulär behöver du inte längre scrolla i evigheter för att hitta rätt fält. Den kompakta vyn ger god översikt över ditt formulär, så att du snabbt hittar de fält du behöver redigera." #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:27 msgid "Form Editor Compact View" msgstr "Kompakt vy för formulärredigeraren" #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:5 msgid "The new Compact View makes it a cinch to edit long forms!" msgstr "Den nya kompakta vyn gör det till en barnlek att att redigera långa formulär!" #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:4 msgid "Edit Forms with Ease in Gravity Forms 2.8!" msgstr "Redigera enkelt dina formulär med Gravity Forms 2.8!" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field.php:1667 msgid "ID: %s" msgstr "ID: %s" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-total.php:177 msgid "Submitted value (%s) does not match expected value (%s)." msgstr "Det inskickade värdet (%s) stämmer inte överens med det förväntade värdet (%s)." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-page.php:51 msgid "Page Break" msgstr "Sidbrytning" #. Translators: 1. Opening tag with link to the Forms > Settings > #. reCAPTCHA page. 2. closing tag. #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-captcha.php:95 msgid "To use reCAPTCHA v2 you must configure the site and secret keys on the %1$sreCAPTCHA Settings%2$s page." msgstr "För att kunna använda reCAPTCHA v2 måste du konfigurera webbplatsen och dina hemliga nycklar på sidan för %1$sreCAPTCHA-inställningar%2$s." #: includes/editor-button/dom/class-gf-editor-button.php:22 #: includes/editor-button/dom/class-gf-editor-button.php:23 msgid "Open editor preferences" msgstr "Öppna inställningarna för redigeraren" #: includes/editor-button/config/class-gf-editor-config.php:57 msgid "Dropdown menu button" msgstr "Knapp för rullgardinsmeny" #: includes/editor-button/config/class-gf-editor-config.php:46 msgid "Show the ID of each field in Compact View." msgstr "Visa ID för varje fält i den kompakta vyn." #: includes/editor-button/config/class-gf-editor-config.php:45 msgid "Show Field IDs" msgstr "Visa fält-ID:n" #: includes/editor-button/config/class-gf-editor-config.php:44 msgid "Simplify the preview of form fields for a more streamlined editing experience." msgstr "Förenkla förhandsgranskningen av formulärfält för en smidigare redigeringsupplevelse." #: includes/editor-button/config/class-gf-editor-config.php:43 msgid "Compact View" msgstr "Kompakt vy" #: includes/editor-button/config/class-gf-editor-config.php:42 msgid "Change options related to the form editor." msgstr "Ändra alternativ relaterade till formulärredigeraren." #: includes/editor-button/config/class-gf-editor-config.php:41 msgid "Close button" msgstr "Stängningsknapp" #: includes/editor-button/config/class-gf-editor-config.php:40 msgid "Editor Preferences" msgstr "Inställningar för redigeraren" #: form_detail.php:337 msgid "End Paging" msgstr "Avsluta sidindelning" #: form_detail.php:315 msgid "Start Paging" msgstr "Påbörja sidindelning" #: common.php:5434 msgid "Warning! You're about to delete this field. 'Cancel' to stop. 'OK' to delete." msgstr "Varning! Du är på väg att ta bort detta fält. ”Avbryt” för att stoppa. ”OK” för att radera." #: settings.php:554 msgid "Learn more about form theme and style settings." msgstr "Läs mer om inställningar för formulärteman och stilar." #: settings.php:554 msgid "Learn more about form theme and style settings" msgstr "Läs mer om inställningar för formulärteman och stilar" #: settings.php:554 msgid "This theme will be used by default everywhere forms are embedded on your site." msgstr "Som standard kommer detta tema att användas överallt där formulär är inbäddade på din webbplats." #: settings.php:549 msgid "Orbital Theme (Recommended)" msgstr "Orbital-temat (rekommenderas)" #: settings.php:544 assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:332 msgid "Gravity Forms 2.5 Theme" msgstr "Gravity Forms 2.5-temat" #: settings.php:536 msgid "Default Form Theme" msgstr "Standardtema för formulär" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:897 msgid "Orbital Style Filter" msgstr "Stilfilter för Orbital" #: form_settings.php:678 msgid "Legacy markup is incompatible with many new features, including the Orbital Theme." msgstr "Bakåtkompatibel kodning är inkompatibel med många nya funktioner, inklusive temat Orbital." #: form_display.php:2607 msgid "The text entered contains invalid characters." msgstr "Den inmatade texten innehåller ogiltiga tecken." #. translators: 1: Add-on title #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:6135 msgid "Some features of the %1$s Add-on are not available on this version of Gravity Forms. Please update to the latest version for full compatibility." msgstr "Vissa funktioner i utökningen %1$s är inte tillgängliga i denna version av Gravity Forms. Uppdatera till den senaste versionen för full kompatibilitet." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5563 msgid "Some features of the add-on are not available on the current version of Gravity Forms. Please update to the latest Gravity Forms version for full compatibility." msgstr "Vissa funktioner i utökningen är inte tillgängliga i denna version av Gravity Forms. Uppdatera till den senaste versionen av Gravity Forms för full kompatibilitet." #: settings.php:991 msgid "Get your reCAPTCHA Keys." msgstr "Skaffa dina nycklar för reCAPTCHA." #: settings.php:406 msgid "License key is managed by the administrator of this network" msgstr "Licensnyckeln hanteras av nätverkets administratör" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:389 msgid "Scheduled (Cron) Events Log" msgstr "Logg över schemalagda händelser (Cron)" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:207 msgid "Select a Website Type" msgstr "Välj typ av webbplats" #: forms_model.php:3146 msgid "Error while saving total field values: %s" msgstr "Ett fel inträffade när värdena för summeringsfält skulle sparas: %s" #: forms_model.php:3127 msgid "Error while saving calculation field values: %s" msgstr "Ett fel inträffade när värdena för beräknade fält skulle sparas: %s" #: forms_model.php:3105 msgid "Error while saving field values: %s" msgstr "Ett fel inträffade när fältvärdena skulle sparas: %s" #: export.php:1122 msgid "Date Updated" msgstr "Ändringsdatum" #: settings.php:653 msgid "Enable Data Collection" msgstr "Aktivera datainsamling" #: settings.php:645 msgid "Data Collection" msgstr "Datainsamling" #: preview.php:50 msgid "Form Preview - Gravity Forms" msgstr "Förhandsvisning av formulär – Gravity Forms" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11315 msgid "Thank you for registering for our webinar! Keep an eye out for an email from us containing more information." msgstr "Tack för din anmälan till vårt webbseminarium! Håll utkik efter ett e-postmeddelande från oss med mer information." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11198 msgid "Want to keep up-to-date with our latest news and announcements?" msgstr "Vill du hålla dig informerad om våra senaste nyheter och tillkännagivanden?" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11145 msgid "Advertisement" msgstr "Reklam" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11130 msgid "How did you hear about this webinar?" msgstr "Hur fick du kännedom om detta webbseminarium?" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11083 msgid "Do you have any questions you would like to ask our speakers?" msgstr "Har du några frågor för våra talare?" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11032 msgid "Services" msgstr "Tjänster" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11014 msgid "Hospitality" msgstr "Hotellverksamhet" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11008 msgid "Finance" msgstr "Finans" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11002 msgid "Fashion" msgstr "Mode" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10996 msgid "Entertainment" msgstr "Underhållning" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10984 msgid "Creatives" msgstr "Kreatörer" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10978 msgid "Construction" msgstr "Byggverksamhet" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10972 msgid "Banking" msgstr "Bankverksamhet" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10966 msgid "Agriculture" msgstr "Jordbruk" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10960 msgid "Advertising" msgstr "Annonsering" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10951 msgid "Industry Type" msgstr "Bransch" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10904 msgid "Position / Job Title" msgstr "Befattning/jobbtitel" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10858 msgid "Company Website" msgstr "Företagets webbplats" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10674 msgid "Register Today" msgstr "Registrera dig nu" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10669 msgid "Register for our latest webinar..." msgstr "Registrera dig till vårt senaste webbseminarium …" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10662 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10668 msgid "Webinar Registration Form" msgstr "Registreringsformulär för webbseminarium" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10661 msgid "Helps your users register to a webinar" msgstr "Underlättar för dina besökare att registrera sig till ett webbseminarium" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10637 msgid "Thank you for registering! You should receive an email from us shortly containing your account information." msgstr "Tack för att du registrerat dig! Du bör inom kort få ett e-postmeddelande med dina kontouppgifter." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10504 msgid "Username" msgstr "Användarnamn" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10291 msgid "This form requires the Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On. Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form." msgstr "För detta formulär krävs Gravity Forms utökning för användarregistrering. Obs! Ta bort detta tips innan du publicerar formuläret." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10282 msgid "Next Steps: Install the User Registration Add-On" msgstr "Nästa steg: Installera utökningen för användarregistrering" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10269 msgid "Please complete the following form to register on our site. Thanks." msgstr "Fyll i följande formulär för att registrera dig på webbplatsen. Tack på förhand." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10262 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10268 msgid "User Registration Form" msgstr "Formulär för användarregistrering" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10261 msgid "Let your users register to your website easily" msgstr "Låt användarna enkelt registrera sig på webbplatsen" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10120 msgid "How could Acme Products be improved?" msgstr "Hur kan Acme Products förbättras?" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10057 msgid "Strongly agree" msgstr "Instämmer helt" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10033 msgid "Strongly disagree" msgstr "Instämmer inte alls" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10020 msgid "Acme Products fulfils all my form needs" msgstr "Acme Products uppfyller alla mina formulärbehov" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9956 msgid "Dropbox" msgstr "Dropbox" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9950 msgid "Surveys" msgstr "Surveys/Undersökningar" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9944 msgid "Zapier" msgstr "Zapier" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9938 msgid "MailChimp" msgstr "MailChimp" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9932 msgid "Stripe" msgstr "Stripe" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9919 msgid "Rank these add-ons based on how useful they are to you." msgstr "Rangordna följande utökningar utifrån hur användbara de är för dig." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9780 msgid "What types of forms have you created with Acme Products?" msgstr "Vilka typer av formulär har du skapat med Acme Products?" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9696 msgid "Do you use Acme Products to sell products or services?" msgstr "Använder du Acme Products för att sälja produkter eller tjänster?" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9631 msgid "100+" msgstr "Över 100" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9625 msgid "26-100" msgstr "26–100" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9619 msgid "11-25" msgstr "11–25" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9613 msgid "6-10" msgstr "6–10" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9607 msgid "2-5" msgstr "2–5" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9601 msgid "Just one" msgstr "Bara en" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9588 msgid "How many sites do you have Acme Products installed on?" msgstr "På hur många webbplatser har du installerat Acme Products?" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9547 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9655 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9739 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9878 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9980 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10081 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10150 msgid "Fifth row" msgstr "Femte raden" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9543 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9651 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9735 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9874 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9976 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10077 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10146 msgid "Fourth row" msgstr "Fjärde raden" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9539 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9647 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9731 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9870 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9972 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10073 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10142 msgid "Third row" msgstr "Tredje raden" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9535 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9643 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9727 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9866 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9968 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10069 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10138 msgid "Second row" msgstr "Andra raden" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9531 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9639 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9723 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9862 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9964 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10065 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10134 msgid "First row" msgstr "Första raden" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9523 msgid "Excellent" msgstr "Utmärkt" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9517 msgid "Pretty good" msgstr "Ganska bra" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9505 msgid "Not so great" msgstr "Ganska dåligt" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9499 msgid "Terrible" msgstr "Fruktansvärt" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9486 msgid "Rate Acme Products" msgstr "Sätt betyg på Acme Products" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9399 msgid "Company Name" msgstr "Företagsnamn" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9191 msgid "This form requires the Gravity Forms Survey Add-On. Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form." msgstr "För detta formulär krävs Gravity Forms utökning för undersökningar (Survey). Obs! Ta bort detta tips innan du publicerar formuläret." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9182 msgid "Next Steps: Install the Survey Add-On" msgstr "Nästa steg: Installera utökningen för survey/undersökningar" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9169 msgid "Tell us what you think about Acme Products..." msgstr "Berätta vad du tycker om Acme Products …" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9162 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9168 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9794 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9830 msgid "Survey Form" msgstr "Enkätformulär" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9161 msgid "Get feedback about your product using a survey form" msgstr "Samla in återkoppling om din produkt via ett enkätformulär" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8974 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9003 msgid "Clearance" msgstr "Röjning" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8968 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8998 msgid "Fencing" msgstr "Staketuppsättning" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8962 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8993 msgid "Tree Surgery Services" msgstr "Trädklippning" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8956 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8988 msgid "Ground Maintenance" msgstr "Markarbeten" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8950 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8983 msgid "Landscape Gardening" msgstr "Landskapsarkitektur" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8942 msgid "Please select the service/s you require..." msgstr "Välj vilken eller vilka tjänster du behöver …" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8633 msgid "To get the most out of your form, we suggest that you sync this form with an email add-on. To learn more about your email add-on options, visit the following page: (https://www.gravityforms.com/the-8-best-email-plugins-for-wordpress-in-2020). Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form." msgstr "För största nytta av ditt formulär föreslår vi att du synkroniserar det via en utökning för e-post. Läs mer om våra alternativ för e-posttillägg på följande sida: (https://www.gravityforms.com/the-8-best-email-plugins-for-wordpress-in-2020). Obs! Ta bort detta tips innan du publicerar formuläret." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8611 msgid "Please fill out the information below and we will be in touch shortly with your personalized quote." msgstr "Fyll i nedanstående information så hör vi snart av oss till dig med din personliga offert." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8604 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8610 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9809 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9848 msgid "Request a Quote Form" msgstr "Formulär för offertförfrågan" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8603 msgid "Helps users ask for a quote for a certain service or product you are selling on your website" msgstr "Hjälper besökare be om offert för en viss tjänst eller produkt som du säljer på webbplatsen" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8579 msgid "Thank you for signing up. Be on the lookout for our monthly newsletter!" msgstr "Tack för din anmälan. Håll utkik efter vårt månatliga nyhetsbrev!" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8488 msgid "I agree with the storage and handling of my data by this website. - Privacy Policy *" msgstr "Jag samtycker till att mina uppgifter lagras och hanteras av denna webbplats. - Integritetspolicy *" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8480 msgid "I agree with the storage and handling of my data by this website." msgstr "Jag samtycker till att mina uppgifter lagras och hanteras av denna webbplats." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8479 msgid "I agree with the storage and handling of my data by this website. - Privacy Policy *" msgstr "Jag samtycker till att mina uppgifter lagras och hanteras av denna webbplats. – Integritetspolicy *" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8471 msgid "Privacy" msgstr "Integritet" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8255 msgid "Keep me up to date!" msgstr "Håll mig uppdaterad!" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8250 msgid "If you want to keep up to date with what's happening on the blog, sign up for our newsletter!" msgstr "Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev om du vill hålla kolla på vad som händer i vår blogg!" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8249 msgid "Form Template Library: Newsletter Signup Form" msgstr "Formulärmallsbibliotek: Prenumerationsformulär för nyhetsbrev" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8243 msgid "Newsletter Signup Form" msgstr "Prenumerationsformulär för nyhetsbrev" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8242 msgid "Let users sign up to your newsletter" msgstr "Låt besökarna prenumerera på ditt nyhetsbrev" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8226 msgid "Thank you for making a gift certificate purchase! You should receive an email from us shortly with more information." msgstr "Tack för ditt köp av ett presentkort! Du bör få ett e-postmeddelande från oss inom kort med mer information." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8174 msgid "

Gift Certificate ID: 000GIFT{entry_id}

Dear {Name of Recipient (First):3.3},

We are delighted to send you this gift certificate worth {Gift Certificate Amount:9} from {Your Name (First):1.3} {Your Name (Last):1.6}.

Here's a message from them to you...

{Add a message to your gift certificate...:17}

We look forward to seeing you in-store to redeem your gift certificate!

" msgstr "

Presentkorts-ID: 000PRESENTKORT{entry_id}

Hej {Mottagarens namn (Förnamn):3.3},

Vi har glädjen att skicka dig detta presentkort med värdet {Presentkortsbelopp:9} från {Ditt namn (Förnamn):1.3} {Ditt Namn (Efternamn):1.6}.

Här är ett personligt meddelande från avsändaren …

{Lägg in ett meddelande i presentkortet …:17}

Välkommen till vår butik för att lösa in presentkortet!

" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8143 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8204 msgid "

Dear {Your Name (First):1.3}

Thank you for making a gift certificate purchase.

A {Gift Certificate Amount:9} gift certificate will now be emailed to {Name of Recipient (First):3.3} {Name of Recipient (Last):3.6}.

We will email you a receipt for your purchase shortly.

" msgstr "

Hej {Ditt namn (Förnamn):1.3}

Tack för ditt köp av ett presentkort.

Ett presentkort värt {presentkortsbelopp:9} kommer nu att skickas via e-post till {Mottagarens namn (Förnamn):3.3} {Mottagarens namn (Efternamn):3.6}.

Vi skickar dig snart ett kvitto på köpet.

" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7945 msgid "$100" msgstr "1000 SEK" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7939 msgid "$50" msgstr "500 SEK" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7933 msgid "$30" msgstr "300 SEK" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7907 msgid "Gift Certificate Amount" msgstr "Presentkortets belopp" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7863 msgid "Add a message to your gift certificate..." msgstr "Lägg till ett meddelande på ditt presentkort …" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7727 msgid "Address of Recipient" msgstr "Mottagarens adress" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7662 msgid "Email of Recipient" msgstr "Mottagarens e-postadress" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7558 msgid "Name of Recipient" msgstr "Mottagarens namn" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7516 msgid "Mail" msgstr "Post" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7501 msgid "How would you like the gift certificate delivered?" msgstr "Hur vill du att presentkortet levereras?" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7444 msgid "Your Email" msgstr "Din e-postadress" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7280 msgid "Buy Now" msgstr "Köp nu" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7275 msgid "Purchase a gift certificate today for your nearest and dearest..." msgstr "Köp ett presentkort nu till din nära och kära …" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7274 msgid "Gift Certificate Order Form" msgstr "Beställningsformulär för presentkort" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7268 msgid "Gift Certificate Form" msgstr "Presentkortsformulär" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7267 msgid "Allow your users to purchase a gift certificate" msgstr "Låt dina besökare köpa presentkort" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7243 msgid "

Hi there {Name (First):1.3},

Thank you for registering for our event. We look forward to seeing you!

" msgstr "

Hej {Namn (Förnamn):1.3},

Tack för din anmälan till vårt evenemang. Det ska bli trevligt att träffa dig!

" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7242 msgid "We have received your registration." msgstr "Din anmälan är registrerad." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7045 msgid "Number of tickets needed" msgstr "Antal begärda biljetter" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7016 msgid "VIP Ticket" msgstr "VIP-biljett" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7010 msgid "Premium Ticket" msgstr "Premiumbiljett" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7004 msgid "Early Bird Ticket" msgstr "Förköpsbiljett" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6977 msgid "Ticket Type" msgstr "Typ av biljett" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6841 msgid "Past Participant" msgstr "Deltagit tidigare" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6835 msgid "Refer a Friend" msgstr "Från en vän" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6829 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11151 msgid "Word of Mouth" msgstr "Via ett rykte" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6823 msgid "Google" msgstr "Google" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6817 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11139 msgid "Social Media" msgstr "Sociala medier" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6808 msgid "How did you hear about this event?" msgstr "Hur fick du kännedom om detta evenemang?" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6766 msgid "65+" msgstr "Över 65" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6736 msgid "16-24" msgstr "16–24" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6679 msgid "My gender isn't listed" msgstr "Mitt kön finns inte med i listan" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6673 msgid "Agender" msgstr "Agender" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6667 msgid "Non-binary" msgstr "Icke-binärt" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6603 msgid "Event Details" msgstr "Evenemangsuppgifter" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6204 msgid "Contact Details" msgstr "Kontaktinformation" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6142 msgid "Please complete this form to register for the event." msgstr "Fyll i detta formulär för att registrera dig till evenemanget." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6135 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6141 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9814 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9854 msgid "Event Registration Form" msgstr "Anmälningsformulär för evenemang" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6134 msgid "Let your users book tickets for an event" msgstr "Låt dina besökare boka biljetter till ett evenemang" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6111 msgid "

Hi {Name (First):1.3},

Thank you for submitting your application. We are in the process of reviewing it and will get in touch with you shortly.

" msgstr "

Hej {Namn (Förnamn):1.3},

Tack för din ansökan. Vi kommer att granska den och kontaktar dig inom kort.

" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6110 msgid "We have received your application." msgstr "Din ansökan är mottagen." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6098 msgid "Thank you for submitting your application! We will get in touch with you shortly." msgstr "Tack för din ansökan! Vi hör av oss inom kort." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5983 msgid "I agree to the terms and conditions." msgstr "Jag godkänner de allmänna villkoren." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5958 msgid "Terms and Conditions" msgstr "Allmänna villkor" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5918 msgid "Upload your resume in .pdf, .doc or .docx format" msgstr "Ladda upp ditt CV i något av formaten .pdf, .doc och .docx" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5911 msgid "Upload Your Resume" msgstr "Ladda upp ditt CV" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5867 msgid "Tell Us About Yourself" msgstr "Berätta om dig själv" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5824 msgid "More About You" msgstr "Mer information om dig" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5744 msgid "Position" msgstr "Position" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5738 msgid "Dates" msgstr "Datum" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5732 msgid "Employer" msgstr "Arbetsgivare" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5717 msgid "Please list your previous employers, the dates you worked and the position you held" msgstr "Ange dina tidigare arbetsgivare, mellan vilka datum du arbetade och vilken befattning du hade" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5710 msgid "Your Previous Employers" msgstr "Dina tidigare arbetsgivare" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5667 msgid "Previous Employment" msgstr "Tidigare anställning" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5597 msgid "Please tell us what hours you are available for work each day of the week." msgstr "Berätta under vilka timmar du är tillgänglig för arbete varje dag under veckan." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5590 msgid "Hours You Are Available for Work" msgstr "Tider du kan arbeta" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5546 msgid "Facilities Maintenance" msgstr "Fastighetsskötsel" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5540 msgid "Clerical/Accounting" msgstr "Kontorsarbete/redovisning" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5534 msgid "IT/Technical" msgstr "IT/teknik" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5465 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5508 msgid "Position You're Applying For" msgstr "Platsen du ansöker till" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5387 msgid "When is the best time for us to reach you via telephone?" msgstr "När är den bästa tiden för oss att kontakta dig via telefon?" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5380 msgid "Early Evening" msgstr "Tidig kväll" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5374 msgid "Late Afternoon" msgstr "Sen eftermiddag" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5368 msgid "Early Afternoon" msgstr "Tidig eftermiddag" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5362 msgid "Mornings" msgstr "Förmiddag" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5354 msgid "Best Time To Call You" msgstr "Bästa tiden att ringa dig" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5002 msgid "Your Personal Information" msgstr "Dina personuppgifter" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4994 msgid "Submit Application" msgstr "Skicka in ansökan" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4981 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4988 msgid "Employment Application Form" msgstr "Formulär för jobbansökan" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4980 msgid "Allow your users to apply for a job" msgstr "Låt dina användare skicka in jobbansökningar" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4117 msgid "To accept payments on this form you will need to install the PayPal Checkout payment add-on. Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form." msgstr "För att kunna ta emot betalningar via detta formulär behöver du installera utökningen för PayPal Checkout. Obs! Ta bort detta tips innan du publicerar formuläret." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4109 msgid "Next Steps: Install the PayPal Checkout Add-On" msgstr "Nästa steg: Installera utökningen för PayPal Checkout" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4086 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4093 msgid "A form that allows you to sell products and let your customers pay via PayPal" msgstr "Ett formulär för att sälja produkter och låta dina kunder betala via PayPal" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4085 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4092 msgid "PayPal Checkout Form" msgstr "Kassaformulär för PayPal" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3960 msgid "Card Details" msgstr "Kortuppgifter" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3254 msgid "To accept payments on this form you will need to install the Stripe payment add-on. Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form." msgstr "För att kunna ta emot betalningar via detta formulär behöver du installera utökningen för Stripe. Obs! Ta bort detta tips innan du publicerar formuläret." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3246 msgid "Next Steps: Install the Stripe Add-On" msgstr "Nästa steg: Installera utökningen för Stripe" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3223 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3230 msgid "A form that allows you to sell products and let your customers pay via Stripe" msgstr "Ett formulär för att sälja produkter och låta dina kunder betala via Stripe" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3222 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3229 msgid "Stripe Checkout Form" msgstr "Stripe-formulär för kassan" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3199 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4063 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4957 msgid "Thank you for shopping with us! Your payment was successfully completed." msgstr "Tack för att du handlar hos oss! Din betalning är genomförd." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3048 msgid "PayPal" msgstr "PayPal" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2962 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3876 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4739 msgid "Overnight Shipping" msgstr "Leverans nästa dag" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2956 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3870 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4733 msgid "Express Shipping" msgstr "Expressfrakt" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2950 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3864 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4727 msgid "Standard Shipping" msgstr "Standardfrakt" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2838 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3753 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4616 msgid "Shipping Address" msgstr "Leveransadress" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2751 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3666 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4529 msgid "Billing Address" msgstr "Faktureringsadress" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2459 msgid "Subtotal" msgstr "Delsumma" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2423 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3379 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4242 msgid "If you loved the first product, you're really going to love this one. Don't miss out, order yours while they're still in stock." msgstr "Om du gillade den första produkten kommer du att älska den här. Missa den inte. Beställ direkt medan vi fortfarande har den i lager." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2398 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3355 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4218 msgid "Another Amazing Product" msgstr "Ännu en fantastisk produkt" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2362 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3316 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4179 msgid "This is my super awesome product. It's the best, so everyone should buy it!" msgstr "Det här är min superhäftiga produkt. Den är allra bäst. Därför borde alla köpa den!" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2337 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3292 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4155 msgid "My Super Awesome Product" msgstr "Min superhäftiga produkt" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2297 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6164 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7297 msgid "To accept payments on this form you will need to install one of our payment add-ons. To learn more about your payment add-on options, visit the following page (https://www.gravityforms.com/blog/payment-add-ons). Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form." msgstr "För att kunna ta emot betalningar via detta formulär behöver du installera någon av våra betalningsutökningar. Du kan läsa mer om våra olika betalningsutökningar på följande sida (https://www.gravityforms.com/blog/payment-add-ons). Obs! Ta bort detta tips innan du publicerar formuläret." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2268 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2274 msgid "eCommerce Form" msgstr "e-butiksformulär" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2267 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2275 msgid "A form that allows you to sell products and let your customers pay via different payment gateways" msgstr "Ett formulär för att sälja produkter och låta kunderna betala via olika betalningsförmedlare" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2254 msgid "You have received a new donation." msgstr "Du har fått en ny donation." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2244 msgid "Thank you for your contribution! We appreciate your support." msgstr "Tack för ditt bidrag! Vi uppskattar ditt stöd." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2161 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3096 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7132 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8019 msgid "Replace this field with a field specific to your payment gateway whenever possible." msgstr "Ersätt om möjligt detta fält med ett som är specifikt för din betalningsförmedlare." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2057 msgid "Other Amount" msgstr "Valfritt belopp" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2030 msgid "Other amount" msgstr "Valfritt belopp" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2024 msgid "250 USD" msgstr "2500 SEK" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2018 msgid "50 USD" msgstr "500 SEK" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2012 msgid "10 USD" msgstr "100 SEK" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1995 msgid "Choose how much you would like to donate." msgstr "Välj hur stort belopp du vill donera." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1985 msgid "Donation Amount" msgstr "Gåvobelopp" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1767 msgid "To accept donations via this form you will need to install one of our payment add-ons. To learn more about your payment add-on options, visit the following page (https://www.gravityforms.com/blog/payment-add-ons). Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form." msgstr "För att kunna ta emot donationer via detta formulär behöver du installera någon av våra betalningsutökningar. Du kan läsa mer om våra olika betalningsutökningar på följande sida (https://www.gravityforms.com/blog/payment-add-ons). Obs! Ta bort detta tips innan du publicerar formuläret." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1758 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2288 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6155 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7288 msgid "Next Steps: Install a Payment Add-On" msgstr "Nästa steg: Installera en betalningsutökning" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1746 msgid "Help us provide care and support for vulnerable adults." msgstr "Hjälp oss att ge vård och stöd till utsatta vuxna." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1738 msgid "A donation form for multiple purposes" msgstr "Ett donationsformulär som kan användas för olika ändamål" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1725 msgid "Thank you for entering our competition! The winners will be contacted via email." msgstr "Tack för ditt tävlingsbidrag! Vi kommer att kontakta vinnarna via e-post." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1700 msgid "

Hi there {Name (First):1.3},

Thank you for getting in touch and entering our competition. Keep an eye on your inbox as winners will be contacted via email.

Good Luck!

" msgstr "

Hej {Namn (Förnamn):1.3},

Tack för att du kontaktade oss och anmälde dig till vår tävling. Håll ett öga på din e-post eftersom vinnarna kommer att kontaktas den vägen.

Lycka till!

" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1699 msgid "You have successfully entered our competition" msgstr "Nu deltar du i tävlingen" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1615 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5994 msgid "Terms and conditions placeholder." msgstr "Platshållare för de allmänna villkoren." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1604 msgid "I agree to the competition terms and conditions." msgstr "Jag godkänner tävlingsvillkoren." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1579 msgid "Competition Terms and Conditions" msgstr "Regler och villkor för tävlingen" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1537 msgid "Answer C" msgstr "Svar C" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1531 msgid "Answer B" msgstr "Svar B" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1525 msgid "Answer A" msgstr "Svar A" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1516 msgid "The answer is..." msgstr "Rätt svar är …" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1339 msgid "Enter!" msgstr "Delta!" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1334 msgid "Enter our competition today to be in with a chance of winning..." msgstr "Delta i vår tävling idag, med chans att vinna …" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1333 msgid "Form Template Library: Contest Entry Form" msgstr "Formulärmallsbibliotek: Formulär för tävlingsbidrag" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1327 msgid "Contest Entry Form" msgstr "Formulär för tävlingsbidrag" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1326 msgid "A form that allows your users to enter a contest" msgstr "Ett formulär som låter dina besökare delta i en tävling" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:339 msgid "Hi there {Name (First):1.3}. We received the following information from you and will respond to your inquiry as quickly as possible." msgstr "Hej {Namn (Förnamn):1.3}. Vi har tagit emot följande information från dig och kommer att besvara förfrågan så snart som möjligt." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:212 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Kommentarer" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:18 msgid "Please get in contact using the form below..." msgstr "Kontakta oss via nedanstående formulär …" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:17 msgid "Simple Contact Form" msgstr "Enkelt kontaktformulär" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5 msgid "A simple and basic contact form with only two fields" msgstr "Ett enkelt kontaktformulär med bara två fält" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:313 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1313 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1711 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3209 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4073 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4967 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6122 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7254 msgid "New submission from {form_title}" msgstr "Ny inskickning från {form_title}" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:302 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1302 msgid "

Hi there {Name (First):1.3},

Thank you for getting in touch. We have received your inquiry and will get back to you within one business day.

" msgstr "

Hej {Namn (Förnamn):1.3},

Tack för att du kontaktar oss. Vi har registrerat din förfrågan och återkommer till dig inom en arbetsdag.

" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:301 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1301 msgid "We have received your inquiry" msgstr "Vi har mottagit din förfrågan" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:326 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1291 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7232 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9138 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10238 msgid "Thank you for contacting us! We will get in touch with you shortly." msgstr "Tack för att du kontaktade oss! Vi kommer att höra av oss inom kort." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1189 msgid "Your Comments/Questions" msgstr "Dina kommentarer och frågor" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1146 msgid "What's on your mind?" msgstr "Vad har du på hjärtat?" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:237 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1145 msgid "Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away." msgstr "Berätta vad du vill. Om du undrar över något är det bara att fråga." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1089 msgid "11:30 pm" msgstr "23:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1085 msgid "11:00 pm" msgstr "23:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1081 msgid "10:30 pm" msgstr "22:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1077 msgid "10:00 pm" msgstr "22:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1073 msgid "9:30 pm" msgstr "21:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1069 msgid "9:00 pm" msgstr "21:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1065 msgid "8:30 pm" msgstr "20:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1061 msgid "8:00 pm" msgstr "20:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1057 msgid "7:30 pm" msgstr "19:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1053 msgid "7:00 pm" msgstr "19:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1049 msgid "6:30 pm" msgstr "18:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1045 msgid "6:00 pm" msgstr "18:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1041 msgid "5:30 pm" msgstr "17:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1037 msgid "5:00 pm" msgstr "17:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1033 msgid "4:30 pm" msgstr "16:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1029 msgid "4:00 pm" msgstr "16:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1025 msgid "3:30 pm" msgstr "15:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1021 msgid "3:00 pm" msgstr "15:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1017 msgid "2:30 pm" msgstr "14:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1013 msgid "2:00 pm" msgstr "14:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1009 msgid "1:30 pm" msgstr "13:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1005 msgid "1:00 pm" msgstr "13:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1001 msgid "12:30 pm" msgstr "12:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:997 msgid "12:00 pm" msgstr "12:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:993 msgid "11:30 am" msgstr "11:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:989 msgid "11:00 am" msgstr "11:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:985 msgid "10:30 am" msgstr "10:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:981 msgid "10:00 am" msgstr "10:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:977 msgid "9:30 am" msgstr "09:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:973 msgid "9:00 am" msgstr "09:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:969 msgid "8:30 am" msgstr "08:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:965 msgid "8:00 am" msgstr "08:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:961 msgid "7:30 am" msgstr "07:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:957 msgid "7:00 am" msgstr "07:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:953 msgid "6:30 am" msgstr "06:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:949 msgid "6:00 am" msgstr "06:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:945 msgid "5:30 am" msgstr "05:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:941 msgid "5:00 am" msgstr "05:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:937 msgid "4:30 am" msgstr "04:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:933 msgid "4:00 am" msgstr "04:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:929 msgid "3:30 am" msgstr "03:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:925 msgid "3:00 am" msgstr "03:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:921 msgid "2:30 am" msgstr "02:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:917 msgid "2:00 am" msgstr "02:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:913 msgid "1:30 am" msgstr "01:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:909 msgid "1:00 am" msgstr "01:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:905 msgid "12:30 am" msgstr "00:30" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:901 msgid "12:00 am" msgstr "00:00" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:897 msgid "Select A Time" msgstr "Välj tidpunkt" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:893 msgid "Best Time to Call You" msgstr "Bästa tiden att ringa dig" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:840 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5309 msgid "Your Phone" msgstr "Ditt telefonnummer" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:777 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5171 msgid "Your Email Address" msgstr "Din e-postadress" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:730 msgid "Preferred Method of Contact" msgstr "Föredragen kontaktväg" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:688 msgid "How Can We Reach You?" msgstr "Hur kan vi nå dig?" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:687 msgid "We would love to chat with you. How can we get in touch?" msgstr "Vi pratar gärna med dig. Hur kan vi nå dig?" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:628 msgid "Zip / Postal Code" msgstr "Postnummer" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:597 msgid "Your Address" msgstr "Din Adress" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:472 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5045 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7335 msgid "Your Name" msgstr "Ditt namn" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:428 msgid "About You" msgstr "Om dig" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:384 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8271 msgid "To get the most out of your form, we suggest that you sync this form with an email add-on. To learn more about your email add-on options, visit the following page (https://www.gravityforms.com/the-8-best-email-plugins-for-wordpress-in-2020/). Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form." msgstr "För största nytta av ditt formulär föreslår vi att du synkroniserar det via en utökning för e-post. Läs mer om våra alternativ för e-posttillägg på följande sida: (https://www.gravityforms.com/the-8-best-email-plugins-for-wordpress-in-2020). Obs! Ta bort detta tips innan du publicerar formuläret." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:375 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8263 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8624 msgid "Next Steps: Sync an Email Add-On" msgstr "Nästa steg: synkronisera en utökning för e-post" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:351 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:362 msgid "Advanced Contact Form" msgstr "Avancerat kontaktformulär" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:350 msgid "An advanced contact form." msgstr "Ett avancerat kontaktformulär." #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:112 msgid "Quickly create an amazing form by using a pre-made template, or start from scratch to tailor your form to your specific needs." msgstr "Skapa ett fantastiskt formulär på nolltid med en färdig mall eller skapa ett formulär från grunden och skräddarsy det efter dina specifika behov." #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:111 msgid "Explore Form Templates" msgstr "Utforska formulärmallar" #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:110 msgid "A form description goes here" msgstr "Här lägger du en beskrivning av formuläret" #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:109 msgid "A new blank form" msgstr "Ett nytt tomt formulär" #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:108 msgid "New Blank Form" msgstr "Nytt tomt formulär" #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:107 msgid "Create Blank Form" msgstr "Skapa ett tomt formulär" #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:106 msgid "Blank Form" msgstr "Tomt formulär" #. translators: title of template #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:104 msgid "Preview %s" msgstr "Förhandsgranska %s" #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:102 msgid "Close." msgstr "Stäng." #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:101 msgid "Import failed." msgstr "Importen misslyckades." #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:98 msgid "Please enter a valid form title." msgstr "Ange en giltig rubrik för formuläret." #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:97 msgid "Creating Form" msgstr "Att skapa ett formulär" #. translators: title of template #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:96 msgid "Use Template %s" msgstr "Använd mallen %s" #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:93 msgid "Use Template" msgstr "Använd mall" #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:91 msgid "Enter the form title" msgstr "Ange formulärets rubrik" #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:87 msgid "We believe there's a better way to manage your data and forms. Are you ready to create a form? Let's go!" msgstr "Vi tror att det finns ett bättre sätt att hantera dina data och formulär. Är du redo att skapa ett formulär? Då kör vi!" #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:84 msgid "Ready to get started?" msgstr "Är du redo att börja?" #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:20 msgid "4.7 Stars" msgstr "Betyg 4,7/5" #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:12 msgid "G2 logo" msgstr "G2-logga" #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:11 msgid "Read reviews of Gravity Forms on G2" msgstr "Läs recensioner av Gravity Forms på G2" #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:7 includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:90 msgid "Get Started" msgstr "Kom igång" #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:6 includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:89 msgid "Get started with a new form" msgstr "Kom igång med ett nytt formulär" #: includes/setup-wizard/endpoints/class-gf-setup-wizard-endpoint-save-prefs.php:135 msgid "Preferences updated." msgstr "Inställningarna har uppdaterats." #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:296 msgid "Accounting Software" msgstr "Redovisningsprogram" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:285 msgid "Anti Spam Services" msgstr "Tjänster för skydd mot skräppost" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:274 msgid "Payment Processor" msgstr "Betalningslösning" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:263 msgid "CRM" msgstr "CRM" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:252 msgid "Email Marketing Platform" msgstr "Plattform för e-postmarknadsföring" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:238 msgid "Nonprofit" msgstr "Ideell verksamhet" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:230 msgid "eCommerce" msgstr "e-handel" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:226 msgid "Enterprise" msgstr "Stora företag" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:222 msgid "Small/Medium Business" msgstr "Små/medelstora företag" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:218 msgid "Personal Business/Services" msgstr "Personlig företagsamhet/tjänster" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:214 msgid "Blog" msgstr "Blogg" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:181 msgid "Custom Form" msgstr "Anpassat formulär" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:170 msgid "Registration Form" msgstr "Registreringsformulär" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:159 msgid "Customer Service Form" msgstr "Kundtjänstformulär" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:148 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1739 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1745 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9799 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9836 msgid "Donation Form" msgstr "Donationsformulär" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:137 msgid "Subscription Form" msgstr "Prenumerationsformulär" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:126 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9789 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9824 msgid "Payment Form" msgstr "Betalningsformulär" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:115 msgid "Survey" msgstr "Enkät" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:104 msgid "Conversational Form" msgstr "Konversationsformulär" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:93 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9804 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9842 msgid "Contact Form" msgstr "Kontaktformulär" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:104 msgid "Watch the video below to help you get started with Gravity Forms, or jump straight in and begin your form building journey!" msgstr "Titta på nedanstående video för att se hur du kommer igång med Gravity Forms, eller gå direkt till att bygga dina formulär!" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:103 msgid "Ready to Create Your First Form?" msgstr "Är du redo att skapa ditt första formulär?" #. translators: placeholders are markup to create a link. #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:98 #: settings.php:646 msgid "We love improving the form building experience for everyone in our community. By enabling data collection, you can help us learn more about how our customers use Gravity Forms. %1$sLearn more...%2$s" msgstr "Vi vill verkligen förbättra upplevelsen av att bygga formulär för alla våra användare. Genom att aktivera datainsamling låter du oss få veta mer om hur våra kunder använder Gravity Forms. %1$sLäs mer …%2$s" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:96 msgid "Help Make Gravity Forms Better!" msgstr "Hjälp Gravity Forms att bli bättre!" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:91 msgid "Do you want to integrate your forms with any of these services?" msgstr "Vill du integrera dina formulär med någon av följande tjänster?" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:90 msgid "What types of forms do you want to create?" msgstr "Vilka typer av formulär tänker du skapa?" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:89 msgid "How would you best describe your website?" msgstr "Vilken beskrivning stämmer bäst för din webbplats?" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:88 msgid "Tell us about your site and how you’d like to use Gravity Forms." msgstr "Berätta om din webbplats och hur du tänker använda Gravity Forms." #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:87 msgid "Personalize your Gravity Forms experience" msgstr "Anpassa känslan hos din Gravity Forms-installation" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:83 msgid "We recommend you enable this feature to ensure Gravity Forms runs smoothly." msgstr "Vi rekommenderar att du aktiverar denna funktion för att Gravity Forms ska fungera smidigt." #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:82 msgid "Feature Disabled" msgstr "Funktion är inaktiverad" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:81 msgid "Recommended" msgstr "Rekommenderade" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:80 msgid "Enable automatic updates" msgstr "Aktivera automatiska uppdateringar" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:79 msgid "If you're installing Gravity Forms for a client, enable this setting to hide the license information." msgstr "Om du installerar Gravity Forms åt en kund kan du aktivera denna inställning för att dölja licensuppgifterna." #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:78 msgid "Hide license information" msgstr "Dölj licensinformationen" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:77 msgid "Configure Gravity Forms to work in the way that you want." msgstr "Konfigurera Gravity Forms så att det arbetar som du vill." #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:76 msgid "Let's get you set up!" msgstr "Låt oss konfigurera sitt system!" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:73 msgid "I agree to the handling and storage of my data and to receive marketing communications from Gravity Forms." msgstr "Jag samtycker till behandling och lagring av mina uppgifter och till att erhålla marknadsföringsmeddelanden från Gravity Forms." #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:72 msgid "Get the Discount" msgstr "Erhåll rabatten" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:71 msgid "Email address" msgstr "E-postadress" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:70 msgid "To continue installation enter your email below and get 20% off any new license." msgstr "Ange din e-postadress nedan för att fortsätta installationen och får 20 % rabatt en ny licens." #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:69 msgid "Get 20% Off Gravity Forms!" msgstr "Få 20 % rabatt på Gravity Forms!" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:68 msgid "Checking License" msgstr "Kontrollerar licensen" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:67 msgid "License Key Validated" msgstr "Licensnyckeln har validerats" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:66 msgid "Activate License" msgstr "Aktivera licens" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:65 msgid "Enter your license key below to enable Gravity Forms." msgstr "Mata in din licensnyckel nedan för att aktivera Gravity Forms." #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:64 msgid "Paste your license key here" msgstr "Klistra in din licensnyckel här" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:63 msgid "Enter License Key" msgstr "Ange licensnyckeln" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:62 msgid "Build custom business solutions" msgstr "Bygga anpassade affärslösningar" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:61 msgid "Accept online payments" msgstr "Ta emot betalningar över nätet" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:60 msgid "Create surveys and quizzes" msgstr "Skapa enkäter och kunskapsprov" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:59 msgid "Thank you for choosing Gravity Forms. We know you’re going to love our form builder and all it has to offer!" msgstr "Tack för att du valt Gravity Forms. Vi är säkra på att du kommer att älska vår formulärbyggare och alla dess möjligheter!" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:55 msgid "Toggle Fullscreen" msgstr "Växla till/från fullskärmsläge" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:54 msgid "Back To Dashboard" msgstr "Tillbaka till instrumentpanelen" #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:53 msgid "Invalid License Key" msgstr "Ogiltig licensnyckel" #: includes/settings/config/class-gf-settings-config-i18n.php:50 msgid "Replace" msgstr "Ersätt" #: includes/settings/config/class-gf-settings-config-i18n.php:49 msgid "or" msgstr "eller" #: includes/settings/config/class-gf-settings-config-i18n.php:48 msgid "max." msgstr "max." #: includes/settings/config/class-gf-settings-config-i18n.php:47 msgid "or drag and drop" msgstr "eller dra och släpp" #: includes/settings/config/class-gf-settings-config-i18n.php:46 msgid "Click to upload" msgstr "Klicka för att ladda upp" #: includes/settings/config/class-gf-settings-config-i18n.php:41 msgid "swatch" msgstr "swatch" #: includes/settings/config/class-gf-settings-config-i18n.php:36 msgid "Hex" msgstr "Hex" #: includes/license/class-gf-license-api-response.php:43 #: includes/setup-wizard/endpoints/class-gf-setup-wizard-endpoint-validate-license.php:45 msgid "The license is invalid." msgstr "Licensen är ogiltig" #: includes/honeypot/class-gf-honeypot-handler.php:45 msgid "Failed Honeypot Validation." msgstr "Klarade inte honeypot-kontrollen." #: includes/honeypot/class-gf-honeypot-handler.php:45 msgid "Honeypot Spam Filter" msgstr "Honeypot för skräppostfiltrering" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-list.php:230 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Ta bort" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:34 msgid "Su" msgstr "Sö" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:33 msgid "Sa" msgstr "Lö" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:32 msgid "Fr" msgstr "Fr" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:31 msgid "Th" msgstr "To" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:30 msgid "We" msgstr "On" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:29 msgid "Tu" msgstr "Ti" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:28 msgid "Mo" msgstr "Må" #: includes/api.php:1841 msgid "Field does not support validation." msgstr "Fältet saknar stöd för validering." #: includes/api.php:1836 msgid "Field not found." msgstr "Fältet hittats inte." #: gravityforms.php:1831 msgid "Help - Gravity Forms" msgstr "Hjälp – Gravity Forms" #: gravityforms.php:1826 msgid "System Status - Gravity Forms" msgstr "Systemstatus – Gravity Forms" #: gravityforms.php:1820 msgid "Add-Ons - Gravity Forms" msgstr "Utökningar – Gravity Forms" #: gravityforms.php:1814 msgid "Import/Export - Gravity Forms" msgstr "Import/export – Gravity Forms" #: gravityforms.php:1809 msgid "Settings - Gravity Forms" msgstr "Inställningar – Gravity Forms" #: gravityforms.php:1795 msgid "Entries - Gravity Forms" msgstr "Poster – Gravity Forms" #: gravityforms.php:1790 msgid "New Form - Gravity Forms" msgstr "Nytt formulär – Gravity Forms" #: gravityforms.php:1785 msgid "Forms - Gravity Forms" msgstr "Formulär – Gravity Forms" #: form_settings.php:538 msgid "Create an entry and mark it as spam" msgstr "Skapa en post och markera den som skräppost" #: form_settings.php:534 msgid "Do not create an entry" msgstr "Skapa inte någon post" #: form_settings.php:523 msgid "If the honeypot flags a submission as spam:" msgstr "Om honeypot-funktionen markerar en inlämning som skräppost:" #: form_settings.php:317 msgid "Save & Continue" msgstr "Spara och fortsätt" #. translators: Variable is a complete sentence containing the reason the entry #. was marked as spam. #: form_display.php:2005 msgid "Reason: %s" msgstr "Orsak: %s" #: form_display.php:2002 msgid "This entry has been flagged as spam." msgstr "Denna post har markerats som skräppost." #: form_display.php:2001 msgid "Spam Filter" msgstr "Skräppostfilter" #: common.php:4486 msgid "Akismet Spam Filter" msgstr "Akismet skräppostfilter" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:966 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1040 msgid "U.S. Virgin Islands" msgstr "Amerikanska Jungfruöarna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:859 msgid "Viet Nam" msgstr "Vietnam" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:845 msgid "Türkiye" msgstr "Turkiet" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:837 msgid "Tanzania, the United Republic of" msgstr "Tanzania (Förenade republiken)" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:834 msgid "Syria Arab Republic" msgstr "Syriska arabrepubliken" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:831 msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" msgstr "Svalbard och Jan Mayen" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:825 msgctxt "Country" msgid "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" msgstr "Sydgeorgien och Sydsandwichöarna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:804 msgid "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha" msgstr "Saint Helena, Ascension och Tristan da Cunha" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:801 msgid "Russian Federation" msgstr "Ryska federationen" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:782 msgid "North Macedonia" msgstr "Nordmakedonien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:737 msgid "Korea, Republic of" msgstr "Sydkorea" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:736 msgid "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of" msgstr "Nordkorea" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:715 msgid "Heard Island and McDonald Islands" msgstr "Heard- och McDonaldöarna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:688 msgid "Eswatini" msgstr "Swaziland (Eswatini)" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:677 msgid "Czechia" msgstr "Tjeckien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:669 msgid "Congo" msgstr "Kongo" #: form_detail.php:1597 msgid "Domestic Partnership" msgstr "sambo" #: form_detail.php:1597 msgid "Separated" msgstr "skild" #. Translators: This string is a list of genders. If the language you are #. translating into doesn't have equivalents, just provide a list with as many #. or few genders as your language has. #: form_detail.php:1586 msgid "Male, Female, Non-binary, Agender, My gender is not listed, Prefer not to answer" msgstr "man, kvinna, icke-binär, övrigt, föredrar att inte svara" #. Translators: This string is a list of name prefixes/honorifics. If the #. language you are translating into doesn't have equivalents, just provide a #. list with as many or few prefixes as your language has. #: common.php:5477 msgid "Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms., Mx., Dr., Prof., Rev." msgstr "Herr, Fru, Frk., Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms., Dr, Prof." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:982 msgid "Table has incorrect auto-increment settings." msgstr "Tabellen har felaktiga inställningar för auto-inkrementering." #. Translators: plural post type name (e.g. 'post's). #: includes/settings/fields/class-post-select.php:158 msgid "Search all %s" msgstr "Sök alla %s" #: includes/settings/fields/class-post-select.php:51 msgid "The requested post type %s does not exist." msgstr "Den begärda posttypen, %s, finns inte." #: includes/form-editor/save-form/config/class-gf-form-editor-form-save-config.php:37 msgid "Request failed due to a network error. Please check your internet connection." msgstr "Begäran misslyckades på grund av ett nätverksfel. Kontrollera din internetuppkoppling." #: includes/api.php:1869 msgid "Your form doesn't have any fields." msgstr "Ditt formulär innehåller inga fält." #: includes/api.php:1759 msgid "You must be logged in to use this form." msgstr "Du måste vara inloggad för att kunna använda detta formulär." #. Translators: 1. Opening tag with link to the form export page, 2. #. closing tag, 3. Opening tag for documentation link, 4. Closing #. tag. #: form_detail.php:3254 msgid "If you continue to encounter this error, you can %1$sexport your form%2$s to include in your support request. You can also disable AJAX saving for this form. %3$sLearn more%4$s." msgstr "Om detta fel kvarstår kan du %1$sexportera formuläret%2$s för att inkludera det i din supportförfrågan. Du kan också inaktivera inlämning via AJAX för formuläret. %3$sLäs mer%4$s." #: form_detail.php:392 msgid "Search a form field by name" msgstr "Sök ett formulärfält via dess namn" #: includes/form-editor/save-form/config/class-gf-form-editor-form-save-config.php:46 msgid "Save Error." msgstr "Fel vid spara." #: includes/form-editor/save-form/config/class-gf-form-editor-form-save-config.php:43 #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:52 #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:94 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:133 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/copy-paste-styles.js:128 msgid "Close" msgstr "Stäng" #: js.php:1619 msgid "If a valid image url is not present a text-only submit button will be used." msgstr "Om det inte finns någon giltig bild-URL kommer en inskickningsknapp med enbart text att användas." #: js.php:1618 msgid "The submit button can't be placed inline on multi-page forms." msgstr "Det går inte att placera inskickningsknappen inline i formulär som omfattar flera sidor." #: js.php:1531 msgid "The image button is not accessible for users who rely on a screen reader. Please use a text button to improve the accessibility of your form." msgstr "Knappen med bild är inte tillgänglig för dem som använder skärmläsare. Använd en textknapp för att förbättra tillgängligheten hos ditt formulär." #: includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:28 includes/splash-page/gf_splash.php:65 msgid "Read More" msgstr "Läs mer" #: includes/splash-page/class-gf-splash-page.php:166 msgid "About %s" msgstr "Om %s" #: includes/splash-page/class-gf-splash-page.php:112 msgid "About" msgstr "Allmänna uppgifter" #: includes/settings/config/class-gf-settings-config-i18n.php:28 msgid "Loading" msgstr "Laddar" #: includes/save-form/endpoints/class-gf-save-form-endpoint-admin.php:190 msgid "Please enter a unique form title, this title is used for an existing form." msgstr "Ange en unik rubrik för formuläret. Denna rubrik används för ett befintligt formulär." #: includes/orders/summaries/views/view-order-summary.php:48 #: includes/orders/summaries/views/view-pricing-fields-html.php:44 #: includes/orders/summaries/views/view-pricing-fields-text.php:23 msgid "Sub Total" msgstr "Delsumma" #: includes/orders/factories/class-gf-order-factory.php:188 #: includes/orders/factories/class-gf-order-factory.php:202 msgid "Free Trial" msgstr "Kostnadsfri provperiod" #: includes/orders/factories/class-gf-order-factory.php:136 msgid "Trial Discount" msgstr "Rabatterad provperiod" #: includes/merge-tags/config/class-gf-merge-tags-config-i18n.php:28 msgid "Search Merge Tags" msgstr "Sök kopplingstaggar" #: includes/form-editor/save-form/config/class-gf-form-editor-form-save-config.php:41 msgid "Saved" msgstr "Sparat" #: includes/form-editor/save-form/config/class-gf-form-editor-form-save-config.php:38 msgid "Form was updated successfully." msgstr "Formuläret har uppdaterats." #: includes/form-editor/save-form/config/class-gf-form-editor-form-save-config.php:36 msgid "An error occurred while saving the form." msgstr "Ett fel inträffade när formuläret skulle sparas." #: includes/form-editor/choices-ui/config/class-gf-choices-ui-config-i18n.php:34 msgid "Expand the Choices window" msgstr "Expandera fönstret för alternativ" #: includes/form-editor/choices-ui/config/class-gf-choices-ui-config-i18n.php:32 msgid "Define the choices for this field. If the field type supports it you will also be able to select the default choice(s) to the left of the choice." msgstr "Definiera alternativen för detta fält. Om fältet har stöd för det kan du även till vänster om alternativen välja vilket eller vilka alternativ som är valda som standard." #: includes/embed-form/dom/class-gf-embed-button.php:21 msgid "Embed" msgstr "Bädda in" #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config.php:180 msgid "Post" msgstr "Inlägg" #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:60 msgid "%1$sLearn more%2$s about the shortcode." msgstr "%1$sLäs mer%2$s om kortkoden." #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:59 msgid "Copied" msgstr "Kopierad" #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:58 msgid "Copy Shortcode" msgstr "Kopiera kortkod" #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:57 msgid "Copy and paste the shortcode within your page builder." msgstr "Du kan kopiera och klistra in kortkoden i din sidbyggare." #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:56 msgid "Not Using the Block Editor?" msgstr "Använder du inte blockredigeraren?" #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:55 msgid "Close this dialog and return to form editor." msgstr "Stäng denna dialogruta och återgå till formulärredigeraren." #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:52 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "Spara ändringar" #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:51 msgid "Oops! You have unsaved changes in the form, before you can continue with embedding it please save your changes." msgstr "Ojdå! Du har gjort ändringar i formuläret som inte är sparade. Innan du kan fortsätta med inbäddningen behöver du spara dina ändringar." #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:50 msgid "Unsaved Changes" msgstr "Osparade ändringar" #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:49 msgid "Create" msgstr "Skapa" #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:48 msgid "Enter %s Name" msgstr "Ange namn för %s" #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:47 msgid "%1$sCreate New:%2$s %3$s" msgstr "%1$sSkapa ny:%2$s %3$s" #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:46 msgid "Create New" msgstr "Skapa ny" #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:44 msgid "Search all %ss" msgstr "Sök bland alla objekt av %s" #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:43 msgid "Select a post" msgstr "Välj ett inlägg" #. Translators: singular post type name (e.g. 'post'). #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:42 #: includes/settings/fields/class-post-select.php:139 msgid "Select a %s" msgstr "Välj ett %s-objekt" #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:41 msgid "%1$sAdd to Existing Content:%2$s %3$s" msgstr "%1$sLägg till i befintligt innehåll:%2$s %3$s" #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:40 msgid "Add to Existing Content" msgstr "Lägg till i befintligt innehåll" #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:39 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:759 msgid "Form ID: %s" msgstr "Formulär-ID: %s" #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:38 msgid "Embed Form" msgstr "Bädda in formulär" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-block-editor.php:32 msgid "Click or drag the Gravity Forms Block into the page to insert the form you selected. %1$sLearn More.%2$s" msgstr "Klicka på Gravity Forms-blocket eller dra det till den sida där du vill infoga ditt valda formulär. %1$sLäs mer.%2$s" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-block-editor.php:31 msgid "Add Block To Page" msgstr "Lägg till ett block på sidan" #: form_settings.php:301 msgid "Form button settings are now located in the form editor! To edit the button settings, go to the form editor and click on the submit button." msgstr "Inställningarna för formulärknappar finns nu i formulärredigeraren! Gå till formulärredigeraren och klicka på inskickningsknappen för att ändra inställningarna för knappen." #: form_detail.php:3299 form_settings.php:683 msgid "Learn more about form legacy markup" msgstr "Läs mer om stöd för äldre kodning av formulär" #: form_detail.php:3294 msgid "This form has legacy markup enabled, which may prevent some new features from functioning." msgstr "För detta formulär är stöd för äldre kodning aktiverat. Detta kan leda till att vissa nya funktioner inte fungerar." #: form_detail.php:2620 msgid "Enable Submit Button Conditional Logic" msgstr "Villkorad logik för aktivering av inskickningsknapp" #: form_detail.php:2218 msgid "End of the last row" msgstr "Slutet av den sista raden" #: form_detail.php:2215 msgid "End of the form" msgstr "Slutet på formuläret" #: form_detail.php:2211 msgid "Submit Button Location" msgstr "Placering av inskickningsknapp" #: form_detail.php:2194 msgid "Fill Container" msgstr "Fyll behållaren" #: form_detail.php:2191 msgid "Auto" msgstr "Auto" #: form_detail.php:2187 msgid "Submit Button Width" msgstr "Bredd hos inskickningsknapp" #: form_detail.php:1568 msgid "Add Bulk Choices" msgstr "Lägg till alternativ för massval" #: form_detail.php:1534 msgid "Edit Choices" msgstr "Redigera alternativ" #: form_detail.php:620 msgid "Submit Button Image URL" msgstr "URL för bild på inskickningsknapp" #: form_detail.php:614 msgid "Submit Button Text" msgstr "Text på inskickningsknapp" #: form_detail.php:602 msgid "Submit Input Type" msgstr "Typ av kontroll för att skicka" #: form_detail.php:242 #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:53 #: includes/form-editor/save-form/config/class-gf-form-editor-form-save-config.php:39 msgid "Saving" msgstr "Sparar" #: common.php:5441 #: includes/merge-tags/config/class-gf-merge-tags-config-i18n.php:27 msgid "Insert Merge Tags" msgstr "Infoga kopplingstaggar" #: common.php:5405 msgid "Submit Button" msgstr "Inskickningsknapp" #: common.php:5380 msgid "The submit button for this form" msgstr "Inskickningsknappen för detta formulär" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:262 msgid "Do not close or navigate away from this page until the upgrade is 100% complete." msgstr "Stäng inte detta fönster och lämna inte denna sida förrän uppgraderingen är 100 % klar." #: common.php:5392 msgid "Configure" msgstr "Konfigurera" #: includes/license/class-gf-license-api-response.php:321 msgid "Does not expire" msgstr "Utan slutdatum" #: settings.php:752 msgid "Days Left" msgstr "Återstående dagar" #: settings.php:762 settings.php:788 msgid "License Activations" msgstr "Aktivering av licensen" #: settings.php:761 settings.php:785 msgid "Purchase Date" msgstr "Inköpsdatum" #: settings.php:760 settings.php:772 msgid "License Status" msgstr "Licensstatus" #: settings.php:759 settings.php:769 msgid "License Type" msgstr "Licenstyp" #: settings.php:735 msgid "Please enter a valid license key to see details." msgstr "Ange en giltig licensnyckel för att se uppgifterna." #: settings.php:480 msgid "Your License Details" msgstr "Dina licensuppgifter" #: settings.php:443 msgid "Your license key was not updated. " msgstr "Din licensnyckel uppdaterades inte" #. translators: %1s and %2s are link tag markup #: includes/license/class-gf-license-statuses.php:59 msgid "This license key has expired; please visit your %1$sGravity Forms account%2$s to manage your license." msgstr "Den här licensnyckeln har gått ut. Gå till ditt %1$sGravity Forms-konto%2$s för att hantera licensen." #: includes/license/class-gf-license-statuses.php:56 msgid "This license key does not support multisite installations. Please use a different license." msgstr "Denna licensnyckel stöder inte nätverksinstallationer. Välj en annan licens." #: includes/license/class-gf-license-statuses.php:55 msgid "This license key has already been activated on its maximum number of sites; please upgrade your license." msgstr "Denna licensnyckel har redan aktiverats på maximalt tillåtet antal webbplatser. Du behöver uppgradera licensen." #. translators: %1s and %2s are link tag markup #: includes/license/class-gf-license-statuses.php:51 msgid "The license key entered has been revoked; please check its status in your %1$sGravity Forms account.%2$s" msgstr "Den angivna licensnyckeln har återkallats. Kontrollera dess status i ditt %1$sGravity Forms-konto%2$s." #. translators: %1s and %2s are link tag markup #: includes/license/class-gf-license-statuses.php:42 msgid "The license key entered is incorrect; please visit the %1$sGravity Forms website%2$s to verify your license." msgstr "Den angivna licensnyckeln är felaktig. Gå till webbplatsen %1$sGravity Forms%2$s för att kontrollera licensen." #: includes/license/class-gf-license-api-response.php:306 msgid "Renews On" msgstr "Förnyas den" #: includes/license/class-gf-license-api-response.php:309 msgid "Expires On" msgstr "Löper ut den" #: includes/license/class-gf-license-api-response.php:299 msgid "Expired On" msgstr "Löpte ut den" #: includes/license/class-gf-license-api-response.php:229 #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:113 msgid "Upgrade" msgstr "Uppgradera" #: includes/license/class-gf-license-api-response.php:222 msgid "Manage" msgstr "Hantera" #: includes/license/class-gf-license-api-response.php:147 msgid "Sites Exceeded" msgstr "Antalet webbplatser överskridet" #: includes/license/class-gf-license-api-response.php:154 msgid "Expired" msgstr "Utgången" #: includes/license/class-gf-license-api-response.php:152 msgid "Invalid" msgstr "Ogiltig" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1259 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1266 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1279 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1342 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1350 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1524 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1525 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1540 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1541 msgid "by" msgstr "av" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-captcha.php:368 msgid "Enter your reCAPTCHA site and secret keys in the %sreCAPTCHA Settings%s." msgstr "Ange din webbplatsnyckel och hemliga nyckel för reCAPTCHA under %sinställningarna för reCAPTCHA%s." #: form_detail.php:3265 form_detail.php:3266 form_detail.php:3383 #: form_detail.php:3384 msgid "Dismiss notification" msgstr "Avfärda aviseringen" #: form_detail.php:228 form_detail.php:239 #: includes/form-editor/save-form/config/class-gf-form-editor-form-save-config.php:40 msgid "Save Form" msgstr "Spara formuläret" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:54 msgid "Select date" msgstr "Välj datum" #: common.php:4116 msgid "Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons." msgstr "Av säkerhetsskäl är denna filtyp inte tillåten." #: common.php:4113 msgid "Sorry, this file extension is not permitted for security reasons." msgstr "Av säkerhetsskäl är denna filändelse inte tillåten." #: common.php:4108 msgid "There was an problem while verifying your file." msgstr "Ett problem inträffade när din fil skulle verifieras." #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:472 msgid "Full Name" msgstr "Fullständigt namn" #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:462 msgid "Full Address" msgstr "Fullständig adress" #: gravityforms.php:6192 msgid "If you currently have a support ticket open, please do not disable logging until the Support Team has reviewed your logs. " msgstr "Om du för närvarande har ett öppet supportärende ber vi dig att inte stänga av loggningen förrän supportteamet har granskat loggarna. " #: common.php:5399 msgid "Adding conditional logic to the form submit button could cause usability problems for some users and negatively impact the accessibility of your form. Learn more about button conditional logic in our %1$sdocumentation%2$s." msgstr "Om du lägger till villkorsstyrd logik i formulärets insändningsknapp kan detta orsaka användbarhetsproblem för vissa användare och försämra formulärets tillgänglighet. Läs mer om villkorsstyrd logik för knappar i vår %1$sdokumentation%2$s." #. translators: %d: The ID of the currently logged in user. #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1668 msgid "User (ID: %d) Locale" msgstr "Användarens (ID: %d) språkversion" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1659 msgid "Site Locale" msgstr "Webbplatsens språkversion" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:379 msgid "Translations" msgstr "Översättningar" #: gravityforms.php:6195 msgid "Once troubleshooting is complete, %1$sclick here to disable logging and permanently delete your log files.%2$s " msgstr "%1$sKlicka här för att inaktivera loggning och permanent radera dina loggfiler%2$s när felsökningen är avslutad." #: gravityforms.php:6193 msgid "Since logs may contain sensitive information, please ensure that you only leave it enabled for as long as it is needed for troubleshooting. " msgstr "Eftersom loggfilerna kan innehålla känslig information bör man se till att loggning bara är aktiverad så länge som krävs för felsökning. " #: gravityforms.php:6191 msgid "Gravity Forms logging is currently enabled. " msgstr "För närvarande är loggning aktiverad i Gravity Forms. " #: js.php:1530 msgid "Hiding the label can make it difficult for users to fill out your form. Please keep the label visible to improve the accessibility of your form." msgstr "Om du döljer etiketten kan det bli svårt för användare att fylla i formuläret. Låt etiketten vara synlig för att förbättra formulärets tillgänglighet." #: js.php:1528 msgid "The datepicker is not accessible for users who rely on the keyboard or screen reader. Please select a different input type to improve the accessibility of your form." msgstr "Datumväljaren är inte tillgänglig för användare som navigerar med tangentbordet eller använder skärmläsaren. Välj en annan typ av inmatningsfält för att förbättra formulärets tillgänglighet." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field.php:1635 msgid "jump to this field's settings" msgstr "hoppa till inställningarna för detta fält" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field.php:1611 msgid "delete this field" msgstr "ta bort detta fält" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field.php:1584 msgid "duplicate this field" msgstr "duplicera detta fält" #. translators: %s is replaced with a numeric string representing the maximum #. number of files #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:275 msgid "Max. files: %s" msgstr "Max antal filer: %s" #. translators: %s is replaced with a numeric string representing the maximum #. file size #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:270 msgid "Max. file size: %s" msgstr "Max filstorlek: %s" #. translators: {field_title} and {field_type} should not be translated , they #. are variables #: common.php:5458 msgid "{field_label} - {field_type}, jump to this field's settings" msgstr "{field_label} – {field_type}, hoppa till inställningarna för detta fält" #: common.php:5418 msgid "This form has legacy markup enabled and doesn’t support field resizing within the editor. Please disable legacy markup in the form settings to enable live resizing." msgstr "I detta formulär är stöd för bakåtkompatibel kod aktiverat, så det går inte att ändra fältets storlek i redigeraren. Inaktivera stödet för bakåtkompatibel kod i formulärinställningarna för att möjliggöra direkt storleksändring." #: js.php:429 msgid "is no longer necessary." msgstr "är inte längre nödvändigt." #: gravityforms.php:4812 msgid "Search for form" msgstr "Söka efter formulär" #: gravityforms.php:4808 msgid "Search forms" msgstr "Sök formulär" #: gravityforms.php:4788 msgid "Select a different form" msgstr "Välj ett annat formulär" #: tooltips.php:147 msgid "Click the file selection button to upload a Gravity Forms export file from your computer. Please make sure your file has the .json extension, and that it was generated by the Gravity Forms Export tool." msgstr "Klicka på knappen för val av filer om du vill ladda upp en exportfil från Gravity Forms från din dator. Kontrollera att filen har filändelsen .json och att den skapats av exportverktyget i Gravity Forms." #: form_detail.php:3301 form_detail.php:3378 form_settings.php:685 msgid "Learn More" msgstr "Läs mer" #: form_detail.php:3376 js.php:429 msgid "Working with Columns in the Form Editor in Gravity Forms 2.5" msgstr "Att arbeta med kolumner i Gravity Forms 2.5 formulärredigerare" #: form_detail.php:3370 msgid "This form uses deprecated Ready Classes. Adding columns is easier than ever with the new Drag and Drop Layout Editor." msgstr "Detta formulär använder ”Färdiga klasser” (Ready Classes), som är föråldrade. Nu är det enklare än någonsin att lägga till kolumner med den nya layouredigeringen med dra-och-släpp." #: export.php:359 msgid "Select the Gravity Forms export files you would like to import. Please make sure your files have the .json extension, and that they were generated by the %sGravity Forms Export form%s tool. When you click the import button below, Gravity Forms will import the forms." msgstr "Välj vilka exportfiler från Gravity Forms du vill importera. Kontrollera att filerna har filändelsen .json och att de är genererade av verktyget %sGravity Forms formulärexport%s. När du klickar på importknappen nedan kommer Gravity Forms att importera formulären." #: export.php:334 msgid "Forms could not be imported. Please make sure your files have the .json extension, and that they were generated by the %sGravity Forms Export form%s tool." msgstr "Formulären kunde inte importeras. Kontrollera att filnamnen slutar på .json och att de är skapade av med hjälp av verktyget %sGravity Forms formulärexport%s." #: forms_model.php:6946 msgid "The link was sent to the following email address:" msgstr "Länken har skickats till följande e-postadress:" #: forms_model.php:6945 msgid "Success!" msgstr "Klart!" #: forms_model.php:6929 msgid "Enter your email address if you would like to receive the link via email." msgstr "Ange din e-postadress om du vill få länken via e-post." #: forms_model.php:6928 msgid "Note: This link will expire after 30 days." msgstr "Obs: Länken fungerar i 30 dagar." #: forms_model.php:6927 msgid "Please use the following link to return and complete this form from any computer." msgstr "Använd följande länk för att komma tillbaka till detta formulär senare och fortsätta fylla i det från valfri dator." #: forms_model.php:6926 msgid "Link to continue editing later" msgstr "Länk för att fortsätta redigera senare" #: js.php:429 js.php:1547 js.php:1596 msgid "Learn more" msgstr "Läs mer" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:891 msgid "REST API v2" msgstr "REST-API v2" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:616 msgid "Database Management System" msgstr "Databashanteringssystem" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:612 msgid "Database Server" msgstr "Databasserver" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:414 msgid "REST API Base URL" msgstr "Bas-URL för REST-API" #: forms_model.php:8218 msgid "Feed meta should be an associative array or JSON" msgstr "Meta-data för ett flöde ska vara en associativ matris eller JSON" #: forms_model.php:8205 msgid "%s is not a valid feed property" msgstr "%s är inte en giltig egenskap för ett flöde" #: forms_model.php:8201 msgid "Updating the id property is not supported" msgstr "Stöd saknas för att uppdatera ID-egenskapen" #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-feed-properties.php:114 msgid "The position of the feed on the feeds list page and when processed; for add-ons which support feed ordering." msgstr "Flödets plats på sidan med listan över flöden och vid bearbetning. För utökningar med stöd för sortering av flöden." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-feed-properties.php:110 msgid "Indicates if the feed is active or inactive." msgstr "Anger om flödet är aktivt eller inte." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-feed-properties.php:70 #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-feeds.php:173 msgid "Invalid JSON. Properties should be sent as key value pairs." msgstr "Ogiltig JSON-fil. Egenskaper ska skickas som par av nyckel+värde." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-feed-properties.php:55 msgid "Feed updated successfully" msgstr "Flödet har uppdaterats." #. Translators: link to the "Edit Post" page for this post. #: common.php:3819 msgid "You can edit this post from the post page." msgstr "Du kan redigera denna post i postens sida." #: form_detail.php:285 msgid "Hmmm, you seem to be using an unsupported browser. To get the most out of the Gravity Forms editing experience you’ll need to switch to a supported browser." msgstr "Hmmm, du verkar använda en webbläsare som inte stöds. För att få ut det mesta av redigeringsupplevelsen i Gravity Forms bör du byta till en webbläsare som stöds." #: form_detail.php:280 msgid "Browser Icon" msgstr "Ikon för webbläsaren" #. translators: %1$s represents the missing table, %2$s is the opening link #. tag, %3$s is the closing link tag. #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1068 msgid "The table `%1$s` does not exist. Please visit the %2$sForms > System Status%3$s page and click the \"Re-run database upgrade\" link (under the Database section) to create the missing table." msgstr "Tabellen ”%1$s” finns inte. Besök sidan %2$sFormulär > Systemstatus%3$s och klicka på länken ”Kör databasuppgraderingen igen” (under avsnittet Databas) för att skapa den saknade tabellen." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:3429 msgid "Update Settings" msgstr "Uppdatera inställningar" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-email.php:105 msgid "The email address entered is invalid, please check the formatting (e.g. email@domain.com)." msgstr "Angiven e-postadressen är ogiltig. Kontrollera formateringen (exempelvis. namn@foretagsnamn.se)." #. Translators: comma-separated list of the labels of missing fields. #: includes/fields/class-gf-field.php:881 msgid "Please complete the following fields: %s." msgstr "Fyll i följande fält: %s." #: js.php:618 msgid "You are about to move this form to the trash. 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to move to trash." msgstr "Du är på väg att kasta detta formulär i papperskorgen. ”Avbryt” för att låta bli, ”OK” för att kasta." #: common.php:5508 msgid "remove this rule" msgstr "ta bort denna regel" #: common.php:5507 msgid "add another rule" msgstr "lägg till ännu en regel" #: common.php:5394 msgid "Conditional logic allows you to change what the user sees depending on the fields they select." msgstr "Med villkorlig logik kan du ändra vad användaren ser beroende på vilka fält hen har valt." #: common.php:5372 msgid "Column" msgstr "Kolumn" #: form_detail.php:417 msgid "Drag a field to the left to start building your form and then start configuring it." msgstr "Dra ett fält åt vänster för att börja skapa formuläret. Sedan kan du konfigurera det." #: form_detail.php:333 msgid "Simply drag and drop the fields or elements you want in this form." msgstr "Du kan helt enkelt dra och släppa de fält eller element du vill använda i detta formulär." #: form_detail.php:181 msgid "Return to form list" msgstr "Återgå till formulärlistan" #: entry_list.php:265 msgid "Full Width" msgstr "Fullbredd" #: entry_list.php:219 msgid "Display Mode" msgstr "Visningsläge" #: help.php:85 msgid "Discover the Gravity Forms API" msgstr "Upptäck API:et för Gravity Forms" #: help.php:38 msgid "Search Our Documentation" msgstr "Sök i vår dokumentation" #: help.php:33 msgid "Please review the %sdocumentation%s first. If you still can't find the answer %sopen a support ticket%s and we will be happy to answer your questions and assist you with any problems." msgstr "Börja med att läsa %sdokumentationen%s först. Om du fortfarande inte hittar svaret kan du %söppna ett supportärende%s så svarar vi gärna på dina frågor och hjälper dig med eventuella problem." #: help.php:30 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9044 msgid "How can we help you?" msgstr "Vad vill du ha hjälp med?" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field.php:1658 msgid "Move" msgstr "Flytta" #: includes/api.php:2190 msgid "The %s table does not exist." msgstr "Tabellen %s finns inte." #: settings.php:335 msgid "%s uninstalled. It can be re-activated from the %splugins page%s." msgstr "%s har avinstallerats. Du kan återaktivera det på sidan för %sdina tillägg%s." #: common.php:5470 msgid "ID: " msgstr "ID: " #: common.php:5384 msgid "this page if" msgstr "denna sida om" #: gravityforms.php:5838 msgid "Please register your copy of Gravity Forms to enable automatic updates." msgstr "Registrera ditt exemplar av Gravity Forms för att möjliggöra automatiska uppdateringar." #: gravityforms.php:5811 msgid "Auto-updates unavailable." msgstr "Automatiska uppdateringar är inte tillgängliga." #: tooltips.php:169 msgid "Enable to show a summary that lists validation errors on top of the form." msgstr "Aktivera för att visa en sammanfattning med eventuella valideringsfel ovan formuläret." #: form_detail.php:510 msgid "Gradient: Rainbow" msgstr "Övertoning: Regnbåge" #: form_detail.php:509 msgid "Gradient: Blues" msgstr "Övertoning: Blues" #: form_detail.php:508 msgid "Gradient: Spring" msgstr "Övertoning: Vår" #: form_detail.php:432 msgid "No Matching Fields" msgstr "Inga matchande fält" #: forms_model.php:1511 msgid "Confirmation not found" msgstr "Bekräftelsen hittades inte" #: form_settings.php:246 tooltips.php:169 msgid "Validation Summary" msgstr "Valideringsresultat" #: entry_list.php:886 msgid "Select Entry Table Columns" msgstr "Välj tabellkolumner för posten" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5400 msgid "To continue uninstalling this add-on click the settings button." msgstr "Klicka på knappen för inställningar för att gå vidare med avinstallationen av denna utökning." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5302 msgid "This operation deletes ALL %s settings." msgstr "Denna åtgärd tar bort ALLA inställningar för %s." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5332 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5399 msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-content.php:25 msgid "Allows users to submit the body content for a post." msgstr "Låter användaren skicka in själva innehållet för ett inlägg." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-page.php:23 msgid "Allows multi-page forms." msgstr "Möjliggör flersidiga formulär." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-shipping.php:37 msgid "Allows a shipping fee to be added to the form total." msgstr "Gör det möjligt att lägga till en fraktavgift till formulärets summa." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-email.php:24 msgid "Allows users to enter a valid email address." msgstr "Låter användaren ange en giltig e-postadress." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-tags.php:23 msgid "Allows users to submit the tags for a post." msgstr "Låter användaren skicka in etiketter för posten." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-html.php:23 msgid "Places a block of free form HTML anywhere in your form." msgstr "Lägger in ett block med valfri HTML-kod var som helst i ditt formulär." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-option.php:40 msgid "Allows users to select options for products created by a product field." msgstr "Låter användaren välja alternativ för produkter som skapats av ett produktfält." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-list.php:47 msgid "Allows the user to add/remove additional rows of information per field." msgstr "Låter användare lägga till och/eller ta bort extra informationsrader för varje fält." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-textarea.php:24 msgid "Allows users to submit multiple lines of text." msgstr "Låter användaren skicka in flera rader text." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-radio.php:33 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-select.php:33 msgid "Allows users to select one option from a list." msgstr "Låter användaren välja ett alternativ ur en lista." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:120 msgid "Allows users to upload a file." msgstr "Låter användaren ladda upp en fil." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-text.php:24 msgid "Allows users to submit a single line of text." msgstr "Låter användaren skicka in en enstaka textrad." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-section.php:23 msgid "Adds a content separator to your form to help organize groups of fields. This is a visual element and does not collect any data." msgstr "Lägger in en innehållsavgränsare i formuläret så att du kan gruppera olika fält. Detta är ett visuellt element som inte samlar in några data." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:48 msgid "Allows users to enter a physical address." msgstr "Låter användaren ange en gatuadress." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-name.php:69 msgid "Allows users to enter their name in the format you have specified." msgstr "Låter användaren ange sitt namn enligt ett format som du har specificerat." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-multiselect.php:41 msgid "Allows users to select multiple options available in the multi select box." msgstr "Låter användaren välja flera alternativ i en flervalslista." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:24 msgid "Allows users to enter a date." msgstr "Låter användaren ange ett datum." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-time.php:54 msgid "Allows users to submit a time as hours and minutes." msgstr "Låter användaren ange en tidpunkt i timmar och minuter." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-excerpt.php:23 msgid "Allows users to submit data that is then used as the excerpt of a post." msgstr "Låter användaren skicka data som används som utdragstext för inlägget." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-password.php:25 msgid "Allows the user to enter a password and confirm it. The password will be masked with blobs or asterisks." msgstr "Låter användaren ange ett lösenord och bekräfta det. Lösenordet maskeras med tjocka punkter eller asterisker." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-custom-field.php:23 msgid "Allows users to submit data that is used as a custom field value for a post." msgstr "Låter användaren skicka data som används som ett anpassat fältvärde för en post." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-number.php:24 msgid "Allows users to enter a number." msgstr "Låter användaren mata in ett tal." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-title.php:24 msgid "Allows users to submit the title for a post." msgstr "Låter användaren skicka in en rubrik för posten." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-product.php:24 msgid "Allows the creation of products in the form." msgstr "Gör det möjligt att skapa produkter via formuläret." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-category.php:23 msgid "Allows the user to select a category for the post they are creating." msgstr "Låter användaren välja en kategori för posten hen håller på att skapa." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:24 msgid "Allows users to enter credit card information." msgstr "Låter användaren ange kreditkortsuppgifter." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-website.php:24 msgid "Allows users to enter a website URL." msgstr "Låter användaren ange URL till en webbplats." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-phone.php:49 msgid "Allows users to enter a phone number." msgstr "Låter användaren ange ett telefonnummer." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-hidden.php:24 msgid "Stores information that should not be visible to the user but can be processed and saved with the user submission." msgstr "Lagrar information som inte ska visas för användaren men som kan bearbetas och sparas tillsammans med användarens inskickade formulär." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-quantity.php:40 msgid "Allows a quantity to be specified for product field." msgstr "Gör att antal kan anges för ett produktfält." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-checkbox.php:47 msgid "Allows users to select one or many checkboxes." msgstr "Låter användaren välja en eller flera kryssrutor." #: js.php:1600 msgid "This field has errors." msgstr "Fältet innehåller fel." #. translators: 1. Open abbr tag 2. Close abbr tag #: js.php:1588 msgid "An empty label violates %1$sWCAG%2$s. Please use descriptive text for your label. To hide the label, use the \"Field Label Visibility\" setting." msgstr "En tom etikett innebär ett brott mot %1$sWCAG%2$s. Använd en beskrivande text för etiketten. Om du vill dölja etiketten ska du använda inställningen ”Fältetikettens synlighet”." #. translators: 1. Open abbr tag 2. Close abbr tag #: js.php:1535 msgid "To better comply with %1$sWCAG%2$s, we use the placeholder or description as a hidden label for screen readers." msgstr "För att bättre följa %1$sWCAG%2$s använder vi platshållaren eller beskrivningen som en dold etikett för skärmläsare." #: js.php:330 js.php:1083 msgid "Minute" msgstr "Minut" #: js.php:328 js.php:1082 msgid "Hour" msgstr "Timme" #: js.php:312 js.php:315 js.php:329 msgid "MM" msgstr "MM" #: settings.php:261 msgid "This operation deletes ALL Gravity Forms settings. If you continue, you will NOT be able to retrieve these settings." msgstr "Denna åtgärd raderar ALLA inställningar för Gravity Forms. Om du fortsätter kommer du INTE att kunna återställa dessa inställningar." #: common.php:5452 msgid "{0} of the following match:" msgstr "{0} av följande matchar:" #: common.php:5389 msgid "Disable" msgstr "Inaktivera" #: form_list.php:300 msgid "Provide a title and a description for this form" msgstr "Ange rubrik och beskrivning för detta formulär" #: entry_detail.php:1468 msgid "Resend" msgstr "Skicka igen" #: entry_detail.php:75 msgid "Print entry" msgstr "Skriv ut posten" #: form_display.php:5113 msgid "Please review the fields below." msgstr "Granska nedanstående fält." #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:265 msgid "End date" msgstr "Slutdatum" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:259 msgid "Start date" msgstr "Startdatum" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:252 msgid "Include results if" msgstr "Inkludera resultat om" #: js.php:1551 msgid "This field has accessibility issues." msgstr "Fältet har tillgänglighetsproblem." #: js.php:1529 msgid "The Enhanced User Interface is not accessible for screen reader users and people who cannot use a mouse." msgstr "Det förbättrade användargränssnittet är inte tillgängligt för skärmläsare och personer som inte kan använda pekdon/mus." #: js.php:1527 msgid "Users can enter a date in the field without using the date picker. Display the date format so they know what is the specified format." msgstr "Användaren kan mata in ett datum i fältet utan att använda datumväljaren. Visa datumformatet så att de vet vilket format som är angivet." #: js.php:1526 msgid "The Multi Select field type is hard to use for people who cannot use a mouse. Please select a different field type to improve the accessibility of your form." msgstr "Fälttypen flervalslista är svår att använda för dem som inte kan använda pekdon. Välj någon annan fälttyp för att förbättra formulärets tillgänglighet." #: js.php:1507 msgid "Select a field" msgstr "Välj ett fält" #: js.php:1442 js.php:1475 msgid "Delete choice" msgstr "Ta bort alternativ" #: js.php:1439 js.php:1472 msgid "Add choice" msgstr "Lägg till alternativ" #: js.php:1371 msgid "Ajax error while changing input type" msgstr "Ajax-fel vid ändring av inmatningstyp" #: js.php:1240 msgid "Ajax error while adding field" msgstr "Ajax-fel vid tillägg av fält" #: js.php:1204 msgid "You must add a product field to the form first" msgstr "Först måste du lägga in ett produktfält i formuläret" #: js.php:1197 msgid "Only one credit card field can be added to the form" msgstr "Endast ett kreditkortsfält kan läggas in i formuläret" #: js.php:1191 msgid "Only one Post Excerpt field can be added to the form" msgstr "Endast ett inläggsutdrag kan läggas in i formuläret" #: js.php:1185 msgid "Only one Post Title field can be added to the form" msgstr "Endast en inläggsrubrik kan läggas in i formuläret" #: js.php:1179 msgid "Only one Post Content field can be added to the form" msgstr "Endast ett inlägginnehållsfält kan läggas in i formuläret" #: js.php:1172 msgid "Only one Shipping field can be added to the form" msgstr "Endast ett leveransfält kan läggas in i formuläret" #: js.php:1165 msgid "Only one reCAPTCHA field can be added to the form" msgstr "Endast ett reCAPTCHA-fält kan läggas till i formuläret" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:78 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:517 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1385 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1856 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2597 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3512 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4375 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5095 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6298 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7374 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7596 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8347 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8724 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9283 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10382 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10721 msgid "Rev." msgstr "Rev." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:72 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:511 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1381 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1850 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2591 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3506 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4369 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5089 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6292 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7370 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7592 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8343 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8718 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9277 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10376 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10717 msgid "Prof." msgstr "Professor" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:66 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:505 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1361 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1844 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2585 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3500 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4363 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5083 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6286 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7350 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7572 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8323 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8712 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9271 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10370 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10697 msgid "Dr." msgstr "Dr." #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:60 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:499 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1377 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1838 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2579 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3494 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4357 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5077 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6280 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7366 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7588 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8339 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8706 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9265 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10364 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10713 msgid "Ms." msgstr "Fru" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:54 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:493 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1365 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1832 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2573 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3488 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4351 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5071 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6274 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7354 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7576 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8327 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8700 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9259 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10358 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10701 msgid "Miss" msgstr "Fröken" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:48 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:487 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1373 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1826 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2567 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3482 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4345 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5065 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6268 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7362 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7584 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8335 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8694 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9253 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10352 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10709 msgid "Mrs." msgstr "Fru" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:42 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:481 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1369 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1820 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2561 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3476 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4339 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5059 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6262 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7358 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7580 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8331 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8688 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9247 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10346 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10705 msgid "Mr." msgstr "Herr" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-time.php:314 js.php:1084 msgid "AM/PM" msgstr "AM/PM" #: js.php:319 msgid "YYYY" msgstr "ÅÅÅÅ" #: js.php:317 msgid "DD" msgstr "DD" #: js.php:980 msgid "Enter consent agreement text here. The Consent Field will store this agreement text with the form entry in order to track what the user has consented to." msgstr "Mata in texten för samtycke här. Fältet för samtycke kommer att spara texten i denna överenskommelse tillsammans med formulärets inlägg för uppföljning av vad användaren har samtyckt till." #: js.php:979 msgid "I agree to the privacy policy." msgstr "Jag godkänner integritetspolicyn." #: js.php:935 msgid "Donation" msgstr "Donation" #: js.php:924 msgid "Third Option" msgstr "Tredje alternativet" #: js.php:924 msgid "Second Option" msgstr "Andra alternativet" #: js.php:924 msgid "First Option" msgstr "Första alternativet" #: js.php:878 msgid "Product Name" msgstr "Produktnamn" #: js.php:859 msgid "Post Custom Field" msgstr "Anpassat fält" #: js.php:852 msgid "Post Tags" msgstr "Inläggsetiketter" #: js.php:847 msgid "Post Excerpt" msgstr "Inläggsutdrag" #: js.php:843 msgid "Post Body" msgstr "Inläggsinnehåll" #: js.php:839 msgid "Post Title" msgstr "Inläggsrubrik" #: js.php:835 msgid "Hidden Field" msgstr "Dolt fält" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3965 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4838 js.php:771 msgid "Card Type" msgstr "Korttyp" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:621 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2778 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2865 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3693 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3780 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4556 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4643 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5258 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6499 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7752 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8882 js.php:745 msgid "State / Province" msgstr "Stat / Län" #: js.php:681 js.php:697 js.php:698 js.php:717 js.php:718 msgid "Third Choice" msgstr "Tredje valet" #: js.php:681 js.php:697 js.php:698 js.php:717 js.php:718 msgid "Second Choice" msgstr "Andra valet" #: js.php:681 js.php:697 js.php:698 js.php:717 js.php:718 msgid "First Choice" msgstr "Första valet" #: js.php:678 js.php:692 js.php:706 js.php:993 msgid "Untitled" msgstr "Namnlös" #: js.php:652 msgid "HTML Block" msgstr "HTML-block" #: js.php:636 msgid "Section Break" msgstr "Avsnittsavdelare" #: js.php:563 msgid "" "Your form currently has an option field without a product field.\n" "You must add a product field to your form." msgstr "" "Ditt formulär har för tillfället ett valbart fält utan produktfält. \n" "Du måste lägga till ett produktfält i ditt formulär. " #: js.php:554 msgid "" "Your form currently has a product field with a blank label.\n" "Please enter a label for all product fields." msgstr "" "Ditt formulär har för tillfället ett produktfält utan etikett.\n" "Lägg in etikett för alla produktfält. " #: js.php:546 msgid "Your form currently has one or more pages without any fields in it. Blank pages are a result of Page Breaks that are positioned as the first or last field in the form or right after each other. Please adjust your Page Breaks and try again." msgstr "Ditt formulär har för tillfället en eller flera sidor utan några fält. Tomma sidor uppstår när sidbrytningar ligger som första eller sista fält i formuläret eller direkt efter varandra. Justera dina sidbrytningar och försök igen. " #: js.php:535 msgid "Please enter a Title for this form. When adding the form to a page or post, you will have the option to hide the title." msgstr "Ange en rubrik för detta formulär. När du lägger till formuläret till ett inlägg eller en sida, kommer du att ha möjlighet att dölja rubriken." #: js.php:529 msgid "The form title you have entered is already taken. Please enter a unique form title" msgstr "Formulärrubriken du skrev in finns redan. Lägg in en unik formulärrubrik" #: js.php:514 msgid "Column 3" msgstr "Kolumn 3" #: js.php:514 msgid "Column 2" msgstr "Kolumn 2" #: js.php:514 msgid "Column 1" msgstr "Kolumn 1" #: js.php:483 msgid "Deleted Field" msgstr "Fält raderat" #: js.php:465 msgid "This field is not associated with a product. Please add a Product Field to the form." msgstr "Detta fält är inte kopplat till någon produkt. Lägg till ett produktfält i formuläret." #: js.php:362 msgid "Same as previous" msgstr "Samma som föregående" #: js.php:279 msgid "Custom Sub-Label" msgstr "Anpassad sekundär etikett" #: js.php:271 msgid "Sub-Label:" msgstr "Sekundär etikett:" #: js.php:240 msgid "Autocomplete Attribute:" msgstr "Komplettera attribut automatiskt:" #: js.php:214 msgid "Placeholder:" msgstr "Platsmarkör:" #: js.php:190 msgid "Default Value:" msgstr "Standardvärde:" #: js.php:169 msgid "Parameter Name" msgstr "Parameternamn" #: js.php:164 msgid "Parameter Name:" msgstr "Paramenternamn:" #: js.php:146 msgid "Select a category" msgstr "Välj en kategori" #: js.php:117 msgid "Completed" msgstr "Genomförd" #: common.php:5504 js.php:66 msgid "To use conditional logic, please create a field that supports conditional logic." msgstr "För att använda villkorslogik behöver du skapa ett fält som stöder villkorslogik. " #: js.php:55 msgid "Item has been saved." msgstr "Objektet har sparats." #: js.php:36 msgid "This custom choice name is already in use. Please enter another name." msgstr "Detta namn används redan. Ange ett annat namn." #: js.php:32 msgid "Please enter name." msgstr "Ange namn." #: js.php:25 msgid "Item has been deleted." msgstr "Objektet har raderats." #: js.php:11 msgid "Delete this custom choice list? 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to abort." msgstr "Ta bort denna anpassade vallista? ”OK” för att ta bort, ”Avbryt” för att återgå." #: select_columns.php:224 msgid "Inactive Columns" msgstr "Inaktiva kolumner" #: select_columns.php:211 msgid "Active Columns" msgstr "Aktiva kolumner" #: select_columns.php:48 msgid "Oops! We could not locate your form. Please try again." msgstr "Ojdå! Vi kunde inte hitta ditt formulär. Försök igen." #: settings.php:1259 msgid "reCAPTCHA" msgstr "reCAPTCHA" #: settings.php:1141 msgid "Please complete the reCAPTCHA widget to validate your reCAPTCHA keys:" msgstr "Fyll i hela reCAPTCHA-widgeten för att bekräfta dina reCAPTCHA-nycklar:" #: settings.php:1070 settings.php:1091 msgid "reCAPTCHA keys are invalid." msgstr "Ogiltiga nycklar för reCAPTCHA." #: settings.php:1035 msgid "Validate Keys" msgstr "Bekräfta nycklar" #: settings.php:1028 msgid "Invisible" msgstr "Osynlig" #: settings.php:1007 msgid "Secret Key" msgstr "Hemlig nyckel" #: settings.php:997 msgid "Site Key" msgstr "Webbplatsnyckel" #: settings.php:990 msgid "These settings are required only if you decide to use the reCAPTCHA field." msgstr "Dessa inställningar krävs endast om du tänker använda reCAPTCHA-fältet." #: settings.php:989 msgid "Please note, only v2 keys are supported and checkbox keys are not compatible with invisible reCAPTCHA." msgstr "Observera att endast nycklar för v2 stöds och att nycklar för kryssruta inte är kompatibla med osynlig reCAPTCHA." #: settings.php:988 msgid "Gravity Forms integrates with reCAPTCHA, a free CAPTCHA service that uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges to keep automated software from engaging in abusive activities on your site. " msgstr "Gravity Forms integrerar med reCAPTCHA, en gratis CAPTCHA-tjänst som hjälper till att digitalisera böcker samtidigt som den skyddar dina formulär från spam." #: settings.php:985 msgid "reCAPTCHA Settings" msgstr "reCAPTCHA-inställningar" #: settings.php:918 msgid "Settings: General" msgstr "Inställningar: Allmänt" #: settings.php:632 msgid "Enable Akismet Integration" msgstr "Aktivera integrering med Akismet" #: settings.php:606 msgid "Enable to prevent extraneous scripts and styles from being printed on a Gravity Forms admin pages, reducing conflicts with other plugins and themes." msgstr "Aktivera detta för att förhindra att främmande skript och stilar skrivs ut på adminsidor för Gravity Forms. Detta minskar risken för konflikter med andra tillägg och/eller teman." #: settings.php:605 settings.php:612 msgid "No Conflict Mode" msgstr "Konfliktlöst läge" #: settings.php:593 msgid "Enable Automatic Background Updates" msgstr "Aktivera automatiska bakgrundsuppdateringar" #: settings.php:587 msgid "Enable to allow Gravity Forms to download and install bug fixes and security updates automatically in the background. Requires a valid license key." msgstr "Aktivera detta för att låta Gravity Forms automatiskt hämta och installera felrättningar och säkerhetsuppdateringar i bakgrunden. För detta krävs en giltig licensnyckel." #: settings.php:586 msgid "Automatic Background Updates" msgstr "Automatiska bakgrundsuppdateringar" #: settings.php:574 msgid "Enable Toolbar Menu" msgstr "Aktivera menyn i verktygsfältet" #: settings.php:568 msgid "Enable to display the forms menu in the WordPress top toolbar. The forms menu will display the ten forms recently opened in the form editor." msgstr "Aktivera detta för att visa formulärmenyn i WordPress översta verktygsfält. Formulärmenyn visar tio formulär som senast öppnats i formulärredigeraren." #: settings.php:519 msgid "Enable Logging" msgstr "Aktivera loggning" #: settings.php:513 msgid "Enable if you would like logging within Gravity Forms. Logging allows you to easily debug the inner workings of Gravity Forms to solve any possible issues. " msgstr "Aktivera om du vill logga händelser i Gravity Forms. Med loggning kan du enkelt felsöka den inbyggda funktionaliteten i Gravity Forms för att lösa eventuella problem. " #: settings.php:512 msgid "Logging" msgstr "Loggning" #: settings.php:497 msgid "Select the default currency for your forms. This is used for product fields, credit card fields and others." msgstr "Välj en förvald valuta för dina formulär. Den används för produktfält, kreditkortsfält med mera." #: settings.php:492 msgid "Default Currency" msgstr "Förvald valuta" #: settings.php:687 msgid "Disable CSS" msgstr "Inaktivera CSS" #: settings.php:675 msgid "Output Default CSS" msgstr "Generera standard-CSS" #: settings.php:417 msgid "Paste Your License Key Here" msgstr "Klistra in din licensnyckel här" #: settings.php:402 msgid "A valid license key is required for access to automatic plugin upgrades and product support." msgstr "En giltig licensnyckel krävs för åtkomst till automatiska uppgraderingar av tillägget och produktsupport." #: settings.php:411 msgid "Support License Key" msgstr "Licensnyckel för support" #: includes/license/class-gf-license-statuses.php:48 msgid "Your license key has been successfully validated." msgstr "Din licensnyckel är godkänd." #: settings.php:272 msgid "Warning! ALL Gravity Forms data, including form entries will be deleted. This cannot be undone. 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to stop" msgstr "Varning! ALLA data från Gravity Forms, inklusive formulärinlägg, kommer att raderas. Detta kan inte ångras. ”OK” för att radera, ”Avbryt” för att återgå" #: settings.php:246 msgid "Gravity Forms has been successfully uninstalled. It can be re-activated from the %splugins page%s." msgstr "Installationen av Gravity Forms lyckades. Det kan återaktiveras från %stilläggssidan%s." #: settings.php:172 msgid "You don't have adequate permission to uninstall Gravity Forms." msgstr "Du har inte tillräcklig behörighet för att avinstallera Gravity Forms." #: common.php:7011 msgid "Select the visibility for this field." msgstr "Välj synlighet för fältet." #: common.php:6980 msgid "The field is only visible when administering submitted entries. The field is not visible or functional when viewing the form." msgstr "Detta fält visas endast i samband med administration av inskickade poster. Fältet varken visas eller har någon funktion när formuläret visas." #: common.php:6978 msgid "Administrative" msgstr "Administrativt" #: common.php:6975 msgid "The field is hidden when viewing the form. Useful when you require the functionality of this field but do not want the user to be able to see this field." msgstr "Fältet är dolt när formuläret visas. Användbart när fältets funktion behövs men du inte vill att användaren ska kunna se fältet." #: common.php:6970 msgid "Default option. The field is visible when viewing the form." msgstr "Standardalternativ. Fältet är synligt när formuläret visas." #: common.php:6968 msgid "Visible" msgstr "Synligt" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-multifile.php:35 msgid "Cancel this upload" msgstr "Avbryta denna uppladdning" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-multifile.php:33 msgid "Please wait for the uploading to complete" msgstr "Vänta tills uppladdningen är klar" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-multifile.php:32 msgid "There was a problem while saving the file on the server" msgstr "Ett problem inträffade när filen skulle sparas på servern" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-multifile.php:31 msgid "Maximum number of files reached" msgstr "Maximalt antal filer har nåtts" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-multifile.php:30 msgid "This type of file is not allowed." msgstr "Denna filtyp är inte tillåten." #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-multifile.php:29 msgid "File exceeds size limit" msgstr "Filen överskrider storleksbegränsningen" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-multifile.php:28 msgid "in progress" msgstr "pågående" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-multifile.php:27 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:439 msgid "Delete this file" msgstr "Ta bort denna fil" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-multifile.php:26 msgid "This type of file is not allowed. Must be one of the following: " msgstr "Denna filtyp är inte tillåten. Filen måste vara i något av följande format: " #: common.php:6101 msgid "Voided" msgstr "Markerad som ogiltig" #: common.php:6100 msgid "Refunded" msgstr "Återbetald" #: common.php:6098 includes/config/items/class-gf-config-multifile.php:36 msgid "Cancelled" msgstr "Avbruten" #: common.php:6096 msgid "Failed" msgstr "Misslyckades" #: common.php:6095 msgid "Processing" msgstr "Bearbetar" #: common.php:6094 msgid "Paid" msgstr "Betald" #: common.php:6093 msgid "Authorized" msgstr "Godkänd" #: common.php:6073 msgid "Transaction ID" msgstr "Transaktions-ID" #: common.php:6054 msgid "Source URL" msgstr "URL för datakälla" #: common.php:6036 msgid "Starred" msgstr "Favoritmarkerad" #: common.php:5919 msgid "Any form field" msgstr "Valfritt formulärfält" #: common.php:5455 msgid "Predefined Choices" msgstr "Fördefinierade val" #: common.php:5454 msgid "Custom Choices" msgstr "Anpassade val" #: common.php:5451 msgid "Remove a condition" msgstr "Ta bort ett villkor" #: common.php:5450 msgid "Add a condition" msgstr "Lägg till villkor" #: common.php:5439 msgid "This form contains conditional logic dependent upon this field. Are you sure you want to mark this field as Admin Only? 'OK' to confirm, 'Cancel' to abort." msgstr "Detta formulär innehåller villkorslogik som påverkas av detta val. Är du säker på att du vill markera detta val som ”Endast admin”? ”OK” för att bekräfta, ”Avbryt” för att återgå." #: common.php:5438 msgid "This form contains conditional logic dependent upon this choice. Are you sure you want to modify this choice? 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to abort." msgstr "Detta formulär innehåller villkorslogik som påverkas av detta val. Är du säker på att du vill modifiera detta val? ”OK” för att radera, ”Avbryt” för att återgå." #: common.php:5437 msgid "This form contains conditional logic dependent upon this choice. Are you sure you want to delete this choice? 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to abort." msgstr "Detta formulär innehåller villkorslogik som påverkas av detta val. Är du säker på att du vill radera detta val? ”OK” för att radera, ”Avbryt” för att återgå." #: common.php:5436 msgid "Warning! This form contains conditional logic dependent upon this field. Deleting this field will deactivate those conditional logic rules and also delete all entry data associated with the field. 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to abort." msgstr "Varning! Detta formulär innehåller vilkorad logik som beror på detta fält. Om detta fält raderas kommer berörda regler för villkorslogik att inaktiveras. Dessutom raderas alla inläggsuppgifter som är förknippade med fältet. ”OK” för att radera, ”Avbryt” för att återgå." #: common.php:5433 msgid "Warning! Deleting this field will also delete all entry data associated with it. 'Cancel' to stop. 'OK' to delete." msgstr "Varning! Om detta fält raderas kommer även alla inläggsdata som hör samman med fält att raderas. ”Avbryt” för att ångra. ”OK” för att radera." #: common.php:5432 msgid "Please enter a confirmation name." msgstr "Ange ett namn på bekräftelsen." #: common.php:5431 msgid "Please enter a URL." msgstr "Mata in en URL." #: common.php:5430 msgid "Please select a page." msgstr "Välj en sida." #: common.php:5428 msgid "Untitled Confirmation" msgstr "Namnlös bekräftelse" #: common.php:5427 msgid "There are unsaved changes to the current confirmation. Would you like to discard these changes?" msgstr "Det finns osparade ändringar i denna bekräftelse. Vill du överge ändringarna?" #: common.php:5425 msgid "Are you sure you wish to delete this confirmation?" msgstr "Är du säker på att du vill radera denna bekräftelse?" #: common.php:5424 msgid "There was an issue saving this confirmation." msgstr "Ett problem inträffade när bekräftelsen skulle sparas." #: common.php:5423 msgid "Are you sure you wish to cancel these changes?" msgstr "Är du säker på att du vill avbryta?" #: common.php:5422 msgid "Saving..." msgstr "Sparar…" #: common.php:5420 msgid "Send this notification if" msgstr "Skicka denna notifikation om" #: common.php:5419 msgid "Use this confirmation if" msgstr "Använd denna bekräftelse om" #: common.php:5416 msgid "Empty (no choices selected)" msgstr "Tomt (inga alternativ är valda)" #: common.php:5408 msgid "of the following match:" msgstr "av följande matchar:" #: common.php:5407 msgctxt "Conditional Logic" msgid "Any" msgstr "Något" #: common.php:5406 msgctxt "Conditional Logic" msgid "All" msgstr "Alla" #: common.php:5387 msgid "Hide" msgstr "Göm" #: common.php:5386 js.php:277 msgid "Show" msgstr "Visa" #: common.php:5385 msgid "this form button if" msgstr "denna formulärknapp om" #: common.php:5383 msgid "this section if" msgstr "denna sektion om" #: common.php:5382 msgid "this field if" msgstr "detta fält om" #: common.php:5377 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:363 msgid "We would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly." msgstr "Vi vill gärna höra från dig! Fyll i formuläret så hör vi av oss snart." #: common.php:5376 msgid "Untitled Form" msgstr "Namnlöst formulär" #: common.php:5375 msgid "Enter a value" msgstr "Ange ett värde" #: common.php:5373 msgid "5 of %d items shown. Edit field to view all" msgstr "5 av %d objekt visas. Redigera fält för att visa alla" #: common.php:5371 msgid "Select a format" msgstr "Välj ett format" #: common.php:5352 msgid "The form has been saved. The content contains the link to return and complete the form." msgstr "Formuläret har sparats. Innehållet innehåller länken för att hämta tillbaka och fylla i formuläret." #: common.php:5351 msgid "Row removed" msgstr "Raden har tagits bort" #: common.php:5350 msgid "New row added." msgstr "Ny rad har lagts till." #: common.php:3842 msgid "Pricing fields are not editable" msgstr "Fälten för pris går inte att redigera" #: common.php:3288 msgid "%1$s at %2$s" msgstr "%1$s kl. %2$s" #. translators: %s: relative time from now, used for generic date comparisons. #. "1 day ago", or "20 seconds ago" #: common.php:1446 common.php:3275 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "för %s sedan" #: common.php:3123 msgid "Gravity Forms requires WordPress %s or greater. You must upgrade WordPress in order to use Gravity Forms" msgstr "Gravity Forms kräver WordPress %s eller senare. För att använda Gravity Forms behöver du uppgradera WordPress" #: common.php:2275 msgid "Cannot send email because the FROM address is invalid." msgstr "Det gick inte att skicka e-postmeddelandet eftersom avsändaradressen är ogiltig." #: common.php:2268 msgid "Cannot send email because there is no SUBJECT and no MESSAGE." msgstr "Det gick inte att skicka e-postmeddelandet eftersom RUBRIK och MEDDELANDETEXT saknas." #: common.php:2261 msgid "Cannot send email because the TO address is invalid." msgstr "Det gick inte att skicka e-postmeddelandet eftersom mottagaradressen inte är giltig." #: common.php:984 msgid "Allowable form fields" msgstr "Tillåtna formulärfält" #: common.php:969 msgid "Full Size - Right Aligned" msgstr "Originalstorlek - högerjusterad" #: common.php:968 msgid "Full Size - Centered" msgstr "Originalstorlek - centrerad" #: common.php:967 msgid "Full Size - Left Aligned" msgstr "Originalstorlek - vänsterjusterad" #: common.php:966 msgid "Full Size" msgstr "Originalstorlek" #: common.php:964 msgid "Large - Right Aligned" msgstr "Stor - högerjusterad" #: common.php:963 msgid "Large - Centered" msgstr "Stor - centrerad" #: common.php:962 msgid "Large - Left Aligned" msgstr "Stor - vänsterjusterad" #: common.php:959 msgid "Medium - Right Aligned" msgstr "Mellan - högerjusterad" #: common.php:958 msgid "Medium - Centered" msgstr "Mellan - centrerad" #: common.php:957 msgid "Medium - Left Aligned" msgstr "Mellan - vänsterjusterad" #: common.php:954 msgid "Thumbnail - Right Aligned" msgstr "Liten - högerjusterad" #: common.php:953 msgid "Thumbnail - Centered" msgstr "Liten - centrerad" #: common.php:952 msgid "Thumbnail - Left Aligned" msgstr "Liten - vänsterjusterad" #: common.php:951 msgid "Thumbnail" msgstr "Liten" #: common.php:950 msgid "Select image size" msgstr "Välj bildstorlek" #: common.php:852 msgid "Pricing form fields" msgstr "Prisfält" #: common.php:848 msgid "Optional form fields" msgstr "Valfria formulärfält" #: common.php:844 msgid "Required form fields" msgstr "Obligatoriska formulärfält" #: common.php:822 msgid "Post Edit URL" msgstr "Inläggets redigerings-URL" #: common.php:813 msgid "Form Id" msgstr "Formulär-ID" #: common.php:812 msgid "Entry URL" msgstr "Inläggs-URL" #: common.php:784 msgid "All Pricing Fields" msgstr "Alla prisfält" #: common.php:711 js.php:1507 msgid "All Submitted Fields" msgstr "Alla inskickade fält" #. translators: 1: The table name 2: the URL with further details #: gravityforms.php:6612 msgid "An outdated add-on or custom code is attempting to access the %1$s table which is not valid in this version of Gravity Forms. Update your add-ons and custom code to prevent loss of form data. Further details: %2$s" msgstr "Ett föråldrat tillägg eller anpassad kod försöker komma åt tabellen %1$s som inte är giltig i denna version av Gravity Forms. Uppdatera dina utökningar och eventuell anpassad kod för att förhindra förlust av formulärdata. Mer information: %2$s" #: gravityforms.php:6301 msgid "Forms per page" msgstr "Formulär per sida" #: gravityforms.php:6105 msgid "Select an action for this shortcode. Actions are added by some add-ons." msgstr "Välj en åtgärd för denna kortkod. Åtgärder läggs till av olika tillägg." #: gravityforms.php:6093 msgid "Select an action" msgstr "Välj en åtgärd" #: gravityforms.php:6078 msgid "Specify the starting tab index for the fields of this form." msgstr "Ange första tabindex för fälten i detta formulär." #: gravityforms.php:6072 msgid "Specify whether or not to use Ajax to submit the form." msgstr "Ange om Ajax ska användas för att skica formuläret eller inte." #: gravityforms.php:6065 msgid "Whether or not to display the form description." msgstr "Ska formulärets beskrivning visas eller inte." #: gravityforms.php:6057 msgid "Whether or not to display the form title." msgstr "Ska formulärets rubrik visas eller inte." #: gravityforms.php:6048 msgid "Can't find your form? Make sure it is active." msgstr "Hittar du inte ditt formulär? Se till att det är aktivt." #: gravityforms.php:6044 msgid "Select a form from the list to add it to your post or page." msgstr "Välj ett formulär i listan för att lägga till det i ditt inlägg eller på din sida." #: gravityforms.php:6043 msgid "Select a form below to add it to your post or page." msgstr "Välj ett formulär nedan för att lägga till det i ditt inlägg eller din sida." #: gravityforms.php:5668 msgid "All Forms" msgstr "Alla formulär" #: gravityforms.php:5592 msgid "Recent" msgstr "Nyligen" #: common.php:3943 common.php:4001 msgid "Preview this form" msgstr "Förhandsgranska detta formulär" #: gravityforms.php:5368 msgid "View entries generated by this form" msgstr "Visa inlägg genererade av detta formulär" #: gravityforms.php:5352 msgid "Edit settings for this form" msgstr "Redigera inställningar för det här formuläret" #: gravityforms.php:5338 gravityforms.php:5339 msgid "Editor" msgstr "Redaktör" #: gravityforms.php:4693 gravityforms.php:4709 msgid "Oops! There was an error saving the form title. Please refresh the page and try again." msgstr "Ojdå! Ett fel inträffade när formulärets rubrik skulle sparas. Ladda om sidan och försök igen." #: gravityforms.php:4096 msgid "The %sSend To%s email address provided is not valid." msgstr "E-postadressen som angetts under %sSkicka till%s är inte giltig." #: gravityforms.php:4092 msgid "No notifications have been selected. Please select a notification to be sent." msgstr "Inga notifieringar är valda. Välj vilken notifiering som ska skickas." #: gravityforms.php:4086 msgid "There was an error while resending the notifications." msgstr "Ett fel uppstod när notifikationerna skulle skickas om." #: gravityforms.php:3663 msgid "Add-On browser is currently unavailable. Please try again later." msgstr "Tilläggswebbläsaren är för närvarande otillgänglig. Försök igen senare." #: gravityforms.php:3591 msgid "Finished" msgstr "Klart" #: gravityforms.php:3567 msgid "Unable to disable logging." msgstr "Det går inte att inaktivera loggning." #: gravityforms.php:3565 msgid "Logging disabled." msgstr "Loggning är inaktiverad." #: gravityforms.php:3187 msgid "Failed to load the preview for this form." msgstr "Det gick inte att ladda förhandsvisningen av detta formulär." #: gravityforms.php:3186 msgid "Please select a form." msgstr "Välj ett formulär" #: gravityforms.php:2650 msgid "Dismiss" msgstr "Avfärda" #: gravityforms.php:2647 msgid "There is an update available for Gravity Forms. %sView Details%s" msgstr "En uppdatering för Gravity Forms är tillgänglig. %sSe information%s" #: gravityforms.php:2614 msgid "You don't have any forms. Let's go %screate one %s!" msgstr "Du har inga formulär. Vill du %sskapa ett%s?" #: gravityforms.php:2607 msgid "View All Forms" msgstr "Visa alla formulär" #: gravityforms.php:2595 msgid "View All Entries" msgstr "Visa alla inlägg" #: gravityforms.php:2592 msgid "Last Entry: %s" msgstr "Senaste inlägget: %s" #: gravityforms.php:2570 msgid "Unread" msgstr "Oläst" #: gravityforms.php:2521 msgid "Oops!! Something went wrong. %sPlease try again or %scontact us%s." msgstr "Ojdå!! Något blev fel. %sFörsök igen eller %skontakta oss%s." #. translators: %s: version number #: gravityforms.php:2459 msgid "The versions of the following add-ons you're running haven't been tested with Gravity Forms %s. Please update them or confirm compatibility before updating Gravity Forms, or you may experience issues:" msgstr "De versioner du kör av följande utökningar har inte testats tillsammans med Gravity Forms %s. Uppdatera dem eller försäkra dig om att de är kompatibla innan du uppgraderar Gravity Forms. I annat fall kan du riskera att stöta på problem:" #: gravityforms.php:2439 msgid "IMPORTANT: As this is a major update, we strongly recommend creating a backup of your site before updating." msgstr "OBS: Eftersom detta är en stor uppdatering rekommenderar vi starkt att du säkerhetskopierar din webbplats innan du uppdaterar." #: gravityforms.php:2392 msgid "%sRegister%s your copy of Gravity Forms to receive access to automatic upgrades and support. Need a license key? %sPurchase one now%s." msgstr "%sRegistrera%s ditt exemplar av Gravity Forms för att få tillgång till automatiska uppgraderingar och support. Saknar du licensnyckel? %sKöp en nu%s." #. translators: 1: upgrade URL, 2: plugin name #: gravityforms.php:2378 msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1: plugin name, 2: open tag, 3: version number, 4: close #. tag, 5: open tag 6. close tag #: gravityforms.php:2365 msgid "There is a new version of %1$s available. %2$sView version %3$s details%4$s or %5$supdate now%6$s. " msgstr "En ny version av %1$s är tillgänglig. %2$sVisa uppgifter om version %3$s%4$s eller %5$suppdatera nu%6$s. " #. translators: 1: plugin name, 2: version number, 3: changelog URL #: gravityforms.php:2352 gravityforms.php:2369 msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: 1: plugin name, 2: open tag, 3: version number, 4: close #. tag #: gravityforms.php:2348 msgid "There is a new version of %1$s available. %2$sView version %3$s details%4$s. " msgstr "En ny version av %1$s är tillgänglig. %2$sVisa uppgifter om version %3$s%4$s. " #. translators: 1: The name of the add-on, 2: version number. #: gravityforms.php:2309 msgid "This version of the %1$s is not compatible with the version of Gravity Forms that is installed. Upgrade this add-on to version %2$s or greater to avoid compatibility issues and potential loss of data." msgstr "Denna version av %1$s är inte kompatibel med den version av Gravity Forms som är installerad. Uppgradera denna utökning till version %2$s eller högre för att undvika kompatibilitetsproblem och eventuella dataförluster." #: gravityforms.php:2223 msgid "Please select a form" msgstr "Välj ett formulär" #: gravityforms.php:2208 msgid "Add Form" msgstr "Lägg till formulär" #: gravityforms.php:2208 msgid "Add Gravity Form" msgstr "Lägg till Gravity-formulär" #: gravityforms.php:1954 msgid "%1$s ‹ %2$s — WordPress" msgstr "%1$s ‹ %2$s — WordPress" #: gravityforms.php:1790 gravityforms.php:5679 #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:132 msgid "New Form" msgstr "Nytt formulär" #: gravityforms.php:1776 msgid "Update Available" msgstr "Uppdatering tillgänglighet" #: gravityforms.php:1668 msgid "Upload folder is not writable. Export and file upload features will not be functional." msgstr "Uppladdningsmappen är inte skrivbar. Funktionerna för export och filuppladdning kommer inte att fungera." #: gravityforms.php:1596 msgid "REST API Settings" msgstr "Inställningar för REST-API" #: gravityforms.php:1595 msgid "Logging Settings" msgstr "Inställningar för loggning" #: gravityforms.php:1594 settings.php:166 settings.php:257 settings.php:271 msgid "Uninstall Gravity Forms" msgstr "Avinstallera Gravity Forms" #: gravityforms.php:1593 msgid "View System Status" msgstr "Visa systemstatus" #: gravityforms.php:1592 msgid "Manage Add-Ons" msgstr "Hantera tillägg" #: gravityforms.php:1591 msgid "Manage Updates" msgstr "Hantera uppdateringar" #: gravityforms.php:1590 msgid "Edit Plugin Settings" msgstr "Redigera tilläggets inställningar" #: gravityforms.php:1589 msgid "View Plugin Settings" msgstr "Visa inställningar för tillägget" #: gravityforms.php:1587 msgid "Edit Entry Notes" msgstr "Redigera anteckningar för post" #: gravityforms.php:1586 msgid "View Entry Notes" msgstr "Visa anteckningar för post" #: gravityforms.php:1585 msgid "Delete Entries" msgstr "Radera poster" #: gravityforms.php:1584 msgid "Edit Entries" msgstr "Redigera poster" #: gravityforms.php:1583 msgid "View Entries" msgstr "Visa poster" #: gravityforms.php:1582 msgid "Preview Forms" msgstr "Förhandsvisa formulär" #: gravityforms.php:1581 msgid "Edit Forms" msgstr "Redigera formulär" #: gravityforms.php:1580 msgid "Delete Forms" msgstr "Radera formulär" #: gravityforms.php:1579 msgid "Create Forms" msgstr "Skapa formulär" #: tooltips.php:168 msgid "Check this box to add a toggle allowing the user to see the password they are entering in." msgstr "Kryssa i denna ruta för att låta användaren se lösenordet som anges." #: tooltips.php:168 msgid "Password Visibility Toggle" msgstr "Visning av lösenord till/från" #: tooltips.php:167 msgid "Use these settings to keep entries only as long as they are needed. Trash or delete entries automatically older than the specified number of days. The minimum number of days allowed is one. This is to ensure that all entry processing is complete before deleting/trashing. The number of days setting is a minimum, not an exact period of time. The trashing/deleting occurs during the daily cron task so some entries may appear to remain up to a day longer than expected." msgstr "Använd dessa inställningar för att endast behålla poster så länge de behövs. Kasta eller radera automatiskt poster som är äldre än angivet antal dagar. Minsta antal dagar som tillåts är en dag. Detta för att säkerställa att alla poster bearbetas färdigt innan de kastas eller raderas. Inställningen för antal dagar är ett minimivärde och inte någon exakt tidsperiod. Uppgifter kastas/raderas i samband med ett dagligt cron-jobb, så det kan se ut som om vissa poster finns kvar upp till ett dygn längre än förväntat." #: tooltips.php:166 msgid "Check this box if you would like to prevent the IP address from being stored during form submission." msgstr "Kryssa i denna ruta om du vill förhindra att IP-adressen sparas när formulär skickas in." #: tooltips.php:165 msgid "Select the fields which will be included when exporting or erasing personal data." msgstr "Välj vilka fält som kommer att inkluderas vid export eller radering av personuppgifter." #: tooltips.php:164 msgid "Select the field which will be used to identify the owner of the personal data." msgstr "Välj vilket fält som kommer att användas för att identifiera personuppgifternas ägare." #: tooltips.php:164 msgid "Identification" msgstr "Identifiering" #: tooltips.php:163 msgid "Check this box if you would like to include data from this form when exporting or erasing personal data on this site." msgstr "Markera denna ruta om du vill inkludera data från detta formulär vid export eller radering av personuppgifter på denna webbplats." #: tooltips.php:163 msgid "Enable Personal Data Tools" msgstr "Aktivera verktyg för personuppgifter" #: tooltips.php:162 msgid "Check this box if you would like to use the rich text editor for this field." msgstr "Markera den här rutan om du vill använda redigeraren för formaterad text för det här fältet. " #: tooltips.php:162 msgid "Use Rich Text Editor" msgstr "Använd redigeraren för formaterad text" #: tooltips.php:161 msgid "Enter text to display at the top of the progress bar." msgstr "Ange text att visa ovanför förloppsindikatorn." #: tooltips.php:161 msgid "Progress Bar Completion Text" msgstr "Förloppsindikatorns sluttext" #: tooltips.php:160 msgid "Check this box if you would like the progress bar to display with the confirmation text." msgstr "Markera den här rutan om du vill att förloppsindikatorn ska visas med bekräftelsetexten." #: tooltips.php:160 msgid "Progress Bar Confirmation Display" msgstr "Visning av förloppsindikator med bekräftelse" #: tooltips.php:159 msgid "Enter a comma separated list of email addresses you would like to receive the selected notification emails." msgstr "Ange en lista av e-postadresser, separerade med kommatecken, dit du vill skicka e-postnotifikationer." #: tooltips.php:159 msgid "Override Notifications" msgstr "Åsidosätt notifikationer" #: tooltips.php:158 msgid "Tab Index Start Value" msgstr "Flikindex-startvärde" #: tooltips.php:157 msgid "Conversion is the percentage of form views that generated an entry. If a form was viewed twice, and one entry was generated, the conversion will be 50%." msgstr "Konvertering är andelen procent av visade formulär som har genererat ett inlägg. Om ett formulär visas två gånger, och ett inlägg har genereras, blir konverteringsgrader 50 %." #: tooltips.php:157 msgid "Entries Conversion" msgstr "Inläggskonvertering" #: tooltips.php:155 msgid "Please select the currency for your location. Currency is used for pricing fields and price calculations." msgstr "Välj valuta för ditt land. Valutan används för prisfält och prisuträkningar." #: tooltips.php:154 msgid "Select the type of reCAPTCHA you would like to use." msgstr "Välj den typ av reCAPTCHA du vill använda." #: tooltips.php:154 msgid "reCAPTCHA Type" msgstr "Typ av reCAPTCHA" #: tooltips.php:153 msgid "Enter your reCAPTCHA Secret Key, if you do not have a key you can register for one at the provided link. reCAPTCHA is a free service." msgstr "Ange din hemliga nyckel för reCAPTCHA. Om du inte har någon nyckel kan du registrera dig via länken. reCAPTCHA-tjänsten är gratis." #: tooltips.php:153 msgid "reCAPTCHA Secret Key" msgstr "Hemlig nyckel för reCAPTCHA" #: tooltips.php:152 msgid "Enter your reCAPTCHA Site Key, if you do not have a key you can register for one at the provided link. reCAPTCHA is a free service." msgstr "Ange din webbplatsnyckel för reCAPTCHA. Om du inte har någon nyckel kan du registrera dig via länken. reCAPTCHA-tjänsten är gratis." #: tooltips.php:152 msgid "reCAPTCHA Site Key" msgstr "Webbplatsnyckel för reCAPTCHA" #: tooltips.php:151 msgid "Select On or Off to enable or disable no-conflict mode. Setting this to On will prevent extraneous scripts and styles from being printed on Gravity Forms admin pages, reducing conflicts with other plugins and themes." msgstr "Välj På eller Av för att aktivera eller inaktivera konfliktlöst läge. Väljer du På hindrar du främmande skript och stilmallar från att skrivas ut för Gravity Forms administrationssidor, vilket ger färre konflikter med andra tillägg och teman." #: tooltips.php:150 msgid "Select yes or no to enable or disable HTML5 output. Setting this to no will disable the standard Gravity Forms HTML5 form field output." msgstr "Välj ja eller nej för att aktivera eller inaktivera utmatning av HTML5. Väljer du nej hindras Gravity Forms från att mata ut HTML5 för dina formulär." #: tooltips.php:149 msgid "Select yes or no to enable or disable CSS output. Setting this to no will disable the standard Gravity Forms CSS from being included in your theme." msgstr "Välj ja eller nej för att aktivera eller inaktivera utmatning av CSS. Väljer du nej hindras förinställd CSS för Gravity Forms från att inkluderas i ditt tema." #: tooltips.php:148 msgid "Your Gravity Forms support license key is used to verify your support package, enable automatic updates and receive support." msgstr "Din Gravity Forms-licensnyckel för support används för att verifiera ditt stödpaket, automatiska uppdateringar och för att få support." #: tooltips.php:148 msgid "Settings License Key" msgstr "Inställningar för licensnyckel" #: tooltips.php:146 msgid "Select a date range. Setting a range will limit the export to entries submitted during that date range. If no range is set, all entries will be exported." msgstr "Välj ett datumintervall. När du anger ett intervall kommer exporten att begränsas till inlägg som skickats in under den angivna tidsperioden. Om inget intervall har angivits kommer alla inlägg att exporteras." #: tooltips.php:146 msgid "Export Date Range" msgstr "Datumintervall för export" #: tooltips.php:145 msgid "Select the fields you would like to include in the export." msgstr "Markera fälten du vill exportera. " #: tooltips.php:145 msgid "Export Selected Fields" msgstr "Exportera valda fält" #: tooltips.php:144 msgid "Filter the entries by adding conditions." msgstr "Filtrera inlägg genom att lägga till villkor." #: tooltips.php:143 msgid "Select the forms you would like to export." msgstr "Välj vilka formulär du vill exportera." #: tooltips.php:143 msgid "Export Selected Forms" msgstr "Exportera valda formulär" #: tooltips.php:142 msgid "Select the form you would like to export entry data from. You may only export data from one form at a time." msgstr "Välj formulär att exportera inläggsdata från. Du kan endast exportera data från ett formulär i taget." #: tooltips.php:142 msgid "Export Selected Form" msgstr "Exportera valt formulär" #: tooltips.php:141 msgid "Pricing fields allow you to add fields to your form that calculate pricing for selling goods and services." msgstr "Prisfält låter dig lägga till fält till ditt formulär för att beräkna priser och sälja varor och tjänster." #: tooltips.php:140 msgid "Post Fields allow you to add fields to your form that create Post Drafts in WordPress from the submitted data." msgstr "Inläggsfält låter dig lägga till fält till ditt formulär som kan skapa Inläggsutkast i WordPress från inskickade data." #: tooltips.php:139 msgid "Advanced Fields are for specific uses. They enable advanced formatting of regularly used fields such as Name, Email, Address, etc." msgstr "Avancerade fält är för specifik användning. De tillåter avancerad formatering av fält som används regelbundet, såsom namn, e-post, adress etc." #: tooltips.php:138 msgid "Standard Fields provide basic form functionality." msgstr "Standardfält ger grundläggande formulärsfunktioner." #: tooltips.php:137 msgid "Input masks provide a visual guide allowing users to more easily enter data in a specific format such as dates and phone numbers." msgstr "Inmatningsmallar ger en visuell guide så att användare lättare kan mata in data enligt ett specifikt format, såsom datum och telefonnummer." #: tooltips.php:136 msgid "Select which Product this field is tied to." msgstr "Välj till vilken produkt detta fält är kopplat." #: tooltips.php:136 msgid "Product Field" msgstr "Produktfält" #: tooltips.php:135 msgid "Disables the quantity field. A quantity of 1 will be assumed or you can add a Quantity field to your form from the Pricing Fields." msgstr "Inaktivera kvantitetsfältet. En kvantitet på 1 kommer då att antas. Alternativt kan du lägga till ett kvantitetsfält från prisfälten i ditt formulär." #: tooltips.php:135 msgid "Disable Quantity" msgstr "Inaktivera kvantitet" #: tooltips.php:134 msgid "Enter the base price for this product." msgstr "Ange grundpris för denna produkt." #: tooltips.php:134 msgid "Base Price" msgstr "Grundpris" #: tooltips.php:133 msgid "Enter the content (Text or HTML) to be displayed on the form." msgstr "Skriv in det innehåll (text eller HTML) som ska visas i formuläret." #: tooltips.php:132 msgid "Check this option to enable data to be passed to the form and pre-populate this field dynamically. Data can be passed via Query Strings, Shortcode and/or Hooks." msgstr "Markera detta alternativ för att låta data skickas till formuläret och fylla i detta fält dynamiskt i förväg. Data kan skickas via HTTP-parametersträngar, kortkoder och/eller webhook." #: tooltips.php:132 msgid "Incoming Field Data" msgstr "Inkommande fältdata" #: tooltips.php:131 msgid "Check this option to set this image as the post's Featured Image." msgstr "Markera detta val för att sätta denna bild som inläggets utvalda bild." #: tooltips.php:130 msgid "Select one or more image metadata field to be displayed along with the image upload field. They enable users to enter additional information about the uploaded image." msgstr "Välj ett eller flera metadatafält för bilder att visa tillsammans med bilduppladdningsfältet. De tillåter användare att ange ytterligare information om den uppladdade bilden." #: tooltips.php:130 msgid "Image Meta" msgstr "Bild-meta" #: tooltips.php:129 msgid "Selecting this option will set the post author to the WordPress user that submitted the form." msgstr "Väljer du detta alternativ kommer inläggsförfattaren att vara den WordPress-användare som skickade formuläret." #: tooltips.php:129 msgid "Use Current User as Author" msgstr "Använd aktuell användare som författare" #: tooltips.php:128 msgid "Select the category that will be used for the post that is created by the form entry." msgstr "Välj den kategori som ska användas för inlägg som skapas via formuläret." #: tooltips.php:127 msgid "Check this option to format and insert merge tags into the Post Title." msgstr "Välj detta alternativ för att formatera och lägga in kopplingstaggar i inläggsrubriken." #: tooltips.php:127 msgid "Post Title Template" msgstr "Mall för inläggsrubrik" #: tooltips.php:126 msgid "Check this option to format and insert merge tags into the Post Content." msgstr "Välj detta alternativ för att formatera och lägga in kopplingstaggar i inläggets innehåll." #: tooltips.php:126 msgid "Post Content Template" msgstr "Mall för inläggsinnehåll" #: tooltips.php:125 msgid "Select the post format that will be used for the post that is created by the form entry." msgstr "Välj vilket inläggsformat som ska användas för inlägg som skapas via formuläret." #: tooltips.php:124 msgid "Select the author that will be used for the post that is created by the form entry." msgstr "Välj vilken författare som ska användas för inlägg som skapas via formuläret." #: tooltips.php:124 msgid "Post Author" msgstr "Inläggsförfattare" #: tooltips.php:123 msgid "Select the post status that will be used for the post that is created by the form entry." msgstr "Välj inläggsstatus som ska användas för inlägget som skapats via formuläret." #: tooltips.php:122 msgid "Select which categories are displayed. You can choose to display all of them or select individual ones." msgstr "Välj vilka kategorier som visas. Du kan välja att visa alla eller välja några." #: tooltips.php:121 msgid "Create rules to dynamically display or hide the submit button based on values from another field." msgstr "Skapa regler för att dynamiskt visa eller dölja skicka-knappen beroende på värden i ett annat fält." #: tooltips.php:120 msgid "Create rules to dynamically display or hide the page's Next Button based on values from another field." msgstr "Skapa regler för att dynamiskt visa eller dölja knappen för nästa sida beroende på värden i ett annat fält." #: tooltips.php:120 msgid "Next Button Conditional Logic" msgstr "Villkorsstyrd logik för nästa-knappen" #: tooltips.php:119 msgid "Enter the path to an image you would like to use as the page previous button." msgstr "Lägg in sökvägen till bilden som du vill använda som knapp för föregående sida. " #: tooltips.php:119 msgid "Previous Button Image" msgstr "Bild för föregående-knapp" #: tooltips.php:118 msgid "Enter the text you would like to appear on the page previous button." msgstr "Lägg in texten som du vill ska synas på knappen för föregående sida. " #: tooltips.php:118 msgid "Previous Button Text" msgstr "Text för föregående-knapp" #: tooltips.php:117 msgid "Enter the path to an image you would like to use as the page next button." msgstr "Lägg in sökvägen till bilden du vill använda som knapp för nästa sida. " #: tooltips.php:117 msgid "Next Button Image" msgstr "Bild för nästa-knapp" #: tooltips.php:116 msgid "Enter the text you would like to appear on the page next button." msgstr "Lägg in den text du vill ska synas på knappen för nästa sida. " #: tooltips.php:116 msgid "Next Button Text" msgstr "Text för nästa-knapp" #: tooltips.php:115 msgid "Name each of the pages on your form. Page names are displayed with the selected progress indicator." msgstr "Namnge varje sida i formuläret. Sidnamn visas i vald förloppsindikator. " #: tooltips.php:114 msgid "Select which progress bar style you would like to use. Select custom to choose your own text and background color." msgstr "Välj vilken stil du vill ha på förloppsstapeln. Välj anpassad för att välja egna färger för text och bakgrund." #: tooltips.php:113 msgid "Select which type of visual progress indicator you would like to display. Progress Bar, Steps or None." msgstr "Välj vilken typ av visuell förloppsindikator du vill visa. förlopps-stapel, antal steg eller ingen." #: tooltips.php:112 msgid "Create rules to dynamically display or hide this page based on values from another field." msgstr "Skapa regler för att dynamiskt visa eller dölja denna sida beroende på värdet av ett annat fält." #: tooltips.php:112 msgid "Page Conditional Logic" msgstr "Villkorsstyrd logik för sida" #: tooltips.php:111 msgid "Enter a message to be displayed to users who are not logged in (shortcodes and HTML are supported)." msgstr "Skriv in ett meddelande som kommer att visas för användare som inte är inloggade (kortkoder och HTML kan användas)." #: tooltips.php:110 msgid "Check this option to require a user to be logged in to view this form." msgstr "Markera detta alternativ för att kräva att en användare måste vara inloggad för att kunna se formuläret." #: tooltips.php:109 msgid "Check this option to add a text input as the final choice of your radio button field. This allows the user to specify a value that is not a predefined choice." msgstr "Markera detta alternativ för att lägga till ett textfält som sista val för fältet alternativknappar. Detta tillåter användaren att specificera ett värde som inte är fördefinierat." #: tooltips.php:109 msgid "\"Other\" Choice" msgstr "”Annat” val" #: tooltips.php:108 msgid "Check this option to add a \"Select All\" checkbox before the checkbox choices to allow users to check all the checkboxes with one click." msgstr "Välj detta alternativ för att lägga till en kryssruta ”Välj alla” före kryssrutorna så att användare kan kryssa i alla rutor med ett enda klick." #: tooltips.php:108 msgid "\"Select All\" Choice" msgstr "Alternativet ”Välj alla”" #: tooltips.php:107 msgid "Text of the consent checkbox." msgstr "Text till kryssruta för samtycke." #: tooltips.php:107 msgid "Checkbox Text" msgstr "Text för kryssruta" #. Translators: %s: Link to Chosen jQuery framework. #: tooltips.php:106 msgid "By selecting this option, the %s jQuery script will be applied to this field, enabling search capabilities to Drop Down fields and a more user-friendly interface for Multi Select fields." msgstr "När du väljer detta alternativ kommer jQuery-skriptet %s att tillämpas på detta fält, vilket möjliggör sökfunktioner för rullgardinslistor och ett mer användarvänligt gränssnitt för fält där flera alternativ kan välja." #. Translators: %s: Link to Chosen jQuery framework. #: tooltips.php:106 msgid "Enable Enhanced UI" msgstr "Aktivera förbättrat UI" #: tooltips.php:104 msgid "Create rules to dynamically display or hide this field based on values from another field." msgstr "Skapa regler för att dynamiskt visa eller dölja detta fält beroende på värdet av ett annat fält." #: tooltips.php:103 msgid "Check this option to specify a value for each choice. Choice values are not displayed to the user viewing the form, but are accessible to administrators when viewing the entry." msgstr "Markera detta alternativ för att specificera ett värde för varje val. Valvärden visas inte för användaren som ser formuläret, men är tillgängliga för administratörer när de tittar på inlägg gjorda via formuläret." #: tooltips.php:103 msgid "Enable Choice Values" msgstr "Aktivera värden för val" #: tooltips.php:102 msgid "Define the choices for this field. If the field type supports it you will also be able to select the default choice(s) using a radio or checkbox located to the left of the choice." msgstr "Definiera alternativen för detta fält. Om fälttypen stöder det kan du även välja ett eller flera standardval via radioknappar eller kryssrutor till vänster om alternativet." #: tooltips.php:102 msgid "Field Choices" msgstr "Fältval" #: tooltips.php:100 msgid "Enter the CSS class name you would like to use in order to override the default styles for this field." msgstr "Ange CSS-klassnamnet du vill använda för att åsidosätta de förvalda stilarna för detta fält." #: tooltips.php:99 msgid "Select the language you would like to use for the reCAPTCHA display from the available options." msgstr "Välj det språk du vill använda för reCAPTCHA från de tillgängliga alternativen." #: tooltips.php:99 msgid "reCAPTCHA Language" msgstr "Språk för reCAPTCHA" #: tooltips.php:98 msgid "If you would like to override the default error validation for a field, enter it here. This message will be displayed if there is an error with this field when the user submits the form." msgstr "Om du vill åsidosätta de förvalda felmeddelandena för ett fält, ange det här. Detta meddelande kommer att visas om det uppstår ett fel med detta fält när en användare ska skicka in formuläret." #: tooltips.php:98 msgid "Validation Message" msgstr "Valideringsmeddelande" #: tooltips.php:97 msgid "Select this setting to let browsers help a user fill in a field with autocomplete. You can enter a single autocomplete attribute or multiple attributes separated with a space. Learn more about autocomplete in the %s accessibility documentation %s." msgstr "Välj denna inställning om du vill låta webbläsare hjälpa användaren genom att komplettera ett fält automatiskt. Du kan ange ett enda attribut för automatisk komplettering eller flera attribut, åtskilda med ett blanksteg. Läs mer om autokomplettering i %sdokumentationen för tillgänglighet%s." #: js.php:244 tooltips.php:97 msgid "Autocomplete Attribute" msgstr "Komplettera attribut automatiskt" #: tooltips.php:96 msgid "Select this setting to display the option as activated by default when the form first loads." msgstr "Välj detta alternativ för att visa alternativet som aktiverat som standard när formuläret laddas första gången." #: tooltips.php:96 msgid "Activated by Default" msgstr "Aktiverad som standard" #: tooltips.php:95 msgid "Select the field to be used as the source for the values for this field." msgstr "Välj vilket fält ska användas som källa för värdet av detta fält." #: tooltips.php:94 msgid "Enter the label to be displayed next to the check box. For example, "same as shipping address"." msgstr "Skriv in den etikett som ska visas intill kryssrutan. Exempelvis ”samma som leveransadress”." #: tooltips.php:93 msgid "Activate this option to allow users to skip this field and submit the values entered in the associated field. For example, this is useful for shipping and billing address fields." msgstr "Aktivera detta alternativ för att låta användare hoppa över detta fält och skicka in de värden som skrivits in i ett associerat fält. Detta kan till exempel vara användbart för fält med leverans- och faktureringsadresser." #: tooltips.php:93 msgid "Use Values Submitted in a Different Field" msgstr "Använd värden som skickats in i ett annat fält" #: tooltips.php:92 msgid "Placeholders will not be submitted along with the form. Use Placeholders to give a hint at the expected value or format." msgstr "Platsmarkörer kommer inte att skickas in tillsammans med formuläret. Använd platsmarkörer för att ge en fingervisning om förväntat värde eller format." #: tooltips.php:91 msgid "The Placeholder will not be submitted along with the form. Use the Placeholder to give a hint at the expected value or format." msgstr "Platsmarkören kommer inte att skickas in tillsammans med formuläret. Använd platsmarkören för att ge en fingervisning om förväntat värde eller format." #: tooltips.php:89 tooltips.php:90 msgid "If you would like to pre-populate the value of a field, enter it here." msgstr "Om du vill fylla i ett standardvärde för ett fält i förväg, ange det här." #: tooltips.php:88 msgid "Select the fields you'd like to use in this Address Field and customize the Sub-Labels by entering new ones." msgstr "Välj vilka fält du vill använda i detta adressfält och anpassa de sekundära etiketterna genom att skriva in nya." #: tooltips.php:87 msgid "Add Choices to this field. You can mark a choice as selected by default by using the radio buttons on the left." msgstr "Lägg till valalternativ till dett fält. Du kan markera ett alternativ som standardval med hjälp av alternativknapparna på vänster sida." #: tooltips.php:87 msgid "Name Prefix Choices" msgstr "Alternativ för namn-prefix" #: tooltips.php:86 msgid "Select the fields you'd like to use in this Name field and customize the Sub-Labels by entering new ones." msgstr "Välj vilka fält du vill använda i detta namn-fält och anpassa de sekundära etiketterna genom att skriva in nya." #: tooltips.php:85 msgid "Select a form field size from the available options. This will set the width of the field. Please note: if using a paragraph field, the size applies only to the height of the field." msgstr "Välj storlek på formulärfält bland tillgängliga alternativ. Detta anger fältets bredd. Observera: Om du använder ett fält för inmatning av textstycke kommer storleken endast att påverka fältets höjd." #: tooltips.php:84 msgid "Select the sub-label placement. Sub-labels can be placed above the field inputs or below the field inputs." msgstr "Välj placering av sekundära etiketter. Sekundära etiketter kan placeras ovan inmatningsfälten eller under inmatningsfälten." #: tooltips.php:83 msgid "Select the description placement. Descriptions can be placed above the field inputs or below the field inputs." msgstr "Välj placering för beskrivningen. Beskrivningar kan placeras ovanför fälten eller under fälten." #: tooltips.php:82 msgid "Select the label visibility for this field. Labels can either inherit the form setting or be hidden." msgstr "Välj etikettens synlighet för detta fält. Etiketter kan antingen ärva formulärets inställning eller vara dolda." #: tooltips.php:82 msgid "Label Visibility" msgstr "Etikettens synlighet" #: tooltips.php:81 msgid "Enter values in this setting to override the Sub-Label for each field." msgstr "Lägg in värden i den här inställningen för att åsidosätta den sekundära etiketten för varje fält. " #: tooltips.php:80 msgid "Enter the admin label of the form field. Entering a value in this field will override the Field Label when displayed in the Gravity Forms administration tool." msgstr "Ange administratörsetiketten för fältet. Anger du ett värde här kommer det att åsidosätta fältetiketten som visas i Gravity Forms administratörsverktyg." #: tooltips.php:80 msgid "Admin Label" msgstr "Etikett för administratör" #: tooltips.php:79 msgid "Specify how many decimal places the number should be rounded to." msgstr "Specificera hur många decimaler numret ska avrundas till." #: tooltips.php:78 msgid "Specify a mathematical formula. The result of this formula will be dynamically populated as the value for this field." msgstr "Specificera en matematisk formel. Resultatet för denna formel kommer dynamiskt att fyllas i som värde för detta fält." #: tooltips.php:77 msgid "Enabling calculations will allow the value of this field to be dynamically calculated based on a mathematical formula." msgstr "Genom att aktivera beräkningar tillåter du att värdet på detta fält kan beräknas dynamiskt med hjälp av en matematisk formel." #: tooltips.php:76 msgid "Enter the minimum and maximum values for this form field. This will require that the value entered by the user must fall within this range." msgstr "Ange min- och max-värden för detta fält. Detta kommer att kräva att det inmatade värdet ligger inom angivet intervall." #: tooltips.php:76 msgid "Number Range" msgstr "Nummerintervall" #: tooltips.php:75 msgid "Select this option to hide the field label in the form." msgstr "Välj detta alternativ för att dölja fältetiketten i formuläret." #: tooltips.php:75 msgid "Hide Field Label" msgstr "Dölj fältets etikett" #: tooltips.php:74 msgid "Select this option to limit user input to unique values only. This will require that a value entered in a field does not currently exist in the entry database for that field." msgstr "Välj detta alternativ för att begränsa inmatning till endast unika värden. Detta kommer att kräva att det inmatade värdet för ett fält inte finns sedan tidigare i inläggsdatabasen för fältet i fråga." #: tooltips.php:73 msgid "Select this option to make the form field required. A required field will prevent the form from being submitted if it is not filled out or selected." msgstr "Välj detta alternativ för att göra fältet obligatoriskt. Ett obligatoriskt fält förhindrar att formuläret skickas in om fältet inte är ifyllt eller ikryssat." #: tooltips.php:73 msgid "Required Field" msgstr "Obligatoriskt fält" #: tooltips.php:72 msgid "Enter the description for the form field. This will be displayed to the user and provide some direction on how the field should be filled out or selected." msgstr "Ange en beskrivning för detta formulärfält. Detta kommer att visas för användaren och ge viss vägledning för hur fältet ska fyllas i eller väljas." #: tooltips.php:72 msgid "Field Description" msgstr "Fältbeskrivning" #: tooltips.php:71 msgid "Select the format you would like to use for the phone input. Available options are domestic US/CANADA style phone number and international long format phone number." msgstr "Välj det format du vill använda för inmatning av telefonnummer. Tillgängliga alternativ är inhemska USA/Kanadensiska telefonnummer och internationella telefonnummer i långt format." #: tooltips.php:71 msgid "Phone Number Format" msgstr "Format för telefonnummer" #: tooltips.php:70 msgid "Specify the maximum file size in megabytes allowed for each of the files." msgstr "Specificera maxstorlek i megabyte för varje fil. " #: tooltips.php:69 msgid "Specify the maximum number of files that can be uploaded using this field. Leave blank for unlimited. Note that the actual number of files permitted may be limited by this server's specifications and configuration." msgstr "Specificera max antal filer som kan laddas upp i det här fältet. Lämna tomt för obegränsat. Observera att det specifika antalet filer kan begränsas av serverns specifikationer och konfiguration. " #: tooltips.php:68 msgid "Select this option to enable multiple files to be uploaded for this field." msgstr "Välj detta alternativ för att tillåta uppladdning av flera filer i detta fält. " #: tooltips.php:67 msgid "Enter the allowed file extensions for file uploads. This will limit the type of files a user may upload." msgstr "Lägg in tillåtna filändelser för filuppladdningar. Detta begränsar vilka filtyper en användare kan ladda upp. " #: tooltips.php:67 msgid "Allowed File Extensions" msgstr "Tillåtna filändelser" #: tooltips.php:66 msgid "Select the format you would like to use for the time field. Available options are 12 hour (i.e. 8:30 pm) and 24 hour (i.e. 20:30)." msgstr "Välj det format du vill använda för tidsfältet. Tillgängliga alternativ är 12 timmar (dvs. 8:30 pm) och 24 timmar (dvs. 20:30)." #: tooltips.php:65 msgid "Select the format you would like to use for the date input." msgstr "Välj vilket format du vill använda för inmatning av datum." #: tooltips.php:65 msgid "Field Date Format" msgstr "Format för datumfält" #: tooltips.php:64 msgid "Check this box to prevent this field from being displayed in a non-secure page (i.e. not https://). It will redirect the page to the same URL, but starting with https:// instead. This option requires a properly configured SSL certificate." msgstr "Markera detta alternativ för att förhindra detta fält från att visas på osäkra sidor (dvs. inte https://). Detta kommer att omdirigera sidan till samma URL, fast som börjar med https:// instället. Detta alternativ kräver ett korrekt konfigurerat SSL-certifikat." #: tooltips.php:63 msgid "Select the format of numbers that are allowed in this field. You have the option to use a comma or a dot as the decimal separator." msgstr "Välj nummerformatet som är tillåtet för detta fält. Du kan välja kommatecken eller punkt som decimalavgränsare." #: tooltips.php:62 msgid "Select the format you would like to use for the Name field. There are 3 options, Normal which includes First and Last Name, Extended which adds Prefix and Suffix, or Simple which is a single input field." msgstr "Välj det format du vill använda för namnfältet. Det finns 3 alternativ, normal, som inkluderar för- och efternamn, utökad, som innehåller prefix och suffix, samt enkel, som består av ett enstaka inmatningsfält." #: tooltips.php:62 msgid "Field Name Format" msgstr "Format för namnfält" #: tooltips.php:61 msgid "Check this box to prevent the State/Province/Region from being displayed in the form." msgstr "Markera detta alternativ för att förhindra att fälten stat/län/region visas i formuläret." #: tooltips.php:61 msgid "Hide State/Province/Region" msgstr "Göm stat/län/region" #: tooltips.php:60 msgid "Check this box to prevent Province field from being displayed in the form." msgstr "Markera detta alternativ för att förhindra att länsfältet visas i formuläret." #: tooltips.php:60 msgid "Hide Province Field" msgstr "Göm länsfält" #: tooltips.php:59 msgid "Check this box to prevent the State field from being displayed in the form." msgstr "Markera detta alternativ för att förhindra att fältet ”stat” visas i formuläret." #: tooltips.php:59 msgid "Hide State Field" msgstr "Göm fältet ”stat”" #: tooltips.php:58 msgid "Check this box to prevent the extra address input (Address Line 2) from being displayed in the form." msgstr "Markera detta alternativ för att förhindra att Adressfält 2 visas i formuläret." #: tooltips.php:58 msgid "Hide Address Line 2" msgstr "Göm adressrad 2" #: tooltips.php:57 msgid "For addresses that only apply to one country, you can choose to not display the country drop down. Entries will still be recorded with the selected country." msgstr "För adresser som endast gäller ett land, kan du välja att inte visa någon nedrullningsmeny med länder. Inlägg kommer fortfarande att registreras med det valda landet." #: tooltips.php:57 msgid "Hide Country" msgstr "Göm land" #: tooltips.php:56 msgid "Select the country you would like to be selected by default when the form gets displayed." msgstr "Välj det land du vill ska vara förvalt när formuläret visas." #: tooltips.php:55 msgid "Select the province you would like to be selected by default when the form gets displayed." msgstr "Välj det län du vill ska vara förvalt när formuläret visas." #: tooltips.php:55 msgid "Default Province" msgstr "Förvalt län" #: tooltips.php:54 msgid "Select the state you would like to be selected by default when the form gets displayed." msgstr "Välj stat du vill ska vara förvald när formuläret visas." #: tooltips.php:54 msgid "Default State" msgstr "Förvald stat" #: tooltips.php:53 msgid "Select the type of address you would like to use." msgstr "Välj den typ av adress du vill använda." #: tooltips.php:52 msgid "Select the type of inputs you would like to use for the date field. Date Picker will let users select a date from a calendar. Date Field will let users free type the date." msgstr "Välj den typ av inmatningar som du vill använda för datumfältet. Datumväljare låter användaren välja ett datum i en kalender. Datumfält låter användare själv skriv in datumet." #: tooltips.php:51 msgid "Enter the maximum number of rows that users are allowed to add." msgstr "Ange det högsta antalet rader som användarna får lägga till." #: tooltips.php:50 msgid "Enter the maximum number of characters that this field is allowed to have." msgstr "Ange det högsta antalet tecken som detta fält får innehålla." #: tooltips.php:49 msgid "Select the type of field from the available form fields." msgstr "Välj typ av fält bland de tillgängliga formulärfälten." #: tooltips.php:49 msgid "Field type" msgstr "Fälttyp" #: tooltips.php:48 msgid "Select the custom field name from available existing custom fields, or enter a new custom field name." msgstr "Välj det anpassade fältets namn från tillgängliga anpassade fält, eller ange ett nytt namn." #: tooltips.php:47 msgid "Select the position of the badge containing the links to Google's privacy policy and terms." msgstr "Välj önskad placering av märket som länkar till Googles integritetspolicy och villkor." #: tooltips.php:47 msgid "CAPTCHA Badge Position" msgstr "Positionering av CAPTCHA-märke" #: tooltips.php:46 msgid "Select the type of CAPTCHA you would like to use." msgstr "Välj den CAPTCHA-typ du vill använda." #: tooltips.php:46 msgid "CAPTCHA Type" msgstr "CAPTCHA-typ" #: tooltips.php:45 msgid "Select the visual theme for the reCAPTCHA field from the available options to better match your site design." msgstr "Välj önskat visuellt tema för reCAPTCHA-fältet bland tillgängliga alternativ för att det ska passa in så bra som möjligt i designen för din webbplats." #: tooltips.php:45 msgid "reCAPTCHA Theme" msgstr "reCAPTCHA-tema" #: tooltips.php:44 msgid "When enabled, margins are added to properly align the HTML content with other form fields." msgstr "Om aktiverad, kommer marginaler att placera HTML-innehållet korrekt i linje med andra formulärfält." #: tooltips.php:44 msgid "Disable Default Margins" msgstr "Inaktivera förvalda marginaler" #: tooltips.php:43 msgid "Enter the label for this HTML block. It will help you identify your HTML blocks in the form editor, but it will not be displayed on the form." msgstr "Ange etiketten för detta HTML-block. Det underlättar för dig när du ska identifiera dina HTML-block i formulärredigeraren, men kommer inte att visas i formuläret." #: tooltips.php:42 msgid "Enter the label of the form field. This is the field title the user will see when filling out the form." msgstr "Ange etiketten för formulärfältet. Detta är fältrubriken som användaren kommer att se när formuläret fylls i." #. Translators: %s: Link to article about query strings. #: tooltips.php:41 msgid "To pass field data to the confirmation page, build a Query String using the 'Insert Merge Tag' drop down. %s..more info on querystrings »%s" msgstr "Skapa en query-sträng med hjälp av rullgardinslisten ”Infoga kopplingstagg” för att lägga in fältdata på bekräftelsesidan. %sLäs mer om query-strängar »%s" #. Translators: %s: Link to article about query strings. #: tooltips.php:41 msgid "Pass Data Via Query String" msgstr "Skicka data via frågesträngar" #: tooltips.php:39 msgid "Enter the URL of the webpage you would like the user to be redirected to after they have submitted the form." msgstr "Ange URL för den webbsida du vill att användare ska omdirigeras till efter att ha skickat formuläret." #: tooltips.php:39 msgid "Redirect Form to URL" msgstr "Omdirigera formulär till URL" #: tooltips.php:38 msgid "Select the page you would like the user to be redirected to after they have submitted the form." msgstr "Välj den sida du vill att användare ska omdirigeras till efter att ha skickat formuläret." #: tooltips.php:38 msgid "Redirect Form to Page" msgstr "Omdirigera formulär till sida" #: tooltips.php:37 msgid "When enabled, auto-formatting will insert paragraph breaks automatically. Disable auto-formatting when using HTML to create the confirmation content." msgstr "Vid aktiv, kommer automatisk formatering att lägga in styckebrytningar automatiskt. Inaktivera automatiskt formatering när du använder HTML för att skapa bekräftelseinnehållet." #: tooltips.php:36 msgid "Enter the text you would like the user to see on the confirmation page of this form." msgstr "Ange texten du vill att användaren ska se på bekräftelsesidan för detta formulär." #: tooltips.php:36 msgid "Confirmation Message Text" msgstr "Meddelandetext för bekräftelse" #: tooltips.php:35 msgid "Enter the URL of a custom image to replace the default 'delete item' icon. A maximum size of 16px by 16px is recommended" msgstr "Ange URL till en anpassad bild som kommer att ersätta standardikonen för ”radera objekt”. En maximal storlek på 16px gånger 16px rekommenderas" #: tooltips.php:34 msgid "Enter the URL of a custom image to replace the default 'add item' icon. A maximum size of 16px by 16px is recommended" msgstr "Lägg in URL till en anpassad bild för att byta ut standardikonen för att lägga till objekt. Den maximala storleken 16px*16px rekommenderas " #: tooltips.php:33 msgid "Enter the CSS class name you would like to use in order to override the default styles for this form." msgstr "Ange det CSS-klassnamn du vill använda för att åsidosätta de standardinställda stilarna för detta formulär." #: tooltips.php:33 msgid "Form CSS Class Name" msgstr "Formulärets CSS-klassnamn" #: tooltips.php:32 msgid "Enter the path to an image you would like to use as the form submit button." msgstr "Ange sökvägen till en bild du vill använda för formulärets skicka-knapp." #: tooltips.php:32 msgid "Form Button Image" msgstr "Formulärknappsbild" #: tooltips.php:31 msgid "Enter the text you would like to appear on the form submit button." msgstr "Ange texten som du vill ska visas för formulärets skicka-knapp." #: tooltips.php:31 msgid "Form Button Text" msgstr "Formulärknappstext" #: tooltips.php:30 msgid "Required Indicator" msgstr "Indikering för obligatoriska fält" #: tooltips.php:29 msgid "Select the default sub-label placement. Sub-labels can be placed above the field inputs or below the field inputs. This setting can be overridden in the appearance settings for each field." msgstr "Välj standardplacering för sekundär etikett. Sekundära etiketter kan placeras över ett inmatningsfält eller under inmatningsfältet. Den här inställningen kan åsidosättas i utseendeinställningarna för respektive fält." #: tooltips.php:27 msgid "Select the default description placement. Descriptions can be placed above the field inputs or below the field inputs. This setting can be overridden in the appearance settings for each field." msgstr "Välj standardplacering för beskrivningar. Beskrivningar kan placeras ovanför inmatningsfält eller under inmatningsfält. Denna inställning kan åsidosättas i utseendeinställningarna för respektive fält." #: tooltips.php:26 msgid "Select the default label placement. Labels can be top aligned above a field, left aligned to the left of a field, or right aligned to the right of a field. This is a global label placement setting." msgstr "Välj standardplacering för etiketten. Etiketter kan toppjusteras ovanför ett fält, vänsterjusteras till vänster om ett fält eller högerjusteras till höger om fältet. Detta är en global inställning för placeringen av etiketter" #: tooltips.php:26 msgid "Form Label Placement" msgstr "Formulärets etikettplacering" #: tooltips.php:25 msgid "Enter a description for your form. This may be used for user instructions." msgstr "Ange en beskrivning för ditt formulär. Detta kan användas som instruktioner för användare." #: tooltips.php:24 msgid "Enter the title of your form." msgstr "Ange formulärets rubrik." #: tooltips.php:23 msgid "Check this option to enable Gravity Forms' legacy markup. This will hinder the accessibility of your form." msgstr "Aktivera detta alternativ om du vill att Gravity Forms ska använda bakåtkompatibel HTML-kod. Om du gör detta hindras tillgängligheten för ditt formulär." #: tooltips.php:23 msgid "Legacy Markup" msgstr "Bakåtkompatibel kod" #: tooltips.php:22 msgid "Check this option to enable a sliding animation when displaying/hiding conditional logic fields." msgstr "Markera det här alternativet för att aktivera en glidande animering när fält som genom villkorslogik visas eller döljs." #: tooltips.php:22 msgid "Enable Animation" msgstr "Aktivera animering" #: tooltips.php:21 msgid "Enables the honeypot spam protection technique, which is an alternative to the reCAPTCHA field." msgstr "Aktivera tekniken spamfälla, som är ett alternativ till reCAPTCHA-fältet." #: tooltips.php:21 msgid "Enable Anti-spam honeypot" msgstr "Aktivera spamfälla" #: tooltips.php:20 msgid "Schedule a time period the form is active." msgstr "Schemalägg tidsperioden som formuläret ska vara aktivt." #: tooltips.php:19 msgid "Enter a number in the input box below to limit the number of entries allowed for this form. The form will become inactive when that number is reached." msgstr "Ange ett nummer i inmatningsrutan nedan för att begränsa antalet tillåtna inlägg för detta formulär. Formuläret kommer att avaktiveras när antalet inlägg uppgår till det du angivit." #: tooltips.php:19 msgid "Limit Number of Entries" msgstr "Begränsa antalet inlägg" #: tooltips.php:18 msgid "Limit the number of entries a form can generate and/or schedule a time period the form is active." msgstr "Begränsa antalet inlägg ett formulär kan generera och/eller schemalägg en tidsperiod formuläret är aktivt." #: tooltips.php:18 msgid "Limit Form Activity" msgstr "Begränsa formuläraktivitet" #: tooltips.php:17 msgid "When enabled, any files uploaded to File Upload fields will be attached to the notification email." msgstr "När detta alternativ är aktiverat kommer alla filer som laddats upp i fält för filuppladdning att bifogas i notifikationsmeddelandet." #: tooltips.php:16 msgid "Enter a comma separated list of email addresses you would like to receive a BCC of the notification email." msgstr "Lägg in en lista med e-postadresser, separerade med kommatecken, för dolda extra mottagare (BCC) av notifieringsmeddelanden." #: tooltips.php:16 msgid "Blind Carbon Copy Addresses" msgstr "BCC-adresser (dolda kopior)" #: tooltips.php:15 msgid "Enter a comma separated list of email addresses you would like to receive a CC of the notification email." msgstr "Ange en kommaseparerad lista med e-postadresser dit du vill skicka en kopia av notifieringsmeddelanden." #: tooltips.php:15 msgid "Carbon Copy Addresses" msgstr "Adresser som får kopia" #: tooltips.php:14 msgid "Enter the email address you would like to be used as the reply to address for the notification email." msgstr "Lägg in e-postadressen du vill använda som svarsadress för notifikationer." #: tooltips.php:13 msgid "Enter the name you would like the notification email sent from, or select the name from available name fields." msgstr "Lägg in namnet du vill ha som avsändare för e-post med notifikationer, eller välj namnet från tillgängliga namnfält." #: tooltips.php:12 msgid "Enter an authorized email address you would like the notification email sent from. To avoid deliverability issues, always use your site domain in the from email." msgstr "Ange en behörig e-postadress som du vill ska användas som avsändaradress för aviseringar. För att undvika leveransproblem ska du alltid använda webbplatsens domän i avsändaradressen." #: tooltips.php:12 msgid "From Email Address" msgstr "Från e-postadress" #: tooltips.php:11 msgid "Allows notification to be sent to different email addresses depending on values selected in the form." msgstr "Tillåter notifikationer att skickas till olika e-postadresser beroende på värden valda i formuläret." #: tooltips.php:11 msgid "Routing" msgstr "Dirigering" #: tooltips.php:10 msgid "When enabled, auto-formatting will insert paragraph breaks automatically. Disable auto-formatting when using HTML to create email notification content." msgstr "Om aktiv, kommer automatisk formatering att sätta styckesbrytningar automatiskt. Avaktivera automatisk formatering vid användning av HTML för att skapa innehåll för e-postnotifikationer." #: tooltips.php:10 tooltips.php:37 msgid "Disable Auto-Formatting" msgstr "Inaktivera automatisk formatering" #: tooltips.php:9 msgid "Enter the email address you would like the notification email sent to." msgstr "Lägg in e-postadressen som du vill ha notifikationer till. " #: tooltips.php:9 msgid "Send To Email Address" msgstr "Skicka till e-postadress" #: includes/save-form/class-gf-form-crud-handler.php:404 msgid "New submission from" msgstr "Ny anmälan från" #: common.php:831 form_detail.php:2982 msgid "User Login" msgstr "Användarinloggning" #: common.php:830 form_detail.php:2981 msgid "User Email" msgstr "Användarens e-post" #: common.php:828 form_detail.php:2980 msgid "User Display Name" msgstr "Användarens visade namn" #: common.php:816 form_detail.php:2979 msgid "HTTP Referer URL" msgstr "HTTP refererande URL" #: common.php:815 form_detail.php:2978 msgid "HTTP User Agent" msgstr "HTTP användaragent" #: common.php:808 form_detail.php:2976 msgid "Embed Post/Page Title" msgstr "Bädda in inläggsrubrik/sidrubrik" #: common.php:804 form_detail.php:2975 msgid "Embed Post/Page Id" msgstr "Bädda in inläggs-ID/sid-ID" #: common.php:793 form_detail.php:2972 js.php:1507 msgid "User IP Address" msgstr "Användarens IP-adress" #: common.php:649 common.php:983 form_detail.php:2971 msgid "Insert Merge Tag" msgstr "Infoga kopplingstagg" #: form_detail.php:2760 tooltips.php:141 msgid "Pricing Fields" msgstr "Prisfält" #: form_detail.php:2747 tooltips.php:140 msgid "Post Fields" msgstr "Inläggsfält" #: includes/form-editor/save-form/config/class-gf-form-editor-form-save-config.php:35 msgid "View Form" msgstr "Visa formuläret" #: includes/form-editor/save-form/config/class-gf-form-editor-form-save-config.php:34 msgid "Form Updated" msgstr "Formuläret har uppdaterats." #: includes/save-form/endpoints/class-gf-save-form-endpoint-admin.php:192 msgid "Please %1$scontact our support team%2$s." msgstr "Kontakta %1$svårt supportteam%2$s." #: includes/save-form/endpoints/class-gf-save-form-endpoint-admin.php:192 msgid "There was an error while saving your form." msgstr "Ett fel uppstod när ditt formulär sparades." #: form_detail.php:2628 msgid "Enable Next Button Conditional Logic" msgstr "Aktivera villkorsstyrd logik för nästa-knappen" #: form_detail.php:2608 msgid "Enable Page Conditional Logic" msgstr "Aktivera villkorsstyrd logik för sida" #: form_detail.php:2596 msgid "Enable Conditional Logic" msgstr "Aktivera villkorsstyrd logik" #: form_detail.php:2542 msgid "Allow field to be populated dynamically" msgstr "Tillåt fältet att fyllas i dynamiskt" #: form_detail.php:2535 msgid "Use the Rich Text Editor" msgstr "Använd redigeraren för formaterad text" #: common.php:7011 form_detail.php:2518 msgid "Visibility" msgstr "Synlighet" #: form_detail.php:2512 tooltips.php:64 msgid "Force SSL" msgstr "Tvinga SSL" #: form_detail.php:2505 msgid "Enable Password Input" msgstr "Aktivera lösenordsinmatning" #: form_detail.php:2495 tooltips.php:35 msgid "Delete Icon URL" msgstr "Radera Ikon-URL" #: form_detail.php:2485 tooltips.php:34 msgid "Add Icon URL" msgstr "Lägg till URL för ikon" #: form_detail.php:2476 msgid "Zulu" msgstr "Zulu" #: form_detail.php:2475 msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Vietnamesiska" #: form_detail.php:2474 msgid "Urdu" msgstr "Urdu" #: form_detail.php:2473 msgid "Ukrainian" msgstr "Ukrainska" #: form_detail.php:2472 msgid "Turkish" msgstr "Turkiska" #: form_detail.php:2471 msgid "Thai" msgstr "Thai" #: form_detail.php:2470 msgid "Telugu" msgstr "Telugu" #: form_detail.php:2469 msgid "Tamil" msgstr "Tamil" #: form_detail.php:2468 msgid "Swedish" msgstr "Svenska" #: form_detail.php:2467 msgid "Swahili" msgstr "Swahili" #: form_detail.php:2466 msgid "Spanish (Latin America)" msgstr "Spanska (Latinamerika)" #: form_detail.php:2465 msgid "Spanish" msgstr "Spanska" #: form_detail.php:2464 msgid "Slovenian" msgstr "Sloveniska" #: form_detail.php:2463 msgid "Slovak" msgstr "Slovakiska" #: form_detail.php:2462 msgid "Sinhalese" msgstr "Singalesiska" #: form_detail.php:2461 msgid "Serbian" msgstr "Serbiska" #: form_detail.php:2460 msgid "Russian" msgstr "Ryska" #: form_detail.php:2459 msgid "Romanian" msgstr "Rumänska" #: form_detail.php:2458 msgid "Portuguese (Portugal)" msgstr "Portugisiska (Portugal)" #: form_detail.php:2457 msgid "Portuguese (Brazil)" msgstr "Portugisiska (Brasilien)" #: form_detail.php:2456 msgid "Portuguese" msgstr "Portugisiska" #: form_detail.php:2455 msgid "Polish" msgstr "Polska" #: form_detail.php:2454 msgid "Persian" msgstr "Persiska" #: form_detail.php:2453 msgid "Norwegian" msgstr "Norska" #: form_detail.php:2452 msgid "Mongolian" msgstr "Mongoliska" #: form_detail.php:2451 msgid "Marathi" msgstr "Marathi" #: form_detail.php:2450 msgid "Malayalam" msgstr "Malayalam" #: form_detail.php:2449 msgid "Malay" msgstr "Malajiska" #: form_detail.php:2448 msgid "Lithuanian" msgstr "Litauiska" #: form_detail.php:2447 msgid "Latvian" msgstr "Lettiska" #: form_detail.php:2446 msgid "Laothian" msgstr "Lao" #: form_detail.php:2445 msgid "Korean" msgstr "Koreanska" #: form_detail.php:2444 msgid "Kannada" msgstr "Kannada" #: form_detail.php:2443 msgid "Japanese" msgstr "Japanska" #: form_detail.php:2442 msgid "Italian" msgstr "Italienska" #: form_detail.php:2441 msgid "Indonesian" msgstr "Indonesiska" #: form_detail.php:2440 msgid "Icelandic" msgstr "Isländska" #: form_detail.php:2439 msgid "Hungarian" msgstr "Ungerska" #: form_detail.php:2438 msgid "Hindi" msgstr "Hindi" #: form_detail.php:2437 msgid "Hebrew" msgstr "Hebreiska" #: form_detail.php:2436 msgid "Gujarati" msgstr "Gujarati" #: form_detail.php:2435 msgid "Greek" msgstr "Grekiska" #: form_detail.php:2434 msgid "German (Switzerland)" msgstr "Tyska (Schweiz)" #: form_detail.php:2433 msgid "German (Austria)" msgstr "Tyska (Österrike)" #: form_detail.php:2432 msgid "German" msgstr "Tyska" #: form_detail.php:2431 msgid "Georgian" msgstr "Georgiska" #: form_detail.php:2430 msgid "Galician" msgstr "Galiciska" #: form_detail.php:2429 msgid "French (Canadian)" msgstr "Franska (Kanada)" #: form_detail.php:2428 msgid "French" msgstr "Franska" #: form_detail.php:2427 msgid "Finnish" msgstr "Finska" #: form_detail.php:2426 msgid "Filipino" msgstr "Filippinska" #: form_detail.php:2425 msgid "Estonian" msgstr "Estniska" #: form_detail.php:2424 msgid "English (US)" msgstr "Engelska (USA)" #: form_detail.php:2423 msgid "English (UK)" msgstr "Engelska (Storbritannien)" #: form_detail.php:2422 msgid "Dutch" msgstr "Nederländska" #: form_detail.php:2421 msgid "Danish" msgstr "Danska" #: form_detail.php:2420 msgid "Czech" msgstr "Tjeckiska" #: form_detail.php:2419 msgid "Croatian" msgstr "Kroatiska" #: form_detail.php:2418 msgid "Chinese (Traditional)" msgstr "Kinesiska (traditionell)" #: form_detail.php:2417 msgid "Chinese (Simplified)" msgstr "Kinesiska (förenklad)" #: form_detail.php:2416 msgid "Chinese (Hong Kong)" msgstr "Kinesiska (Hong Kong)" #: form_detail.php:2415 msgid "Catalan" msgstr "Katalanska" #: form_detail.php:2414 msgid "Bulgarian" msgstr "Bulgariska" #: form_detail.php:2413 msgid "Bengali" msgstr "Bengali" #: form_detail.php:2412 msgid "Basque" msgstr "Baskiska" #: form_detail.php:2411 msgid "Azerbaijani" msgstr "Azerbadjanska" #: form_detail.php:2410 msgid "Armenian" msgstr "Armeniska" #: form_detail.php:2409 msgid "Amharic" msgstr "Amhariska" #: form_detail.php:2408 msgid "Afrikaans" msgstr "Afrikaans" #: form_detail.php:2407 msgid "Arabic" msgstr "Arabiska" #: form_detail.php:2402 msgid "Language" msgstr "Språk" #: form_detail.php:2388 msgid "Activated by default" msgstr "Aktiverad som standard" #: form_detail.php:2378 tooltips.php:95 msgid "Source Field" msgstr "Källfält" #: form_detail.php:2373 tooltips.php:94 msgid "Option Label" msgstr "Etikett för alternativ" #: form_detail.php:2367 msgid "To activate this option, please add a field to be used as the source." msgstr "Lägg till ett fält som ska användas som källa för att aktivera detta alternativ." #: form_detail.php:2361 msgid "Display option to use the values submitted in different field" msgstr "Visningsalternativ för användning av värden som angetts i ett annat fält" #: form_detail.php:2346 tooltips.php:90 msgid "Default Values" msgstr "Standardvärden" #: form_detail.php:2336 msgid "Enable Autocomplete" msgstr "Aktivera automatisk komplettering" #: form_detail.php:2320 msgid "Prefix Choices" msgstr "Prefix-val" #: form_detail.php:2300 form_detail.php:2310 js.php:194 tooltips.php:89 msgid "Default Value" msgstr "Standardvärde" #: form_detail.php:2286 msgid "Admin Field Label" msgstr "Administratörsfält" #: form_detail.php:2251 tooltips.php:85 msgid "Field Size" msgstr "Fältstorlek" #: form_detail.php:2238 msgid "Enable enhanced user interface" msgstr "Aktivera förbättrat användargränssnitt" #: form_detail.php:2225 msgid "Custom CSS Class" msgstr "Anpassad CSS-klass" #: form_detail.php:2175 msgid "Custom Validation Message" msgstr "Anpassat valideringsmeddelande" #: form_detail.php:2144 form_detail.php:2165 msgid "Use Form Setting (%s)" msgstr "Använd formulärinställningar (%s)" #: form_detail.php:2133 msgid "Visible (%s)" msgstr "Synlig (%s)" #: form_detail.php:2129 msgid "Field Label Visibility" msgstr "Fältetikettens synlighet" #: form_detail.php:2099 tooltips.php:92 msgid "Placeholders" msgstr "Platshållare" #: form_detail.php:2080 form_detail.php:2091 msgid "Placeholder text is not supported when using the Rich Text Editor." msgstr "Platshållartext stöds inte när man använder redigeraren för formaterad text." #: form_detail.php:2036 tooltips.php:74 msgid "No Duplicates" msgstr "Inga dubbletter" #: form_detail.php:2027 includes/settings/class-settings.php:901 #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:92 msgid "Required" msgstr "Obligatoriskt" #: form_detail.php:2021 msgid "Rules" msgstr "Regler" #: form_detail.php:2006 msgid "Do not round" msgstr "Avrunda inte" #: form_detail.php:1997 tooltips.php:79 msgid "Rounding" msgstr "Avrundning" #: form_detail.php:1993 msgid "Validate Formula" msgstr "Validera formeln" #: form_detail.php:1993 msgid "There appears to be a problem with the formula." msgstr "Det verkar vara något problem med formeln." #: form_detail.php:1993 msgid "The formula appears to be valid." msgstr "Formeln verkar vara giltig." #: form_detail.php:1980 tooltips.php:78 msgid "Formula" msgstr "Formel" #: form_detail.php:1972 tooltips.php:77 msgid "Enable Calculation" msgstr "Aktivera beräkning" #: form_detail.php:1956 msgid "Max" msgstr "Max" #: form_detail.php:1950 msgid "Min" msgstr "Min" #: form_detail.php:1943 msgid "Range" msgstr "Intervall" #: form_detail.php:1931 tooltips.php:50 msgid "Maximum Characters" msgstr "Max antal tecken" #: form_detail.php:1912 msgid "Select a Mask" msgstr "Välj en mall" #: form_detail.php:1900 msgid "Zip Code w/ Optional Plus Four" msgstr "Postnummer" #: form_detail.php:1886 msgid "Course Code" msgstr "Kurskod" #: form_detail.php:1879 msgid "Social Security Number" msgstr "Personnummer" #: form_detail.php:1875 form_detail.php:1882 form_detail.php:1889 #: form_detail.php:1896 form_detail.php:1903 msgid "Valid Input" msgstr "Giltig inmatning" #: form_detail.php:1873 form_detail.php:1880 form_detail.php:1887 #: form_detail.php:1894 form_detail.php:1901 msgid "Mask" msgstr "Mall" #: form_detail.php:1869 msgid "Examples" msgstr "Exempel" #: form_detail.php:1866 msgid "All other characters are literal values and will be displayed automatically." msgstr "Alla övriga tecken måste finnas med oförändrade och kommer att visas automatiskt." #: form_detail.php:1865 msgid "Use a question mark '?' to indicate optional characters. Note: All characters after the question mark will be optional." msgstr "Använd ett frågetecken ”?” för att ange valfria tecken. Observera att alla tecken efter frågetecknet kommer att vara valfria." #: form_detail.php:1864 msgid "Use an asterisk '*' to indicate any alphanumeric character." msgstr "Använd en asterisk ”*” för att representera valfritt alfanumeriskt tecken." #: form_detail.php:1863 msgid "Use a lower case 'a' to indicate an alphabetical character." msgstr "Använd litet ”a” för att representera en bokstav." #: form_detail.php:1862 msgid "Use a '9' to indicate a numerical character." msgstr "Använd ”9” för att representera en siffra." #: form_detail.php:1860 msgid "Usage" msgstr "Användning" #: form_detail.php:1854 msgid "Custom Mask Instructions" msgstr "Instruktioner för anpassad mall" #: form_detail.php:1853 msgid "Enter a custom mask" msgstr "Ange en anpassad mall" #: form_detail.php:1833 tooltips.php:137 msgid "Input Mask" msgstr "Inmatningsmall" #: entry_list.php:261 form_detail.php:1842 msgid "Standard" msgstr "Standard" #: form_detail.php:1807 msgid "Supported Credit Cards" msgstr "Kreditkort som stöds" #: form_detail.php:1792 tooltips.php:81 msgid "Sub-Labels" msgstr "Sekundära etiketter" #: form_detail.php:1777 tooltips.php:63 msgid "Number Format" msgstr "Nummerformat" #: form_detail.php:1766 msgid "Good" msgstr "Bra" #: form_detail.php:1765 msgid "Bad" msgstr "Dåligt" #: form_detail.php:1764 msgid "Short" msgstr "Kort" #: form_detail.php:1759 msgid "Minimum Strength" msgstr "Lägsta styrka" #: form_detail.php:1748 msgid "Enable Password Strength" msgstr "Aktivera lösenordsstyrka" #: form_detail.php:1741 msgid "Enable Password Visibility Toggle" msgstr "Aktivera reglage för att dölja/visa lösenordet" #: form_detail.php:1728 msgid "Password Fields" msgstr "Lösenordsfält" #: form_detail.php:1718 msgid "Enable Email Confirmation" msgstr "Aktivera e-postbekräftelse" #: form_detail.php:1707 msgid "Enable \"other\" choice" msgstr "Aktivera alternativet ”annat”" #: form_detail.php:1692 msgid "Enable \"Select All\" choice" msgstr "Aktivera alternativet ”Välj alla”" #: common.php:5368 common.php:5421 form_detail.php:1662 #: includes/form-editor/save-form/config/class-gf-form-editor-form-save-config.php:44 #: select_columns.php:276 msgid "Save" msgstr "Spara" #: form_detail.php:1660 msgid "enter name" msgstr "ange namn" #: form_detail.php:1660 msgid "Enter name" msgstr "Ange namn" #: form_detail.php:1659 msgid "Save as" msgstr "Spara som" #: form_detail.php:1655 msgid "Save as new custom choice" msgstr "Spara som nytt anpassat val" #: form_detail.php:1650 msgid "Insert Choices" msgstr "Infoga val" #: form_detail.php:1565 msgid "Select a category and customize the predefined choices or paste your own list to bulk add choices." msgstr "Välj en kategori och anpassa de fördefinierade valen eller klistra in din egen lista med massåtgärd för val." #: form_detail.php:1611 msgid "Extra Large" msgstr "Extra large" #: form_detail.php:1611 msgid "Extra Small" msgstr "Extra small" #: form_detail.php:1610 msgid "Definitely Not" msgstr "Definitivt inte" #: form_detail.php:1610 msgid "Probably Not" msgstr "Förmodligen inte" #: form_detail.php:1610 msgid "Not Sure" msgstr "Inte säker" #: form_detail.php:1610 msgid "Probably" msgstr "Förmodligen" #: form_detail.php:1610 msgid "Definitely" msgstr "Absolut" #: form_detail.php:1610 msgid "Would You" msgstr "Skulle du" #: form_detail.php:1609 msgid "Much Worse" msgstr "Mycket sämre" #: form_detail.php:1609 msgid "Somewhat Worse" msgstr "Något sämre" #: form_detail.php:1609 msgid "About the Same" msgstr "Ungefär lika" #: form_detail.php:1609 msgid "Somewhat Better" msgstr "Något bättre" #: form_detail.php:1609 msgid "Much Better" msgstr "Mycket bättre" #: form_detail.php:1609 msgid "Comparison" msgstr "Jämförelse" #: form_detail.php:1608 msgid "Strongly Disagree" msgstr "Instämmer inte alls" #: form_detail.php:1608 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10039 msgid "Disagree" msgstr "Instämmer inte" #: form_detail.php:1608 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10051 msgid "Agree" msgstr "Instämmer" #: form_detail.php:1608 msgid "Strongly Agree" msgstr "Instämmer helt" #: form_detail.php:1608 msgid "Agreement" msgstr "Grad av enighet" #: form_detail.php:1607 msgid "Not Important" msgstr "Oviktigt" #: form_detail.php:1607 msgid "Somewhat Important" msgstr "Ganska viktigt" #: form_detail.php:1607 msgid "Important" msgstr "Viktigt" #: form_detail.php:1607 msgid "Very Important" msgstr "Mycket viktigt" #: form_detail.php:1607 msgid "Importance" msgstr "Betydelse" #: form_detail.php:1606 msgid "Very Unsatisfied" msgstr "Mycket missnöjd" #: form_detail.php:1606 msgid "Unsatisfied" msgstr "Missnöjd" #: form_detail.php:1606 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9511 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10045 msgid "Neutral" msgstr "Neutral" #: form_detail.php:1606 msgid "Satisfied" msgstr "Nöjd" #: form_detail.php:1606 msgid "Very Satisfied" msgstr "Mycket nöjd" #: form_detail.php:1606 msgid "Satisfaction" msgstr "Nöjdhet" #: form_detail.php:1605 msgid "Never used" msgstr "Aldrig använt" #: form_detail.php:1605 msgid "Over 3 years" msgstr "Över 3 år" #: form_detail.php:1605 msgid "1-3 years" msgstr "1-3 år" #: form_detail.php:1605 msgid "1-6 months" msgstr "1-6 månader" #: form_detail.php:1605 msgid "Less than a month" msgstr "Mindre än en månad" #: form_detail.php:1605 msgid "How Long" msgstr "Hur länge" #: form_detail.php:1604 msgid "Less than once a month" msgstr "Mindre än 1 gång per månad" #: form_detail.php:1604 msgid "2 to 3 times a month" msgstr "2–3 gånger per månad" #: form_detail.php:1604 msgid "Once a month" msgstr "En gång i månaden" #: form_detail.php:1604 msgid "2 to 3 times a week" msgstr "2 till 3 gånger i veckan" #: form_detail.php:1604 msgid "Once a week" msgstr "En gång i veckan" #: form_detail.php:1604 msgid "Every day" msgstr "Varje dag" #: form_detail.php:1604 msgid "How Often" msgstr "Hur ofta" #: form_detail.php:1603 includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:48 msgid "December" msgstr "December" #: form_detail.php:1603 includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:47 msgid "November" msgstr "November" #: form_detail.php:1603 includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:46 msgid "October" msgstr "Oktober" #: form_detail.php:1603 includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:45 msgid "September" msgstr "September" #: form_detail.php:1603 includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:44 msgid "August" msgstr "Augusti" #: form_detail.php:1603 includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:43 msgid "July" msgstr "Juli" #: form_detail.php:1603 includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:42 msgid "June" msgstr "Juni" #: form_detail.php:1603 includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:40 msgid "April" msgstr "April" #: form_detail.php:1603 includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:39 msgid "March" msgstr "Mars" #: form_detail.php:1603 includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:38 msgid "February" msgstr "Februari" #: form_detail.php:1603 includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:37 msgid "January" msgstr "Januari" #: form_detail.php:1603 msgid "Months of the Year" msgstr "Månader" #: form_detail.php:1602 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Lördag" #: form_detail.php:1602 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5636 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Fredag" #: form_detail.php:1602 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5630 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Torsdag" #: form_detail.php:1602 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5624 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Onsdag" #: form_detail.php:1602 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5618 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Tisdag" #: form_detail.php:1602 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5612 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Måndag" #: form_detail.php:1602 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Söndag" #: form_detail.php:1602 msgid "Days of the Week" msgstr "Veckodagar" #: form_detail.php:1601 msgid "Some College" msgstr "Påbörjad högskoleutbildning" #: form_detail.php:1601 msgid "Graduate or Professional Degree" msgstr "Unversitets- eller högskoleexamen" #: form_detail.php:1601 msgid "Bachelor's Degree" msgstr "Kandidatexamen" #: form_detail.php:1601 msgid "Associate Degree" msgstr "Högskoleexamen" #: form_detail.php:1601 msgid "High School" msgstr "Gymnasium" #: form_detail.php:1601 #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:234 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10990 msgid "Education" msgstr "Utbildning" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Transportation/Logistics" msgstr "Transport/Logistik" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Telecommunications" msgstr "Telekommunikation" #: form_detail.php:1600 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11038 msgid "Technology" msgstr "Teknik" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Skilled Labor" msgstr "Specialutbildad arbetare" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Science/Research" msgstr "Vetenskap/Forskning" #: form_detail.php:1600 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5516 msgid "Sales" msgstr "Försäljning" #: form_detail.php:1600 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11026 msgid "Retail" msgstr "Detaljhandel" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Restaurant/Food Service" msgstr "Restaurang/Matservice" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Real Estate" msgstr "Fastighetsmäklare" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "QA/Quality Control" msgstr "QA/Kvalitetskontroll" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Professional Services" msgstr "Professionella tjänster" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Pharmaceutical/Biotech" msgstr "Läkemedel/Bioteknik" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Non-Profit/Volunteer" msgstr "Ej vinstdrivande/Volontär" #: form_detail.php:1600 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5522 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11020 msgid "Marketing" msgstr "Marknadsföring" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Manufacturing/Operations" msgstr "Tillverkning/Operativt" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Management/Executive" msgstr "Chef/Ledningsgrupp" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Legal" msgstr "Juridiskt arbete" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Law Enforcement/Security" msgstr "Brottsbekämpning/Säkerhet" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Job Search Aids" msgstr "Jobbsökningshjälpmedel" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Internet" msgstr "Internet" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Insurance" msgstr "Försäkring" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Installation/Maintenance" msgstr "Installation/Underhåll" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Human Resources" msgstr "Personalavdelning" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Hospitality/Travel" msgstr "Hotellverksamhet/Resor" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Healthcare" msgstr "Sjukvård" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Government/Military" msgstr "Myndigheter/Militär" #: form_detail.php:1600 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5528 msgid "Engineering" msgstr "Ingenjörskonst" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Energy/Utilities" msgstr "Energi/Vatten" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Education/Training" msgstr "Utbildning/Kurser" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Customer Service" msgstr "Kundtjänst" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Consumer Goods" msgstr "Konsumentvaror" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Construction/Facilities" msgstr "Byggarbete/Fastigheter" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Clerical/Administrative" msgstr "Kontorsarbete/Administration" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Business Opportunity" msgstr "Affärsmöjlighet" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Business Development" msgstr "Affärsutveckling" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Banking/Mortgage" msgstr "Bank/Låneinstitut" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Automotive" msgstr "Fordonsindustri" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Arts/Entertainment/Publishing" msgstr "Konst/Underhållning/Förlag" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Aerospace/Aviation" msgstr "Rymdteknik/Flygteknik" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Advertising/Public Relations" msgstr "Reklam/PR" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Accounting/Finance" msgstr "Redovisning/Finans" #: form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Industry" msgstr "Bransch" #: form_detail.php:1599 msgid "Seasonal" msgstr "Säsongsarbete" #: form_detail.php:1599 msgid "Intern" msgstr "Praktikant" #: form_detail.php:1599 msgid "Contract" msgstr "Projektanställd" #: form_detail.php:1599 msgid "Temporary" msgstr "Tillfälligt" #: form_detail.php:1599 msgid "Employee" msgstr "Anställd" #: form_detail.php:1599 msgid "Per Diem" msgstr "Daglönearbetare" #: form_detail.php:1599 msgid "Part-Time" msgstr "Deltid" #: form_detail.php:1599 msgid "Full-Time" msgstr "Heltid" #: form_detail.php:1599 msgid "Job Type" msgstr "Anställningsform" #: form_detail.php:1598 msgid "Student" msgstr "Student" #: form_detail.php:1598 msgid "Retired" msgstr "Pensionerad" #: form_detail.php:1598 msgid "Homemaker" msgstr "Hemmaarbetande" #: form_detail.php:1598 msgid "Not employed and not looking for work" msgstr "Arbetslös och söker ej jobb" #: form_detail.php:1598 msgid "Not employed but looking for work" msgstr "Ej anställd men arbetssökande" #: form_detail.php:1598 msgid "Self-employed" msgstr "Egenföretagare" #: form_detail.php:1598 msgid "Employed Part-Time" msgstr "Deltidsanställd" #: form_detail.php:1598 msgid "Employed Full-Time" msgstr "Heltidsanställd" #: form_detail.php:1598 msgid "Employment" msgstr "Anställning" #: form_detail.php:1597 msgid "Widowed" msgstr "Änka/änkling" #: form_detail.php:1597 msgid "Divorced" msgstr "Skild" #: form_detail.php:1597 msgid "Married" msgstr "Gift" #: form_detail.php:1597 msgid "Single" msgstr "Ogift" #: form_detail.php:1597 msgid "Marital Status" msgstr "Civilstånd" #: form_detail.php:1596 msgid "65 or Above" msgstr "65 och äldre" #: form_detail.php:1596 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6760 msgid "55-64" msgstr "55–64" #: form_detail.php:1596 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6754 msgid "45-54" msgstr "45–54" #: form_detail.php:1596 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6748 msgid "35-44" msgstr "35–44" #: form_detail.php:1596 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6742 msgid "25-34" msgstr "25–34" #: form_detail.php:1596 msgid "18-24" msgstr "18–24" #: form_detail.php:1596 msgid "Under 18" msgstr "Under 18" #: form_detail.php:1596 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6727 msgid "Age" msgstr "Ålder" #: form_detail.php:1596 form_detail.php:1598 form_detail.php:1601 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6685 msgid "Prefer Not to Answer" msgstr "Föredrar att inte svara" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6661 msgid "Female" msgstr "Kvinna" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6655 msgid "Male" msgstr "Man" #: form_detail.php:1595 includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6646 msgid "Gender" msgstr "Kön" #: form_detail.php:1594 msgid "South America" msgstr "Sydamerika" #: form_detail.php:1594 msgid "North America" msgstr "Nordamerika" #: form_detail.php:1594 msgid "Europe" msgstr "Europa" #: form_detail.php:1594 msgid "Asia" msgstr "Asien" #: form_detail.php:1594 msgid "Africa" msgstr "Afrika" #: form_detail.php:1594 msgid "Continents" msgstr "Kontinenter" #: form_detail.php:1593 msgid "Canadian Province/Territory" msgstr "Kanadensisk provins/område" #: form_detail.php:1592 msgid "U.S. States" msgstr "Amerikanska stater" #: form_detail.php:1591 msgid "Countries" msgstr "Länder" #: form_detail.php:1564 msgid "Bulk Add / Predefined Choices" msgstr "Masstillägg / Förinställda val" #: form_detail.php:1539 form_detail.php:2325 msgid "Label" msgstr "Etikett" #: form_detail.php:1527 #: includes/form-editor/choices-ui/config/class-gf-choices-ui-config-i18n.php:33 msgid "Choices" msgstr "Val" #: form_detail.php:1558 msgid "Show Values" msgstr "Visa värden" #: form_detail.php:1508 msgid "Phone Format" msgstr "Telefonnummerformat" #: form_detail.php:1498 msgid "24 hour" msgstr "24 timmar" #: form_detail.php:1497 msgid "12 hour" msgstr "12 timmar" #: form_detail.php:1493 tooltips.php:66 msgid "Time Format" msgstr "Tidsformat" #: form_detail.php:1481 tooltips.php:51 msgid "Maximum Rows" msgstr "Maximalt antal rader" #: form_detail.php:1468 msgid "Enable multiple columns" msgstr "Aktivera flera kolumner" #: form_detail.php:1465 msgid "Columns" msgstr "Kolumner" #: form_detail.php:1456 msgid "Maximum allowed on this server: %sMB" msgstr "Max tillåtet på denna server: %s MB" #: form_detail.php:1449 tooltips.php:70 msgid "Maximum File Size" msgstr "Maximal filstorlek" #: form_detail.php:1435 tooltips.php:69 msgid "Maximum Number of Files" msgstr "Maximalt antal filer" #: form_detail.php:1426 tooltips.php:68 msgid "Enable Multi-File Upload" msgstr "Aktivera uppladdning av flera filer" #: form_detail.php:1422 msgid "Multiple Files" msgstr "Flera filer" #: form_detail.php:1415 msgid "Separated with commas (i.e. jpg, gif, png, pdf)" msgstr "Separera med kommatecken (t.ex. jpg, gif, png, pdf)" #: form_detail.php:1409 msgid "Allowed file extensions" msgstr "Tillåtna filändelser" #: form_detail.php:1396 msgid "Customize Fields" msgstr "Anpassa fält" #: form_detail.php:1388 form_detail.php:2076 form_detail.php:2087 js.php:218 #: tooltips.php:91 msgid "Placeholder" msgstr "Platshållare" #: form_detail.php:1382 msgid "Date Format Placement" msgstr "Placering av datumformat" #: form_detail.php:1364 msgid "Date Format" msgstr "Datumformat" #: form_detail.php:1355 msgid "Preview this form to see your custom icon." msgstr "Förhandsgranska formuläret för att se din anpassade ikon." #: form_detail.php:1351 msgid "Image Path: " msgstr "Sökväg till bild: " #: form_detail.php:1347 msgid "Custom Icon" msgstr "Anpassad ikon" #: form_detail.php:1344 msgid "Calendar Icon" msgstr "Kalenderikon" #: form_detail.php:1341 msgid "No Icon" msgstr "Ingen ikon" #: form_detail.php:1335 msgid "Date Drop Down" msgstr "Nedrullningslista för datum" #: form_detail.php:1334 msgid "Date Picker" msgstr "Datumväljare" #: form_detail.php:1333 msgid "Date Field" msgstr "Datumfält" #: form_detail.php:1329 tooltips.php:52 msgid "Date Input Type" msgstr "Datumfältstyp" #: form_detail.php:1317 tooltips.php:86 msgid "Name Fields" msgstr "Namnfält" #: form_detail.php:1307 msgid "Extended" msgstr "Utökat" #: form_detail.php:1303 msgid "Name Format" msgstr "Namnformat" #: form_detail.php:1284 tooltips.php:56 msgid "Default Country" msgstr "Förvalt land" #: form_detail.php:1272 msgid "Default %s" msgstr "Förvalt %s" #: form_detail.php:1249 tooltips.php:88 msgid "Address Fields" msgstr "Adressfält" #: form_detail.php:1234 tooltips.php:53 msgid "Address Type" msgstr "Adresstyp" #: form_detail.php:1222 tooltips.php:131 msgid "Set as Featured Image" msgstr "Ange som utvald bild" #: form_detail.php:1220 msgid "Featured Image" msgstr "Utvald bild" #: form_detail.php:1201 msgid "Image Metadata" msgstr "Bildmetadata" #: form_detail.php:1153 form_detail.php:1171 form_detail.php:1186 msgid "Create content template" msgstr "Skapa innehållsmall" #: form_detail.php:1150 form_detail.php:1168 msgid "Content Template" msgstr "Innehållsmall" #: form_detail.php:1142 msgid "Placeholder Label" msgstr "Etikett för platshållare" #: form_detail.php:1136 msgid "Display placeholder" msgstr "Visa platshållare" #: form_detail.php:1114 msgid "Select Categories" msgstr "Välj kategorier" #: form_detail.php:1111 msgid "All Categories" msgstr "Alla kategorier" #: form_detail.php:1078 js.php:628 tooltips.php:122 tooltips.php:128 msgid "Post Category" msgstr "Inläggskategori" #: form_detail.php:1050 tooltips.php:125 msgid "Post Format" msgstr "Inläggsformat" #: form_detail.php:1038 msgid "Use logged in user as author" msgstr "Använd inloggad användare som författare" #: form_detail.php:1028 msgid "Default Post Author" msgstr "Förvald inläggsförfattare" #: form_detail.php:1014 msgid "Published" msgstr "Publicerat" #: form_detail.php:1013 msgid "Pending Review" msgstr "Inväntar granskning" #: form_detail.php:1012 msgid "Draft" msgstr "Utkast" #: form_detail.php:1007 tooltips.php:123 msgid "Post Status" msgstr "Inläggsstatus" #: form_detail.php:990 msgid "Select an existing custom field" msgstr "Välj ett existerande anpassat fält" #: form_detail.php:985 msgid "New" msgstr "Nytt" #: form_detail.php:981 msgid "Existing" msgstr "Existerande" #: form_detail.php:975 tooltips.php:48 msgid "Custom Field Name" msgstr "Anpassat fältnamn" #: form_detail.php:966 msgid "Inline" msgstr "Inline" #: form_detail.php:965 msgid "Bottom Left" msgstr "Nere till vänster" #: form_detail.php:964 msgid "Bottom Right" msgstr "Nere till höger" #: form_detail.php:960 msgid "Badge Position" msgstr "Märkets placering" #: form_detail.php:951 msgid "Dark" msgstr "Mörkt" #: form_detail.php:950 msgid "Light" msgstr "Ljust" #: form_detail.php:946 msgid "Theme" msgstr "Tema" #: form_detail.php:925 msgid "Font Color" msgstr "Teckenfärg" #: common.php:961 form_detail.php:917 form_detail.php:1611 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field.php:2631 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:410 msgid "Large" msgstr "Stor" #: form_detail.php:915 form_detail.php:1611 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field.php:2629 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:408 msgid "Small" msgstr "Liten" #: form_detail.php:912 form_detail.php:1611 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:405 msgid "Size" msgstr "Storlek" #: form_detail.php:904 msgid "Math Challenge" msgstr "Matematikutmaning" #: form_detail.php:903 msgid "Really Simple CAPTCHA" msgstr "Really Simple CAPTCHA" #: form_detail.php:862 form_detail.php:2730 tooltips.php:139 msgid "Advanced Fields" msgstr "Avancerade fält" #: form_detail.php:853 form_detail.php:883 msgid "Single line text" msgstr "Enstaka textrad" #: form_detail.php:852 form_detail.php:2712 tooltips.php:138 msgid "Standard Fields" msgstr "Standardfält" #: form_detail.php:838 msgid "Disable default margins" msgstr "Inaktivera förvalda marginaler" #: form_detail.php:786 form_detail.php:818 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Text:" #: common.php:5404 form_detail.php:774 msgid "Next Button" msgstr "Nästa-knapp" #: form_detail.php:706 msgid "Disable quantity field" msgstr "Inaktivera kvantitetsfält" #: form_detail.php:685 msgid "Single Method" msgstr "Enkel metod" #: form_detail.php:672 msgid "Calculation" msgstr "Beräkning" #: form_detail.php:670 form_detail.php:737 msgid "User Defined Price" msgstr "Av användaren definierat pris" #: form_detail.php:667 msgid "Single Product" msgstr "Enskild produkt" #: form_detail.php:662 form_detail.php:680 form_detail.php:716 #: form_detail.php:731 form_detail.php:746 form_detail.php:847 #: form_detail.php:878 form_detail.php:1090 msgid "Field Type" msgstr "Fälttyp" #: form_detail.php:650 msgid "Product Field Mapping" msgstr "Koppling mellan produkt och fält" #: form_detail.php:630 msgid "Checkbox Label" msgstr "Etikett för kryssruta" #: form_detail.php:594 tooltips.php:42 tooltips.php:43 msgid "Field Label" msgstr "Fältetikett" #: form_detail.php:574 form_detail.php:793 form_detail.php:825 msgid "Image Path:" msgstr "Sökväg till bild:" #: form_detail.php:567 msgid "Button Text:" msgstr "Knapptext:" #: form_detail.php:560 form_detail.php:779 form_detail.php:811 msgid "Default" msgstr "Standard" #: form_detail.php:554 form_detail.php:805 msgid "Previous Button" msgstr "Föregående-knapp" #: form_detail.php:547 msgid "Completion Text" msgstr "Text vid slutfört" #: form_detail.php:540 msgid "Display completed progress bar on confirmation" msgstr "Visa full förloppsindikator vid bekräftelse" #: form_detail.php:529 tooltips.php:115 msgid "Page Names" msgstr "Sidnamn" #: form_detail.php:522 form_detail.php:934 msgid "Background Color" msgstr "Bakgrundsfärg" #: form_detail.php:516 msgid "Text Color" msgstr "Textfärg" #: common.php:860 common.php:1008 form_detail.php:511 form_detail.php:1846 msgid "Custom" msgstr "Anpassat" #: form_detail.php:507 msgid "Red" msgstr "Röd" #: form_detail.php:506 msgid "Orange" msgstr "Orange" #: form_detail.php:505 form_detail.php:1600 msgid "Green" msgstr "Ekologi" #: form_detail.php:504 msgid "Gray" msgstr "Grå" #: form_detail.php:503 msgid "Blue" msgstr "Blå" #: form_detail.php:499 tooltips.php:114 msgid "Progress Bar Style" msgstr "Förloppsindikatorns stil" #: form_detail.php:493 form_detail.php:1763 msgid "None" msgstr "Ingen" #: form_detail.php:491 msgid "Steps" msgstr "Steg" #: form_detail.php:489 msgid "Progress Bar" msgstr "Förloppsindikator" #: form_detail.php:484 tooltips.php:113 msgid "Progress Indicator" msgstr "Förloppsindikator" #: form_detail.php:456 msgid "No field selected" msgstr "Inget fält är valt" #: form_detail.php:393 msgid "Search for a field" msgstr "Sök efter ett fält" #: form_detail.php:404 msgid "Custom settings" msgstr "Anpassade inställningar" #: form_detail.php:398 tooltips.php:165 msgid "Field Settings" msgstr "Inställningar för fält" #: form_detail.php:397 msgid "Add Fields" msgstr "Lägg till fält" #: form_detail.php:365 msgid "Return to Form List" msgstr "Återgå till formulärlista" #: form_detail.php:361 msgid "Continue Editing this Form" msgstr "Fortsätt redigera detta formulär" #: form_detail.php:356 msgid "Setup Email Notifications for this Form" msgstr "Ställ in e-postnotifikationer för detta formulär" #: form_detail.php:351 msgid "Preview this Form" msgstr "Förhandsgranska detta formulär" #: form_detail.php:348 msgid "What would you like to do next?" msgstr "Vad vill du göra härnäst?" #: form_detail.php:346 msgid "You have successfully saved your form!" msgstr "Du har sparat ditt formulär!" #: form_detail.php:336 msgid "Manage last page options" msgstr "Hantera inställningarna för sista sidan" #: form_detail.php:336 msgid "Last page options" msgstr "Inställningar för sista sidan" #: form_detail.php:314 msgid "Manage pagination options" msgstr "Hantera alternativ för sidindelning" #: form_detail.php:314 msgid "Pagination Options" msgstr "Alternativ för sidindelning" #: common.php:3950 gravityforms.php:5653 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:618 msgid "Preview" msgstr "Förhandsgranska" #: form_detail.php:154 form_detail.php:1308 form_detail.php:2270 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:610 msgid "Advanced" msgstr "Avancerat" #: form_detail.php:151 form_detail.php:2051 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Utseende" #: form_detail.php:148 form_detail.php:479 msgid "General" msgstr "Allmänt" #: tooltips.php:158 widget.php:172 msgid "If you have other forms on the page (i.e. Comments Form), specify a higher tabindex start value so that your Gravity Form does not end up with the same tabindices as your other forms. To disable the tabindex, enter 0 (zero)." msgstr "Om du har andra formulär på sidan (ex. kommentarsformulär), ange ett högre startvärde för flikindex så att Gravity Form inte får samma flikindex som dina andra formulär. För att stänga av flikindex anger du 0 (noll)." #: widget.php:170 msgid "Tab Index Start" msgstr "Startvärde för flikindex" #: widget.php:169 msgid "Disable script output" msgstr "Avaktivera utmatning av skript" #: gravityforms.php:6068 widget.php:167 msgid "Enable Ajax" msgstr "Aktivera Ajax" #: gravityforms.php:6060 widget.php:160 msgid "Display form description" msgstr "Visa formulärbeskrivning" #: gravityforms.php:6052 widget.php:158 msgid "Display form title" msgstr "Visa formulärets rubrik" #: export.php:646 gravityforms.php:6027 widget.php:142 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:101 msgid "Select a Form" msgstr "Välj ett formulär" #: widget.php:135 msgid "Contact Us" msgstr "Kontakta oss" #: gravityforms.php:5554 widget.php:38 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:293 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/index.js:24 msgid "Form" msgstr "Formulär" #: widget.php:34 msgid "Gravity Forms Widget" msgstr "Gravity Forms-widget" #: export.php:1311 msgid "The PHP readfile function is not available, please contact the web host." msgstr "PHP-funktionen readfile är inte tillgänglig. Kontakta ditt webbhotell." #: export.php:1129 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "Användaragent" #: common.php:819 export.php:1128 msgid "Post Id" msgstr "Inläggs-ID" #: export.php:1119 msgid "Created By (User Id)" msgstr "Skapad av användare (Användar-ID)" #: export.php:720 msgid "Exporting entries. Progress:" msgstr "Exporterar poster. Förlopp:" #: export.php:710 msgid "Date Range is optional, if no date range is selected all entries will be exported." msgstr "Datumintervall är frivilligt. Om ingen datumintervall valts kommer alla poster att exporteras." #: export.php:695 msgid "Select Date Range" msgstr "Välj datumintervall" #: export.php:676 msgid "Select Fields" msgstr "Välj fält" #: export.php:651 msgid "Select a form" msgstr "Välj ett formulär" #: export.php:640 msgid "Select a form below to export entries. Once you have selected a form you may select the fields you would like to export and then define optional filters for field values and the date range. When you click the download button below, Gravity Forms will create a CSV file for you to save to your computer." msgstr "Välj ett formulär nedan för export av poster. När du har valt formulär kan du välja vilka fält du vill exportera och därefter vid behov ange filter för fältvärden och datumintervall. När du klickar på nedladdningsknappen nedan kommer Gravity Forms att skapa en CSV-fil som du kan spara på din dator." #: export.php:576 msgid "Please select the fields to be exported" msgstr "Välj fälten som ska exporteras" #: export.php:567 msgid "Export entries if {0} of the following match:" msgstr "Exportera poster om {0} av följande matchar:" #: export.php:543 msgid "Ajax error while selecting a form" msgstr "Ajax-fel vid val av formulär" #: export.php:637 export.php:1170 msgid "Export Entries" msgstr "Exportera inlägg" #: export.php:465 export.php:718 msgid "Download Export File" msgstr "Ladda ned exportfil" #: export.php:429 msgid "Select Forms" msgstr "Välj formulär" #: export.php:424 msgid "Select the forms you would like to export. When you click the download button below, Gravity Forms will create a JSON file for you to save to your computer. Once you've saved the download file, you can use the Import tool to import the forms." msgstr "Välj de formulär du vill exportera. När du klickar på knappen ”Ladda ned” nedan kommer Gravity Forms att skapa en JSON-fil som du kan spara på din dator. Efter att du sparat den nedladdade filen kan du importera formulären med hjälp av importverktyget." #: export.php:421 export.php:1179 msgid "Export Forms" msgstr "Exportera formulär" #: export.php:375 msgid "Import" msgstr "Importera" #: export.php:369 tooltips.php:147 msgid "Select Files" msgstr "Välj filer" #: export.php:354 export.php:1187 msgid "Import Forms" msgstr "Importera formulär" #: export.php:344 msgid "Gravity Forms imported %d %s successfully" msgstr "Gravity Forms har importerat %d %s" #: export.php:343 includes/config/items/class-gf-config-admin-i18n.php:43 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:224 msgid "Edit Form" msgstr "Redigera formulär" #: export.php:342 msgid "form" msgstr "formulär" #: export.php:342 msgid "forms" msgstr "formulär" #: export.php:340 msgid "Forms could not be imported. Your export file is not compatible with your current version of Gravity Forms." msgstr "Formulären kunde inte importeras. Din exportfil är inte kompatibel med nuvarande version av Gravity Forms." #: export.php:19 msgid "Please select the forms to be exported" msgstr "Välj formulär att exportera" #: common.php:5378 common.php:5429 forms_model.php:6959 msgid "Thanks for contacting us! We will get in touch with you shortly." msgstr "Tack för att du kontaktade oss! Vi hör av oss snart." #: forms_model.php:6940 msgid "Save and Continue Email Sent Confirmation" msgstr "Spara och fortsätt Bekräftelse om skickat e-postmeddelande" #: forms_model.php:6921 msgid "Save and Continue Confirmation" msgstr "Bekräftelse för spara och fortsätt" #: forms_model.php:6892 forms_model.php:6956 msgid "Default Confirmation" msgstr "Standardbekräftelse" #: common.php:6063 export.php:1126 forms_model.php:6573 select_columns.php:203 msgid "Payment Date" msgstr "Betalningsdatum" #: common.php:6058 export.php:1127 forms_model.php:6567 select_columns.php:200 msgid "Payment Status" msgstr "Betalningsstatus" #. translators: Notification name followed by its ID. e.g. Admin Notification #. (ID: 5d4c0a2a37204). #: forms_model.php:2853 msgid "%1$s (ID: %2$s)" msgstr "%1$s (ID: %2$s)" #: forms_model.php:2830 msgid "WordPress was unable to send the notification email." msgstr "WordPress lyckades inte skicka aviseringsmeddelandet." #: forms_model.php:2824 msgid "WordPress successfully passed the notification email to the sending server." msgstr "WordPress har skickat aviseringsmeddelandet till servern för utgående e-post." #: forms_model.php:1479 msgid "Notification not found" msgstr "Notifieringen hittades inte" #: forms_model.php:1298 msgid "User Notification" msgstr "Användarnotifikation" #: forms_model.php:1274 includes/save-form/class-gf-form-crud-handler.php:401 msgid "Admin Notification" msgstr "Administratörsnotifikation" #: form_list.php:897 msgid "%s form has been marked as inactive." msgid_plural "%s forms have been marked as inactive." msgstr[0] "%s formulär har markerats som ej aktivt." msgstr[1] "%s formulär har markerats som inaktiva." #: form_list.php:891 msgid "%s form has been marked as active." msgid_plural "%s forms have been marked as active." msgstr[0] "%s formulär har markerats som aktivt." msgstr[1] "%s formulär har markerats som aktiva." #: form_list.php:881 msgid "Entries for %s form have been deleted." msgid_plural "Entries for %s forms have been deleted." msgstr[0] "Poster för %s formulär har raderats." msgstr[1] "Poster för %s formulär har raderats." #: form_list.php:874 msgid "Views for %s form have been reset." msgid_plural "Views for %s forms have been reset." msgstr[0] "Vyer för %s formulär har återställts." msgstr[1] "Vyer för %s formulär har återställts." #: form_list.php:866 msgid "You don't have adequate permissions to delete forms." msgstr "Du saknar behörighet att radera formulär." #: form_list.php:864 msgid "%s form deleted." msgid_plural "%s forms deleted." msgstr[0] "%s formulär har raderats." msgstr[1] "%s formulär har raderats." #: form_list.php:858 msgid "You don't have adequate permissions to restore forms." msgstr "Du har inte tillräcklig behörighet för att återställa formulär." #: form_list.php:856 msgid "%s form restored." msgid_plural "%s forms restored." msgstr[0] "%s formulär har återskapats." msgstr[1] "%s formulär har återskapats." #: form_list.php:850 msgid "You don't have adequate permissions to trash forms." msgstr "Du har inte tillräcklig behörighet för att kasta formulär i papperskorgen." #: form_list.php:848 msgid "%s form moved to the trash." msgid_plural "%s forms moved to the trash." msgstr[0] "%s formulär har lagts i papperskorgen." msgstr[1] "%s formulär har lagts i papperskorgen." #: form_list.php:798 form_list.php:829 msgid "You don't have adequate permission to duplicate forms." msgstr "Du har inte tillräcklig behörighet för att duplicera formulär." #: form_list.php:795 form_list.php:826 msgid "Form duplicated." msgstr "Formuläret duplicerades." #: form_list.php:788 msgid "You don't have adequate permission to delete forms." msgstr "Du saknar behörighet att radera formulär." #: form_list.php:785 msgid "Form deleted." msgstr "Formuläret togs bort." #: form_list.php:778 msgid "You don't have adequate permission to restore forms." msgstr "Du har inte tillräcklig behörighet för att återställa formulär." #: form_list.php:775 msgid "Form restored." msgstr "Formuläret återställdes." #: form_list.php:768 form_list.php:817 msgid "You don't have adequate permission to trash forms." msgstr "Du har inte tillräcklig behörighet för att kasta formulär i papperskorgen." #: form_list.php:765 form_list.php:814 msgid "Form moved to the trash." msgstr "Formuläret flyttades till papperskorgen." #: form_list.php:741 msgid "You don't have any forms. Let's go %screate one%s!" msgstr "Du har för tillfället inga formulär. Låt oss %sskapa ett%s!" #: form_list.php:739 msgid "There are no forms in the trash." msgstr "Det finns inga formulär i papperskorgen." #: form_list.php:734 msgid "No forms were found for your search query. %sView all forms%s." msgstr "Inga formulär hittades med dina sökargument. %sVisa alla formulär%s." #: form_list.php:709 msgid "Move this form to the trash" msgstr "Flytta detta formulär till papperskorgen" #: form_list.php:539 msgid "Conversion" msgstr "Omvandling" #: form_list.php:538 msgid "Views" msgstr "Visningar" #: form_list.php:537 gravityforms.php:1795 gravityforms.php:5367 #: gravityforms.php:5626 msgid "Entries" msgstr "Inlägg" #: form_list.php:536 msgid "ID" msgstr "ID" #: form_list.php:524 msgid "Move to trash" msgstr "Kasta i papperskorgen" #: form_list.php:523 msgid "Permanently Delete Entries" msgstr "Radera poster permanent" #: form_list.php:522 msgid "Reset Views" msgstr "Återställ visningar" #: form_list.php:521 msgid "Mark as Inactive" msgstr "Markera som inaktivt" #: form_list.php:520 msgid "Mark as Active" msgstr "Markera som aktivt" #: form_list.php:516 form_list.php:681 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "Radera permanent" #: form_list.php:439 msgctxt "Form List" msgid "Trash" msgstr "Papperskorg" #: form_list.php:438 msgctxt "Form List" msgid "Inactive" msgstr "Inaktiva" #: form_list.php:437 msgctxt "Form List" msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktiva" #: form_list.php:436 msgctxt "Form List" msgid "All" msgstr "Alla" #: form_list.php:351 msgid "Saved! Redirecting..." msgstr "Sparat! Omdirigering sker..." #: form_list.php:316 msgid "Creating Form..." msgstr "Skapar formulär…" #: form_list.php:300 msgid "Create a New Form" msgstr "Nytt formulär" #: form_list.php:215 form_list.php:235 #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:100 msgid "There was an issue creating your form." msgstr "Ett problem inträffade när ditt formulär skulle skapas." #: form_list.php:200 msgid "Search Forms" msgstr "Sök formulär" #: form_list.php:170 msgid "WARNING: You are about to delete ALL entries associated with the selected forms. " msgstr "VARNING: Du håller på att ta bort ALLA inlägg som hör till de valda formulären." #: form_list.php:168 msgid "'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to reset." msgstr "”Avbryt” för att stoppa, ”OK” för att återställa." #: form_list.php:168 msgid "Are you sure you would like to reset the Views for the selected forms? " msgstr "Är du säker på att du vill återställa visningarna för de valda formulären?" #: form_list.php:166 msgid "WARNING: You are about to delete these forms and ALL entries associated with them. " msgstr "VARNING: Du är på väg att radera dessa formulär och ALLA poster som är förknippade med dem." #: form_list.php:140 includes/class-confirmation.php:146 notification.php:900 msgid "Ajax error while updating form" msgstr "Ajax-fel när formuläret skulle uppdateras" #: form_list.php:93 msgid "Cancel to stop, OK to delete." msgstr "Avbryt för att ångra. OK för att radera." #: form_list.php:93 msgid "WARNING: You are about to delete this form and ALL entries associated with it. " msgstr "VARNING: Du håller på att ta bort detta formulär och alla inlägg som hör till det." #: form_list.php:64 #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:128 msgid "Create Form" msgstr "Nytt formulär" #: form_list.php:239 form_settings.php:1419 #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:99 msgid "Please enter a unique form title." msgstr "Skriv in en unik rubrik för formuläret." #: form_list.php:227 form_settings.php:1415 msgid "Please enter a form title." msgstr "Skriv in en rubrik för formuläret." #: form_settings.php:1327 msgid "Thank you for saving {form_title}. Please use the unique link below to return to the form from any computer.


Remember that the link will expire after 30 days so please return via the provided link to complete your form submission." msgstr "Tack för att du sparat {form_title}. Använd din unika länk nedan för att komma tillbaka till formuläret från valfri dator.


Kom ihåg att länken slutar gälla efter 30 dagar. Så återkom med hjälp av denna länk för att slutföra ditt formulär." #: form_settings.php:1322 msgid "Save and Continue Email" msgstr "E-post för spara och fortsätt" #: common.php:5426 form_settings.php:1221 msgid "There was an issue deleting this confirmation." msgstr "Ett problem inträffade när bekräftelsen skulle raderas." #: form_settings.php:1219 msgid "Confirmation deleted." msgstr "Bekräftelsen raderad." #: form_settings.php:557 msgid "Enable legacy markup" msgstr "Aktivera bakåtkompatibel kod" #: form_settings.php:546 msgid "Animated transitions" msgstr "Animerade övergångar" #: form_settings.php:515 msgid "Anti-spam honeypot" msgstr "Aktivera spamfälla" #: form_settings.php:510 msgid "Form Options" msgstr "Formuläralternativ" #: form_settings.php:493 tooltips.php:111 msgid "Require Login Message" msgstr "Meddelande om obligatorisk inloggning" #: form_settings.php:481 form_settings.php:486 tooltips.php:110 msgid "Require user to be logged in" msgstr "Kräv att användaren är inloggad" #: form_settings.php:464 msgid "Form Expired Message" msgstr "Meddelande för utgånget formulär" #: form_settings.php:450 msgid "Form Pending Message" msgstr "Väntande meddelande för formulär" #: form_settings.php:437 msgid "Schedule Form End Date/Time" msgstr "Schemalägg formulärets slutdatum/tid" #: form_settings.php:424 msgid "Schedule Start Date/Time" msgstr "Schemalägg startdatum/tid" #: form_settings.php:412 form_settings.php:417 tooltips.php:20 msgid "Schedule Form" msgstr "Schemalägg formulär" #: form_settings.php:396 msgid "Entry Limit Reached Message" msgstr "Meddelande för inläggsgräns nåtts" #: form_settings.php:386 msgid "per year" msgstr "per år" #: form_settings.php:382 msgid "per month" msgstr "per månad" #: form_settings.php:378 msgid "per week" msgstr "per vecka" #: form_settings.php:374 msgid "per day" msgstr "per dag" #: form_settings.php:370 msgid "total entries" msgstr "totalt antal inlägg" #: form_settings.php:352 msgid "Number of Entries" msgstr "Antal inlägg" #: form_settings.php:345 msgid "Enable entry limit" msgstr "Aktivera begränsning av antal inlägg" #: form_settings.php:340 msgid "Limit number of entries" msgstr "Begränsa antalet inlägg" #: form_settings.php:335 msgid "Restrictions" msgstr "Begränsningar" #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:269 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1260 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1671 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2217 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3165 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4032 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4922 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6062 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7203 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8088 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8545 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9109 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10209 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10604 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11284 msgid "Save and Continue Later" msgstr "Spara och fortsätt senare" #: form_settings.php:316 msgid "Link Text" msgstr "Länktext" #: form_settings.php:311 msgid "Enable Save and Continue" msgstr "Aktivera spara och fortsätt" #: form_settings.php:306 msgid "Save and Continue" msgstr "Spara och fortsätt" #: form_detail.php:563 form_detail.php:609 form_detail.php:782 #: form_detail.php:814 msgid "Image" msgstr "Bild" #: form_settings.php:296 msgid "Form Button" msgstr "Formulärknapp" #: form_detail.php:2057 form_settings.php:290 tooltips.php:100 msgid "CSS Class Name" msgstr "CSS-klassnamn" #: forms_model.php:6666 forms_model.php:6674 forms_model.php:6679 #: form_settings.php:276 msgid "(Required)" msgstr "(Obligatoriskt)" #: form_settings.php:275 msgid "Custom Required Indicator" msgstr "Anpassad indikering för obligatoriskt fält" #: form_settings.php:267 msgid "Custom:" msgstr "Anpassad:" #: form_settings.php:263 msgid "Asterisk: *" msgstr "Asterisk: *" #: form_settings.php:259 msgid "Text: (Required)" msgstr "Text: (obligatoriskt)" #: form_settings.php:252 msgid "Required Field Indicator" msgstr "Indikering för obligatoriskt fält" #: form_detail.php:2159 form_settings.php:230 tooltips.php:29 tooltips.php:84 msgid "Sub-Label Placement" msgstr "Placering av sekundära etiketter" #: form_detail.php:1386 form_detail.php:2125 form_detail.php:2146 #: form_detail.php:2155 form_detail.php:2167 form_settings.php:205 #: form_settings.php:222 form_settings.php:238 msgid "Above inputs" msgstr "Ovan inmatningsfält" #: form_detail.php:1385 form_detail.php:2125 form_detail.php:2145 #: form_detail.php:2155 form_detail.php:2166 form_settings.php:201 #: form_settings.php:218 form_settings.php:234 msgid "Below inputs" msgstr "Under inmatningsfält" #: form_detail.php:2138 form_settings.php:187 tooltips.php:27 tooltips.php:83 msgid "Description Placement" msgstr "Beskrivningsplacering" #: form_detail.php:2117 form_settings.php:179 msgid "Right aligned" msgstr "Högerjusterad" #: form_detail.php:2114 form_settings.php:175 msgid "Left aligned" msgstr "Vänsterjusterad" #: form_detail.php:2121 form_settings.php:171 msgid "Top aligned" msgstr "Topplacerad" #: form_settings.php:166 msgid "Label Placement" msgstr "Etikettplacering" #: form_settings.php:161 msgid "Form Layout" msgstr "Formulärlayout" #: form_list.php:53 form_settings.php:154 #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:89 #: tooltips.php:25 assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:306 msgid "Form Description" msgstr "Formulärbeskrivning" #: form_settings.php:142 msgid "The form title you have entered has already been used. Please enter a unique form title." msgstr "Formulärrubriken du angav har redan använts. Ange en unik formulärrubrik." #: form_settings.php:109 msgid "Form Basics" msgstr "Grundinställningar för formulär" #: preview.php:119 msgid "dismiss" msgstr "avfärda" #: preview.php:119 msgid "Note: This is a simple form preview. This form may display differently when added to your page based on normal inheritance from parent theme styles." msgstr "Observera: detta är en förenklad förhandsvisning av formuläret. Formuläret kan se annorlunda ut när det läggs till på din sida, p.g.a. att det då kommer att ärva stilar från huvudtemat." #: preview.php:112 msgid "show structure" msgstr "visa struktur" #: preview.php:111 msgid "display grid" msgstr "visningsmatris" #: preview.php:115 msgid "Form Preview" msgstr "Förhandsgranska formulär" #: preview.php:22 msgid "You don't have adequate permission to preview forms." msgstr "Du har inte tillräcklig behörighet för att förhandsgranska formulär." #: entry_list.php:2204 msgid "Add page break between entries" msgstr "Lägg in sidbrytning mellan inläggen" #: entry_list.php:2199 msgid "Include notes" msgstr "Inkludera anteckningar" #: entry_list.php:2195 msgid "Print all of the selected entries at once." msgstr "Skriv ut alla valda inlägg." #: entry_list.php:2180 msgid "Close Window" msgstr "Stäng fönster" #: entry_list.php:2162 msgid "You may override the default notification settings by entering a comma delimited list of emails to which the selected notifications should be sent." msgstr "Du kan åsidosätta standardinställningarna för notifikationer genom att skriva in en lista med e-postadresser, separerade med kommatecken, dit de valda notifikationerna ska skickas." #: entry_list.php:2148 msgid "Specify which notifications you would like to resend for the selected entries." msgstr "Specificera vilka notifikationer du vill skicka om för de valda inläggen." #: entry_list.php:2142 msgid "You cannot resend notifications for these entries because this form does not currently have any notifications configured." msgstr "Du kan inte skicka om notifikationer för dessa poster eftersom detta formulär för närvarande inte har några notifikationer konfigurerade." #: entry_list.php:2094 msgid "Please select at least one entry..." msgstr "Markera minst ett inlägg..." #: entry_list.php:2029 msgid "Entry List" msgstr "Inläggslista" #: entry_list.php:1941 msgid "Clear selection" msgstr "Rensa markering" #: entry_list.php:1940 msgid "All %s{0}%s entries have been selected." msgstr "Alla %s{0}%s poster har markerats." #: entry_list.php:1939 msgid "Select all %s{0}%s entries." msgstr "Markera alla %s{0}%s poster." #: entry_list.php:1938 msgid "All %s{0}%s entries on this page are selected." msgstr "Alla %s{0}%s poster på denna sida är markerade." #: entry_list.php:1818 msgid "entries" msgstr "inlägg" #: entry_list.php:1818 msgid "entry" msgstr "inlägg" #: entry_list.php:1816 msgid "Notifications for %s were resent successfully." msgstr "Notifikationer för %s har skickats." #: entry_list.php:1754 entry_list.php:2108 msgid "Print Entries" msgstr "Skriv ut inlägg" #: entry_list.php:1740 msgid "Please select at least one entry." msgstr "Välj minst ett inlägg." #: entry_list.php:1683 msgid "Ajax error while setting entry property" msgstr "Ajax-fel inträffade när egenskap för inlägg skulle anges" #: entry_list.php:1538 msgid "%s unstarred." msgstr "%s avmarkerat som favorit." #: entry_list.php:1533 msgid "%s starred." msgstr "%s favoritmarkerat." #: entry_list.php:1528 msgid "%s marked as unread." msgstr "%s markerat som oläst." #: entry_list.php:1523 msgid "%s marked as read." msgstr "%s markerat som läst." #: entry_list.php:1518 msgid "%s marked as spam." msgstr "%s markerat som spam." #: entry_list.php:1513 msgid "%s restored from the spam." msgstr "%s återställt från spamkorgen." #: entry_list.php:1506 msgid "You don't have adequate permissions to restore entries." msgstr "Du har inte tillräcklig behörighet för att återställa inskickade data." #: entry_list.php:1496 msgid "You don't have adequate permissions to trash entries." msgstr "Du har inte tillräcklig behörighet för att kasta inskickade data i papperskorgen." #: entry_list.php:1494 msgid "%s moved to Trash." msgstr "%s flyttat till papperskorgen." #: entry_list.php:1484 msgid "%s deleted." msgstr "%s raderat." #: entry_list.php:1476 msgid "%d entries" msgstr "%d inlägg" #: entry_list.php:1445 msgid "Entry deleted." msgstr "Inlägget raderat." #: entry_list.php:1405 msgid "Delete All Spam" msgstr "Radera all spam" #: entry_list.php:1405 msgid "Empty Trash" msgstr "Töm papperskorgen" #: entry_list.php:1404 msgid "WARNING! This operation cannot be undone. Permanently delete all spam? 'Ok' to delete. 'Cancel' to abort." msgstr "VARNING! Denna åtgärd går inte att ångra. Vill du radera alla skräpmeddelanden? ”OK” för att radera. ”Avbryt” för att återgå." #: entry_list.php:1404 msgid "WARNING! This operation cannot be undone. Empty trash? 'Ok' to empty trash. 'Cancel' to abort." msgstr "VARNING! Denna åtgärd går inte att ångra. Vill du tömma papperskorgen? ”OK” för att tömma. ”Avbryt” för att återgå." #: entry_list.php:1362 msgid "Remove Star" msgstr "Ta bort favoritmarkering" #: entry_list.php:1361 msgid "Add Star" msgstr "Favoritmarkera" #: entry_list.php:1360 msgid "Mark as Unread" msgstr "Markera som oläst" #: entry_list.php:1359 msgid "Mark as Read" msgstr "Markera som läst" #: entry_list.php:1285 msgid "Move this entry to the trash" msgstr "Flytta detta inlägg till papperskorgen" #: entry_list.php:1276 msgid "Mark this entry as spam" msgstr "Markera detta inlägg som spam" #: entry_list.php:1268 msgid "Mark unread" msgstr "Markera som oläst" #: entry_list.php:1268 msgid "Mark this entry as unread" msgstr "Markera detta inlägg som oläst" #: entry_list.php:1268 msgid "Mark read" msgstr "Markera som läst" #: entry_list.php:1236 msgid "Mark this entry as not spam" msgstr "Markera detta inlägg som ej spam" #: entry_list.php:1163 msgid "This form does not have any entries yet." msgstr "Detta formulär har inga inlägg ännu." #: entry_list.php:1163 msgid "This form does not have any entries matching the search criteria." msgstr "Detta formulär har inga poster som matchar sökkriterierna." #: entry_list.php:1159 msgid "This form does not have any entries in the trash." msgstr "Detta formulär har inga inlägg i papperskorgen." #: entry_list.php:1159 msgid "This form does not have any entries in the trash matching the search criteria." msgstr "Detta formulär har inga poster i papperskorgen som matchar sökkriterierna." #: entry_list.php:1155 msgid "This form does not have any spam." msgstr "Detta formulär har ingen spam." #: entry_list.php:1151 msgid "This form does not have any starred entries." msgstr "Detta formulär har inga favoritmarkerade inlägg." #: entry_list.php:1151 msgid "This form does not have any starred entries matching the search criteria." msgstr "Detta formulär har inga favoritmarkerade poster som matchar sökkriterierna." #: entry_list.php:1147 msgid "This form does not have any unread entries." msgstr "Detta formulär har inga olästa inlägg." #: entry_list.php:1147 msgid "This form does not have any unread entries matching the search criteria." msgstr "Detta formulär har inga olästa poster som matchar sökkriterierna." #: entry_list.php:1027 msgid "View this entry" msgstr "Visa detta inlägg" #: entry_list.php:886 msgid "click to select columns to display" msgstr "klicka för att välja vilka kolumner som visas" #: entry_list.php:502 entry_list.php:1285 entry_list.php:1371 form_list.php:708 msgid "Trash" msgstr "Papperskorg" #: entry_list.php:495 entry_list.php:1276 entry_list.php:1368 msgid "Spam" msgstr "Spam" #: entry_list.php:487 msgctxt "Entry List" msgid "Starred" msgstr "Favoritmarkerade" #: entry_list.php:479 msgctxt "Entry List" msgid "Unread" msgstr "Olästa" #: entry_list.php:471 msgctxt "Entry List" msgid "All" msgstr "Alla" #: entry_list.php:337 msgid "Search" msgstr "Sök" #: entry_list.php:218 msgid "Number of entries per page:" msgstr "Antal poster per sida:" #: entry_list.php:217 msgid "Pagination" msgstr "Paginering" #: entry_list.php:216 msgid "Default Filter" msgstr "Standardfilter" #: entry_list.php:91 msgid "You don't have any active forms. Let's go %screate one%s" msgstr "Du har inga aktiva formulär. Låt oss %sskapa ett%s" #: entry_list.php:79 msgid "1 entry moved to the Trash. %sUndo%s" msgstr "1 inlägg har lagts i papperskorgen. %sÅngra%s" #: entry_list.php:61 msgid "%s permanently deleted." msgstr "%s har raderats permanent." #: entry_list.php:48 entry_list.php:62 entry_list.php:1476 msgid "1 entry" msgstr "1 inlägg" #: entry_list.php:47 entry_list.php:1504 msgid "%s restored from the Trash." msgstr "%s återställt från papperskorgen." #: currency.php:394 msgid "Thai Baht" msgstr "Thailändska baht" #: currency.php:384 msgid "Taiwan New Dollar" msgstr "Nya Taiwanesiska dollar" #: currency.php:373 msgid "Swiss Franc" msgstr "Schweiziska franc" #: currency.php:363 msgid "Swedish Krona" msgstr "Svenska kronor" #: currency.php:353 msgid "South African Rand" msgstr "Sydafrikanska rand" #: currency.php:343 msgid "Singapore Dollar" msgstr "Singaporianska dollar" #: currency.php:333 msgid "Russian Ruble" msgstr "Ryska rubel" #: currency.php:323 msgid "Polish Zloty" msgstr "Polska zloty" #: currency.php:313 msgid "Philippine Peso" msgstr "Filippinska peso" #: currency.php:303 msgid "New Zealand Dollar" msgstr "Nya Zeeländska dollar" #: currency.php:293 msgid "Norwegian Krone" msgstr "Norska kronor" #: currency.php:283 msgid "Mexican Peso" msgstr "Mexikanska peso" #: currency.php:273 msgid "Malaysian Ringgit" msgstr "Malaysiska ringgit" #: currency.php:263 msgid "Japanese Yen" msgstr "Japanska yen" #: currency.php:253 msgid "Israeli New Sheqel" msgstr "Nya Israeliska shekel" #: currency.php:243 msgid "Hungarian Forint" msgstr "Ungerska forint" #: currency.php:233 msgid "Hong Kong Dollar" msgstr "Hong Kong-dollar" #: currency.php:223 msgid "Danish Krone" msgstr "Danska kronor" #: currency.php:213 msgid "Czech Koruna" msgstr "Tjeckiska koruna" #: currency.php:203 msgid "Canadian Dollar" msgstr "Kanadensiska dollar" #: currency.php:193 msgid "Brazilian Real" msgstr "Brasilianska real" #: currency.php:183 msgid "Australian Dollar" msgstr "Australiska dollar" #: currency.php:173 msgid "Euro" msgstr "Euro" #: currency.php:163 msgid "Pound Sterling" msgstr "Brittiska pund" #: currency.php:153 msgid "U.S. Dollar" msgstr "Amerikanska dollar" #: help.php:139 msgid "gform_noconflict_styles" msgstr "gform_noconflict_styles" #: help.php:134 msgid "gform_field_css_class" msgstr "gform_field_css_class" #: help.php:129 msgid "CSS Ready Classes" msgstr "CSS-klara klasser" #: help.php:124 msgid "CSS Targeting Examples" msgstr "Exempel på CSS-selektering" #: help.php:119 msgid "CSS Selectors" msgstr "CSS-selektorer" #: help.php:115 msgid "Designer Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentation för formgivare" #: help.php:105 msgid "GFAddOn" msgstr "GFAddOn" #: help.php:100 msgid "Add-On Framework" msgstr "Ramverk för tilläggsfunktioner" #: help.php:95 msgid "REST API" msgstr "REST-API" #: help.php:90 msgid "API Functions" msgstr "API-funktioner" #: help.php:81 msgid "Developer Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentation för utvecklare" #: help.php:71 msgid "Configuring Notifications" msgstr "Konfigurera notifieringar" #: help.php:65 msgid "Configuring Confirmations" msgstr "Konfigurera bekräftelser" #: help.php:60 msgid "Reviewing Form Submissions" msgstr "Granska inskickade formulärdata" #: help.php:55 msgid "Embedding a Form" msgstr "Bädda in ett formulär" #: help.php:50 msgid "Creating a Form" msgstr "Skapa ett formulär" #: help.php:46 msgid "User Documentation" msgstr "Användardokumentation" #: entry_detail.php:1470 entry_list.php:2171 msgid "Resending..." msgstr "Skickar om…" #: entry_list.php:1364 entry_list.php:1748 entry_list.php:2102 #: entry_list.php:2169 msgid "Resend Notifications" msgstr "Skicka om notifikation" #: entry_detail.php:1446 entry_list.php:2144 msgid "Configure Notifications" msgstr "Anpassa notifikationer" #: entry_detail.php:1444 msgid "You cannot resend notifications for this entry because this form does not currently have any notifications configured." msgstr "Du kan inte skicka om notifikationer för detta inlägg eftersom formuläret för närvarande inte har några notifikationer konfigurerade." #: entry_detail.php:1392 msgid "Mark as Spam" msgstr "Markera som spam" #: entry_detail.php:1386 msgid "Move to Trash" msgstr "Lägg i papperskorgen" #: entry_detail.php:1375 entry_list.php:1207 entry_list.php:1344 #: form_list.php:515 form_list.php:673 msgid "Restore" msgstr "Återställ" #: entry_detail.php:1366 entry_detail.php:1377 entry_list.php:1213 #: entry_list.php:1245 entry_list.php:1345 entry_list.php:1353 msgid "Delete Permanently" msgstr "Ta bort permanent" #: entry_detail.php:1366 entry_detail.php:1377 msgid "You are about to delete this entry. 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete." msgstr "Du är på väg att radera detta inlägg. ”Avbryt” för att återgå, ”OK” för att radera." #: entry_detail.php:1360 entry_list.php:1236 entry_list.php:1350 msgid "Not Spam" msgstr "Ej spam" #: entry_detail.php:1337 msgid "Edit Post" msgstr "Redigera inlägg" #: entry_detail.php:1330 msgid "Embed Url" msgstr "Inbäddnings-URL" #: entry_detail.php:1313 msgid "Updated" msgstr "Uppdaterad" #: entry_detail.php:1309 msgid "Submitted on" msgstr "Inskickat den" #: common.php:811 entry_detail.php:1308 entry_list.php:875 export.php:1120 #: forms_model.php:6555 select_columns.php:196 msgid "Entry Id" msgstr "Inläggs-ID" #: entry_detail.php:1185 export.php:1124 forms_model.php:6570 #: select_columns.php:201 msgid "Transaction Id" msgstr "Transaktions-ID" #: entry_detail.php:1185 msgid "Subscription Id" msgstr "Abonnemangs-ID" #: entry_detail.php:1168 msgid "Start Date" msgstr "Startdatum" #: entry_detail.php:1152 form_list.php:534 msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" #: includes/orders/summaries/class-gf-order-summary.php:64 msgid "Unit Price" msgstr "Styckepris" #: includes/orders/summaries/class-gf-order-summary.php:63 msgid "Qty" msgstr "Antal" #: includes/orders/summaries/class-gf-order-summary.php:61 msgid "Order" msgstr "Beställning" #: entry_detail.php:983 msgid "show empty fields" msgstr "visa tomma fält" #: entry_detail.php:935 msgid "Subject:" msgstr "Ämne:" #: entry_detail.php:927 msgid "Also email this note to" msgstr "Skicka denna anteckning med e-post till" #: entry_detail.php:913 msgid "Add Note" msgstr "Lägg till anteckning" #: entry_detail.php:896 msgid "added" msgstr "har lagts till" #: entry_detail.php:826 entry_list.php:222 #: includes/settings/config/class-gf-settings-config-i18n.php:35 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Tillämpa" #: entry_detail.php:822 msgid " Bulk action " msgstr " Massåtgärd" #: entry_detail.php:820 msgid " Bulk action" msgstr " Massåtgärd" #: entry_detail.php:735 msgid "Details" msgstr "Detaljer" #: entry_detail.php:610 msgid "Entry Updated." msgstr "Inlägget uppdaterat." #: entry_detail.php:1265 msgid "Include Notes" msgstr "Inkludera anteckningar" #: entry_detail.php:1269 entry_list.php:1365 entry_list.php:2207 msgid "Print" msgstr "Skriv ut" #: entry_detail.php:566 msgid "Notifications were resent successfully." msgstr "Notifikationerna ha skickats igen." #: entry_detail.php:548 entry_list.php:1791 msgid "You must select at least one type of notification to resend." msgstr "Du måste välja minst en typ av notifikation för att skicka om." #: entry_detail.php:482 msgid "Ajax error while deleting field." msgstr "Ajax-fel vid radering av fält." #: entry_detail.php:471 msgid "Would you like to delete this file? 'Cancel' to stop. 'OK' to delete" msgstr "Vill du radera denna fil? ”Avbryt” för att återgå. ”OK” för att radera" #: entry_detail.php:436 entry_list.php:1447 entry_list.php:1486 #: form_list.php:883 msgid "You don't have adequate permission to delete entries." msgstr "Du saknar tillräcklig behörighet för att ta bort inlägg." #: entry_detail.php:412 msgid "You don't have adequate permission to restore entries." msgstr "Du har inte tillräcklig behörighet för att återställa inskickade data." #: entry_detail.php:398 msgid "You don't have adequate permission to trash entries." msgstr "Du har inte tillräcklig behörighet för att kasta inskickade data i papperskorgen." #: entry_detail.php:389 msgid "You don't have adequate permission to delete notes." msgstr "Du saknar tillräcklig behörighet för att ta bort anteckningar." #: entry_detail.php:324 msgid "%s: Checked \"%s\"" msgstr "%s: Vald ”%s”" #: entry_detail.php:324 msgid "%s: Unchecked \"%s\"" msgstr "%s: Ej vald ”%s”" #: entry_detail.php:245 msgid "Oops! We couldn't find your entry. Please try again" msgstr "Hoppsan! Vi kunde inte hitta ditt inlägg. Var god försök igen" #: entry_detail.php:68 entry_detail.php:1126 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6934 msgid "Payment Details" msgstr "Betalningsinformation" #: entry_detail.php:68 entry_detail.php:1126 msgid "Subscription Details" msgstr "Abonnemangsinformation" #: entry_detail.php:60 entry_detail.php:844 msgid "Notes" msgstr "Anteckningar" #: entry_detail.php:44 entry_detail.php:633 msgid "Entry" msgstr "Inlägg" #: notification.php:1622 msgid "This form doesn't have any notifications. Let's go %screate one%s." msgstr "Detta formuläret har inga notifikationer. Ta och %sskapa en%s." #: notification.php:1591 msgid "Undefined Service" msgstr "Odefinierad tjänst" #: notification.php:1536 msgid "WARNING: You are about to delete this notification." msgstr "VARNING: Du är på väg att radera notifikation." #: notification.php:1311 msgid "Service" msgstr "Tjänst" #: notification.php:1007 msgid "Save and continue email is requested" msgstr "Spara och fortsätt e-post krävs" #: notification.php:1006 msgid "Form is saved" msgstr "Formuläret sparat" #: notification.php:1004 msgid "Form is submitted" msgstr "Formuläret inskickat" #: notification.php:958 msgid "There was an issue duplicating this notification." msgstr "Det gick inte att skapa en kopia av denna notifikation." #: notification.php:956 msgid "Notification duplicated." msgstr "En kopia av notifikationen har skapats." #: notification.php:950 msgid "There was an issue deleting this notification." msgstr "Ett problem uppstod när denna notifikation skulle raderas." #: notification.php:948 msgid "Notification deleted." msgstr "Notifikationen raderades" #: notification.php:711 msgid "Save & Continue Token" msgstr "Spara och fortsätt-kontrollvärde" #: notification.php:707 msgid "Save & Continue Link" msgstr "Spara och fortsätt-länk" #: notification.php:477 msgid "Update Notification" msgstr "Uppdatera notifikation" #: notification.php:457 msgid "Attach uploaded fields to notification" msgstr "Bifoga uppladdade fält i avisering" #: notification.php:451 tooltips.php:17 msgid "Attachments" msgstr "Bilagor" #: notification.php:439 msgid "Auto-formatting" msgstr "Auto-formatering" #: notification.php:425 notification.php:1303 msgid "Subject" msgstr "Rubrik" #: notification.php:419 msgid "Please enter a valid email address or merge tag in the BCC field." msgstr "Lägg in en giltig e-postadress eller kopplingstagg i BCC-fältet. " #: notification.php:413 msgid "BCC" msgstr "Dold kopia" #: notification.php:407 msgid "Please enter a valid email address or merge tag in the CC field." msgstr "Ange en giltig e-postadress eller kopplingstagg i fältet ”CC”." #: notification.php:387 msgid "CC" msgstr "CC" #: notification.php:381 msgid "Please enter a valid email address or merge tag in the Reply To field." msgstr "Lägg in en giltig e-postadress eller kopplingstagg i svara-till-fältet. " #: notification.php:375 tooltips.php:14 msgid "Reply To" msgstr "Svara till" #: notification.php:369 msgid "Please enter a valid email address or merge tag in the From Email field." msgstr "Ange en giltig e-postadress eller kopplingstagg i fältet avsändarens e-postadress." #: notification.php:361 msgid "From Email" msgstr "Från e-post" #: notification.php:354 tooltips.php:13 msgid "From Name" msgstr "Från namn" #: notification.php:334 msgid "Please select an Email Address field." msgstr "Välj ett fält för e-postadress." #: notification.php:304 msgid "Your form does not have an email field. Add an email field to your form and try again." msgstr "Ditt formulär har inget e-postfält. Lägg in ett e-postfält i formuläret och försök igen. " #: notification.php:300 msgid "Send To Field" msgstr "Skicka till fält" #: notification.php:258 msgid "Send To Email" msgstr "Skicka till e-postadress" #: notification.php:249 notification.php:1307 msgid "Event" msgstr "Evenemang" #: notification.php:241 msgid "Email Service" msgstr "E-posttjänst" #: notification.php:220 msgid "Configure Routing" msgstr "Konfigurera dirigeringsregler" #: entry_detail.php:1462 entry_list.php:2164 notification.php:206 msgid "Send To" msgstr "Skicka till" #: notification.php:187 msgid "Warning! Using a third-party email in the From Email field may prevent your notification from being delivered. It is best to use an email with the same domain as your website. %sMore details in our documentation.%s" msgstr "Varning! Din avisering riskerar att inte levereras om du använder en utomstående e-postadress i fältet för avsändaradressen. Bäst är om e-postadressen använder samma domännamn som din webbplats. %sLäs mer i vår dokumentation.%s" #: entry_detail.php:52 form_settings.php:1125 notification.php:111 #: notification.php:231 notification.php:849 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Notifikationer" #: print-entry.php:237 msgid "Print Preview" msgstr "Förhandsgranska utskrift" #: print-entry.php:237 msgid "close window" msgstr "stäng fönster" #: entry_detail.php:965 print-entry.php:199 msgid "Entry # " msgstr "Inlägg nr." #: print-entry.php:199 msgid "Bulk Print" msgstr "Massutskrift" #: print-entry.php:176 msgid "Form Id and Entry Id are required parameters." msgstr "Formulär-ID och Post-ID är obligatoriska parametrar." #: print-entry.php:27 msgid "You don't have adequate permission to view entries." msgstr "Du har inte tillräcklig behörighet för att se inlägg." #: form_display.php:5080 msgid "Oops! We could not locate your form." msgstr "Ojdå! Vi kunde inte hitta ditt formulär." #: form_display.php:4716 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "E-postadress" #: form_display.php:4714 msgid "Send Link" msgstr "Skicka länk" #: form_display.php:4556 msgid "Sorry. This form is no longer available." msgstr "Detta formulär är inte längre tillgängligt." #: form_display.php:4550 msgid "This form is not yet available." msgstr "Detta formulär är inte tillgängligt ännu." #: form_display.php:4529 msgid "Sorry. This form is no longer accepting new submissions." msgstr "Detta formulär tar inte längre emot nya inlägg." #: form_display.php:4422 msgid "Step" msgstr "Steg" #: form_display.php:4175 msgid "Next Page" msgstr "Nästa sida" #: form_detail.php:1767 form_display.php:3772 msgid "Strong" msgstr "Starkt" #: common.php:956 form_detail.php:916 form_detail.php:1611 #: form_display.php:3772 includes/fields/class-gf-field.php:2630 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:409 msgid "Medium" msgstr "Mellan" #: form_display.php:3772 msgid "Very weak" msgstr "Mycket svagt" #: form_display.php:3772 msgid "Weak" msgstr "Svagt" #: form_display.php:3772 msgid "Password strength unknown" msgstr "Lösenordets styrka är okänd" #: form_display.php:3772 msgid "Mismatch" msgstr "Stämmer inte överens" #: form_display.php:3755 msgid "max characters" msgstr "maximalt antal tecken" #: form_display.php:3755 form_display.php:4422 msgid "of" msgstr "av" #: form_display.php:3701 msgid "No results matched" msgstr "Inga resultat matchade" #: form_display.php:3042 msgid "All choices are unselected." msgstr "Inget alternativ är markerat." #: form_display.php:3041 msgid "All choices are selected." msgstr "Alla alternativ är markerade." #: form_display.php:2376 msgid "At least one field must be filled out" msgstr "Minst ett fält måste fyllas i" #: form_display.php:2479 msgid "Invalid selection. Please select from the available choices." msgstr "Ogiltigt val. Välj ett av de tillgängliga alternativen." #: form_display.php:2479 msgid "Please enter a valid value." msgstr "Ange ett giltigt värde." #: form_display.php:2450 msgid "This field requires a unique entry and '%s' has already been used" msgstr "Detta fält kräver ett unikt värde och ”%s” har redan använts." #: form_display.php:2449 msgid "This field requires a unique entry and the values you entered have already been used." msgstr "Detta fält kräver ett unikt värde och det värde du skrev in har redan använts tidigare." #: form_display.php:2445 msgid "This date has already been taken. Please select a new date." msgstr "Datumet har redan använts. Välj ett annat datum." #: includes/honeypot/class-gf-honeypot-handler.php:190 msgid "This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged." msgstr "Detta fält används för valideringsändamål och ska lämnas oförändrat." #: form_display.php:1433 msgid "This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms." msgstr "Denna iframe innehåller logiken som behövs för att hantera Gravity Forms med Ajax-stöd." #: form_display.php:1372 form_display.php:4169 msgid "Previous Page" msgstr "Föregående sida" #: form_display.php:5113 msgid "There was a problem with your submission." msgstr "Ett problem uppstod när ditt formulär skulle skickas." #: form_display.php:5111 msgid "Your form was not submitted. Please try again in a few minutes." msgstr "Ditt formulär kunde inte skickas. Försök igen om några minuter." #: form_display.php:1294 msgid "Save and Continue link used is expired or invalid." msgstr "Den använda länken för att spara och fortsätta har upphört att gälla eller är ogiltig." #. Translators: the text or symbol that indicates a field is required #: form_display.php:1265 msgid "\"%s\" indicates required fields" msgstr "”%s” anger obligatoriska fält" #: form_display.php:1132 msgid "Sorry. You must be logged in to view this form." msgstr "Du måste vara inloggad för att kunna se detta formulär." #: common.php:5370 form_display.php:336 form_display.php:1373 #: form_display.php:4170 #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:51 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2516 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2712 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3140 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3431 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3627 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4007 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4294 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4490 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4897 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5438 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5797 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6037 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6573 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6904 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7177 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7833 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8064 js.php:648 msgid "Previous" msgstr "Föregående" #: form_display.php:330 msgid "Review Form" msgstr "Granska formulär" #: includes/class-confirmation.php:1156 msgid "This page does not exist." msgstr "Denna sida finns inte." #: includes/class-confirmation.php:1099 msgid "\\'Cancel\\' to stop, \\'OK\\' to delete." msgstr "\\'Avbryt\\' för att återgå, \\'OK\\' för att ta bort." #: includes/class-confirmation.php:1099 msgid "WARNING: You are about to delete this confirmation." msgstr "VARNING: Du är på väg att radera denna bekräftelse." #: form_detail.php:762 includes/class-confirmation.php:875 tooltips.php:133 msgid "Content" msgstr "Innehåll" #: form_detail.php:899 includes/class-confirmation.php:874 settings.php:1017 msgid "Type" msgstr "Typ" #: includes/class-confirmation.php:634 msgid "Save & Continue Email Input" msgstr "Spara och fortsätt e-postinmatning" #: includes/class-confirmation.php:628 msgid "Save & Continue Token" msgstr "Kontrollvärden för Spara och fortsätt" #: includes/class-confirmation.php:625 msgid "Save & Continue Link" msgstr "Länk för Spara och fortsätt" #: includes/class-confirmation.php:541 msgid "Confirmation Settings" msgstr "Bekräftelseinställningar" #: includes/class-confirmation.php:527 msgid "Your confirmation message appears to contain a merge tag as the value for an HTML attribute. Depending on the attribute and field type, this might be a security risk. %sFurther details%s" msgstr "Ditt bekräftelsemeddelande verkar innehålla en kopplingstagg som ett värde för ett HTML-attribut. Beroende på vilket attribut och vilken typ av fält kan detta utgöra en säkerhetsrisk. %sLäs mer%s" #: form_settings.php:580 includes/class-confirmation.php:385 #: notification.php:546 msgid "Legacy Settings" msgstr "Inställningar för bakåtkompatibilitet" #: includes/class-confirmation.php:355 msgid "Save Confirmation" msgstr "Bekräftelse för att spara" #: includes/class-confirmation.php:346 notification.php:471 msgid "Enable conditional logic" msgstr "Aktivera villkorslogik" #: includes/class-confirmation.php:338 msgid "Sample: phone={Phone:1}&email={Email:2}" msgstr "Exempel: tel={Tel:1}&e-post={E-post:2}" #: includes/class-confirmation.php:325 msgid "Pass Field Data via Query String" msgstr "Sänd fältdata via Query-sträng" #: includes/class-confirmation.php:317 msgid "You must specify a valid Redirect URL." msgstr "Du måste ange en giltig URL för omdirigering." #: includes/class-confirmation.php:301 msgid "Redirect URL" msgstr "Omdirigerings-URL" #: includes/class-confirmation.php:268 notification.php:445 msgid "Disable auto-formatting" msgstr "Inaktivera auto-formatering" #: includes/class-confirmation.php:263 msgid "Auto-Formatting" msgstr "Automatisk formatering" #: includes/class-confirmation.php:247 notification.php:432 msgid "Message" msgstr "Meddelande" #: includes/class-confirmation.php:239 includes/class-confirmation.php:1193 msgid "Redirect" msgstr "Omdirigera" #: form_detail.php:606 includes/class-confirmation.php:231 #: includes/class-confirmation.php:1187 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1593 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5972 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11212 js.php:975 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:453 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:515 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:548 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:584 msgid "Text" msgstr "Text" #: includes/class-confirmation.php:225 msgid "Confirmation Type" msgstr "Bekräftelsetyp" #: includes/class-confirmation.php:214 msgid "Confirmation Name" msgstr "Bekräftelsenamn" #: form_settings.php:44 form_settings.php:1118 #: includes/class-confirmation.php:96 includes/class-confirmation.php:210 msgid "Confirmations" msgstr "Bekräftelser" #: includes/upload.php:134 includes/upload.php:265 includes/upload.php:275 msgid "Upload unsuccessful" msgstr "Uppladdningen misslyckades" #: includes/upload.php:234 msgid "Failed to move uploaded file." msgstr "Det gick inte att flytta den uppladdade filen." #: includes/upload.php:231 includes/upload.php:254 msgid "Failed to open output stream." msgstr "Det gick inte att öppna utmatningsflöde." #: includes/upload.php:224 includes/upload.php:248 msgid "Failed to open input stream." msgstr "Det gick inte att öppna inmatningsflöde." #: includes/upload.php:198 msgid "Failed to open temp directory." msgstr "Det gick inte att öppna tillfällig katalog." #: includes/upload.php:29 includes/upload.php:57 msgid "Failed to upload file." msgstr "Uppladdning av fil misslyckades." #. translators: deleted text #: includes/class-personal-data.php:1295 msgid "[deleted]" msgstr "[raderat]" #: includes/class-personal-data.php:986 msgid "Draft Forms (Save and Continue Later)" msgstr "Formulärutkast (Spara och återuppta senare)" #: includes/class-personal-data.php:686 msgid "Browser details" msgstr "Uppgifter om webbläsarprogram" #: common.php:810 form_detail.php:2977 includes/class-personal-data.php:685 msgid "Embed URL" msgstr "Bädda in URL" #: common.php:6050 includes/class-personal-data.php:684 tooltips.php:166 msgid "IP Address" msgstr "IP-adress" #: includes/class-personal-data.php:430 msgid "Other Data" msgstr "Övriga uppgifter" #: includes/class-personal-data.php:324 msgid "Select/Deselect All" msgstr "Markera/avmarkera allt" #: includes/class-personal-data.php:306 msgid "Erase" msgstr "Radera" #: includes/class-personal-data.php:305 msgid "Export" msgstr "Export" #: includes/class-personal-data.php:304 msgid "Fields" msgstr "Fält" #: includes/class-personal-data.php:257 msgid "Created By" msgstr "Skapad av" #: form_settings.php:965 form_settings.php:1132 #: includes/class-personal-data.php:176 includes/class-personal-data.php:578 msgid "Personal Data" msgstr "Personuppgifter" #: includes/class-personal-data.php:161 msgid "Identification Field" msgstr "ID-fält" #: includes/class-personal-data.php:155 msgid "You must add an email address field to the form in order to enable this setting." msgstr "Du måste lägga in ett fält för e-postadress i formuläret för att kunna aktivera denna inställning." #: includes/class-personal-data.php:150 msgid "Enable integration with the WordPress tools for exporting and erasing personal data." msgstr "Aktivera integration med WordPress-verktygen för export och radering av personuppgifter." #: includes/class-personal-data.php:145 msgid "Exporting and Erasing Data" msgstr "Export och radering av uppgifter" #: includes/class-personal-data.php:136 msgid "Form entries must be retained for at least one day." msgstr "Formulärposter måste bevaras i minst en dag." #: includes/class-personal-data.php:119 msgid "Number of days to retain entries before trashing/deleting:" msgstr "Antal dagar som poster ska sparas innan de kastas eller raderas:" #: includes/class-personal-data.php:108 msgid "Delete entries permanently automatically" msgstr "Radera poster permanent automatiskt " #: includes/class-personal-data.php:104 includes/class-personal-data.php:112 msgid "Warning: this will affect all entries that are older than the number of days specified." msgstr "Varning: Detta kommer att påverka alla poster som är äldre än valt antal dagar." #: includes/class-personal-data.php:100 msgid "Trash entries automatically" msgstr "Lägg poster i papperskorgen automatiskt " #: includes/class-personal-data.php:96 msgid "Retain entries indefinitely" msgstr "Spara poster under obegränsad tid" #: includes/class-personal-data.php:91 tooltips.php:167 msgid "Retention Policy" msgstr "Arkiveringspolicy" #: includes/class-personal-data.php:85 msgid "Prevent the storage of IP addresses during form submission" msgstr "Se till att IP-adresser inte sparas när formulär skickas in." #: includes/class-personal-data.php:80 msgid "General Settings" msgstr "Allmänna inställningar" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:2388 msgid "Internal Error" msgstr "Internt fel" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:2383 msgid "Not implemented" msgstr "Är inte implementerad" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:2378 msgid "Not found" msgstr "Hittades inte" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:2373 msgid "Bad request" msgstr "Felaktig begäran" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:2368 msgid "Forbidden" msgstr "Förbjudet" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:2363 msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "Åtkomst nekad" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:2358 msgid "Not authorized" msgstr "Ej behörig" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1656 msgid "Entries deleted successfully: %d" msgstr "Inläggen har raderats: %d" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1619 msgid "Form updated successfully" msgstr "Formuläret har uppdaterats" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1619 msgid "Forms updated successfully" msgstr "Formulären har uppdaterats" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1527 includes/webapi/webapi.php:1558 msgid "Success" msgstr "Klart" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1498 msgid "Entries updated successfully" msgstr "Inläggen har uppdaterats" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1436 msgid "Forms deleted successfully: %d" msgstr "Formulär har tagits bort: %d" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1319 msgid "Feeds updated: %d" msgstr "Flöden har uppdaterats: %d" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1280 msgid "Feeds deleted successfully: %d" msgstr "Flöden har tagits bort: %d" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1132 msgid "Unable to process request." msgstr "Det gick inte att behandla begäran." #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1127 msgid "Unable to save API key." msgstr "Det gick inte att spara API-nyckeln." #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1125 msgid "Make sure you have copied the consumer key and secret below. They will not be available once you leave this page." msgstr "Se till att du har kopierat konsumentnyckeln och hemligheten nedan. De kommer inte att vara tillgängliga efter att du lämnat denna sida." #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1123 msgid "API Key successfully updated." msgstr "API-nyckeln har uppdaterats." #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1116 msgid "You must provide a description." msgstr "Du måste ange en beskrivning." #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1076 msgid "Unable to retrieve key." msgstr "Det gick inte att hämta nyckeln." #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:697 msgid "Show/hide QR Code" msgstr "Visa/göm QR-kod" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:689 msgid "Change the %sWordPress Permalink Settings%s from default to any of the other options to get started." msgstr "Börja med att ändra %sWordPress permalänksinställning%s från standard till valfri övrig inställning." #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:684 msgid "Permalinks are not in the correct format." msgstr "Permalänkarna är inte i rätt format." #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:607 msgid "Impersonate account" msgstr "Utnyttja användarkonto" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:601 msgid "QR Code" msgstr "QR-kod" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:593 msgid "Private API Key" msgstr "Privat API-nyckel" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:585 msgid "Public API Key" msgstr "Publik API-nyckel" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:580 msgid "Configure your API Key below to use the REST API version 1. Alternatively, you can use cookie authentication which is supported for logged in users. %sVisit our documentation pages%s for more information." msgstr "Konfigurera din API-nyckel nedan för användning med REST API-version 1. Alternativt kan du använda autentisering via cookie, vilket stöds för inloggade användare. Mer information finns i %svår dokumentation%s." #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:578 msgid "Authentication ( API version 1 )" msgstr "Autentisering (API-version 2)" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:572 msgid "API Keys" msgstr "API-nycklar" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:567 msgid "Create an API Key below to use the REST API version 2. Alternatively, you can use cookie authentication which is supported for logged in users. %sVisit our documentation pages%s for more information." msgstr "Skapa en API-nyckel nedan för användning med REST API-version 2. Alternativt kan du använda autentisering via cookie, vilket stöds för inloggade användare. Mer information finns i %svår dokumentation%s." #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:565 msgid "Authentication ( API version 2 )" msgstr "Autentisering (API-version 2)" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:554 msgid "Enable access to the API" msgstr "Aktivera åtkomst till API:et" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:533 msgid "Requirements check" msgstr "Kravkontroll" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:529 includes/webapi/webapi.php:550 msgid "The Gravity Forms API allows developers to interact with this install via a JSON REST API." msgstr "Gravity Forms API:et låter utvecklare interagera med denna installation via ett JSON REST-API." #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:456 msgid "Gravity Forms API Settings" msgstr "API-inställningar för Gravity Forms" #: common.php:5369 entry_detail.php:1402 gravityforms.php:4656 #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:446 includes/webapi/webapi.php:539 #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:618 msgid "Update" msgstr "Uppdatera" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-list.php:229 includes/webapi/webapi.php:446 #: assets/js/src/legacy/admin/settings/field-map/mapping.js:351 msgid "Add" msgstr "Lägg till" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:440 msgid "Consumer Secret" msgstr "Hemlig nyckel för förbrukaren" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:434 msgid "Consumer Key" msgstr "Förbrukarnyckel" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:422 msgid "Read/Write" msgstr "Läsning/skrivning" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:421 msgid "Write" msgstr "Skriv" #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:420 msgid "Read" msgstr "Läsning" #: includes/webapi/v2/class-gf-rest-authentication.php:804 msgid "Gravity Forms API. Use a consumer key in the username field and a consumer secret in the password field." msgstr "Gravity Forms API. Använd en förbrukarnyckel i fältet för användarnamn och en hemlig förbrukarnyckel i lösenordsfältet." #: includes/webapi/v2/class-gf-rest-authentication.php:764 msgid "Unknown request method." msgstr "Okänd metod för förfrågan." #: includes/webapi/v2/class-gf-rest-authentication.php:757 msgid "The API key provided does not have write permissions." msgstr "Angiven API-nyckel saknar skrivrättigheter." #: includes/webapi/v2/class-gf-rest-authentication.php:749 msgid "The API key provided does not have read permissions." msgstr "Angiven API-nyckel saknar läsrättigheter." #: includes/webapi/v2/class-gf-rest-authentication.php:679 msgid "Invalid nonce - nonce has already been used." msgstr "Ogiltigt nonce-värde – nonce-värdet har redan använts." #: includes/webapi/v2/class-gf-rest-authentication.php:669 msgid "Invalid timestamp." msgstr "Ogiltig tidsstämpel." #: includes/webapi/v2/class-gf-rest-authentication.php:587 msgid "Invalid signature - provided signature does not match." msgstr "Ogiltig signatur – mottagen signatur stämmer inte." #: includes/webapi/v2/class-gf-rest-authentication.php:577 msgid "Invalid signature - signature method is invalid." msgstr "Ogiltig signatur – ogiltig signaturmetod." #: includes/webapi/v2/class-gf-rest-authentication.php:568 msgid "Invalid signature - failed to sort parameters." msgstr "Ogiltig signatur – parametrarna gick inte att extrahera." #: includes/webapi/v2/class-gf-rest-authentication.php:520 msgid "Consumer key is invalid." msgstr "Förbrukarnyckeln är ogiltig." #. translators: %s: amount of errors #: includes/webapi/v2/class-gf-rest-authentication.php:474 msgid "Missing OAuth parameter %s" msgid_plural "Missing OAuth parameters %s" msgstr[0] "Saknad OAuth-parameter %s" msgstr[1] "Saknade OAuth-parametrar %s" #: includes/webapi/v2/class-gf-rest-authentication.php:354 msgid "Consumer secret is invalid." msgstr "Ogiltig hemligt nyckel för förbrukaren." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-entries.php:199 msgid "The entry has already been deleted." msgstr "Posten har redan raderats." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-entries.php:94 #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-entries.php:181 #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-entry-notes.php:57 msgid "Invalid entry id." msgstr "Ogiltigt post-ID." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-feeds.php:108 #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-feeds.php:138 #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-feeds.php:223 msgid "Invalid feed id." msgstr "Ogiltigt formulär-ID." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-entry-notes.php:86 #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-notes.php:122 msgid "Error retrieving notes." msgstr "Ett fel inträffade när anteckningarna skulle hämtas." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-notes.php:78 #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-notes.php:225 msgid "Invalid note id." msgstr "Ogiltigt antecknings-id." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:391 msgid "The status of the entry." msgstr "Inläggsstatus." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:386 msgid "The type of the transaction, if applicable." msgstr "Transaktionstyp, om tillämpligt." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:381 msgid "The user ID of the entry submitter." msgstr "Användar-ID för den som skickat in posten." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:376 msgid "Whether the transaction has been fulfilled, if applicable." msgstr "Om betalningen har utförts eller inte, om det är tillämpligt." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:371 msgid "The transaction ID for the payment, if applicable." msgstr "Transaktions-ID för betalningen, om det är tillämpligt." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:366 msgid "The payment method for the payment, if applicable." msgstr "Betalsätt för betalningen, om det är tillämpligt." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:361 msgid "The amount of the payment, if applicable." msgstr "Betalningens belopp, om det är tillämpligt." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:356 msgid "The date of the payment, if applicable." msgstr "Datum för betalningen, om det är tillämpligt." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:351 msgid "The status of the payment, if applicable." msgstr "Status för betalningen, om det är tillämpligt." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:346 msgid "The user agent string for the browser used to submit the entry." msgstr "User agent-sträng för webbläsaren som användes när posten skickades." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:341 msgid "The URL where the form was embedded." msgstr "URL där formuläret var inbäddat." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:336 msgid "The IP address of the entry creator." msgstr "IP-adressen för postens skapare." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:331 msgid "Whether the entry has been read." msgstr "Om posten har lästs eller inte." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:326 msgid "Whether the entry is starred." msgstr "Om posten är stjärnmarkerad eller inte." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:321 msgid "The date the entry was updated, in UTC." msgstr "Datum för när posten skapades, i UTC." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:316 msgid "The date the entry was created, in UTC." msgstr "Datum för när posten skapades, i UTC." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:310 msgid "The Form ID for the entry." msgstr "Formulär-ID för posten." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:305 msgid "Unique identifier for the resource." msgstr "Unik identitetssträng för resursen." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-entries.php:336 #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-entry-notes.php:213 #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-entries.php:231 #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-notes.php:337 msgid "Missing entry JSON" msgstr "JSON saknas för posten" #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-submissions.php:149 msgid "The field values." msgstr "Fältvärden." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-submissions.php:145 msgid "The input values." msgstr "Inmatade värden." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-entry-notifications.php:61 msgid "Form not found." msgstr "Formuläret hittades inte." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-forms.php:399 msgid "The Form object must be sent as a JSON string in the request body with the content-type header set to application/json." msgstr "Formulärobjektet måste skickas som en JSON-sträng i begärans nyttlast med header-fältet content-type satt till application/json." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-forms.php:257 msgid "The form has already been deleted." msgstr "Formuläret har redan raderats." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-forms.php:238 msgid "Invalid form id." msgstr "Ogiltigt formulär-ID." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-feed-properties.php:122 #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-feeds.php:273 msgid "The add-on the feed belongs to." msgstr "Utökningen som flödet tillhör." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-feed-properties.php:118 #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-feeds.php:268 msgid "The JSON string containing the feed meta." msgstr "JSON saknas för posten" #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-feed-properties.php:106 #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-feeds.php:262 msgid "The Form ID for the feed." msgstr "Formulär-ID för posten." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-feed-properties.php:101 #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-feeds.php:257 msgid "Unique identifier for the feed." msgstr "Unik identitetssträng för resursen." #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-feeds.php:217 msgid "Missing feed meta" msgstr "JSON saknas för posten" #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-feeds.php:212 msgid "Missing add-on slug" msgstr "Formulär-ID saknas" #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-feeds.php:192 msgid "Missing feed JSON" msgstr "JSON saknas för posten" #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-entry-properties.php:113 msgid "Missing Key Value Pairs JSON" msgstr "JSON med nyckelvärdepar saknas" #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-entry-properties.php:74 #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1498 msgid "Entry updated successfully" msgstr "Inlägget har uppdaterats" #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-entry-properties.php:57 #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1565 msgid "Property values should be sent as an array" msgstr "Värden på egenskaper ska skickas som en matris" #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-entry-properties.php:54 #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1563 msgid "No property values were found in the request body" msgstr "Inga värden på egenskaper hittades i begärans nyttolast" #: includes/webapi/includes/class-gf-api-keys-table.php:94 msgid "You don't have any API keys. Let's go %1$screate one%2$s!" msgstr "Du saknar API-nycklar. Låt oss %1$sskapa en%2$s!" #: includes/webapi/includes/class-gf-api-keys-table.php:80 #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1088 msgid "Never Accessed" msgstr "Aldrig hämtad" #: includes/webapi/includes/class-gf-api-keys-table.php:30 #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:428 msgid "Last Access" msgstr "Senaste åtkomst" #: includes/webapi/includes/class-gf-api-keys-table.php:29 #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:418 msgid "Permissions" msgstr "Rättigheter" #: common.php:6077 entry_detail.php:1324 forms_model.php:6579 #: includes/webapi/includes/class-gf-api-keys-table.php:28 #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:401 select_columns.php:204 msgid "User" msgstr "Användare" #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-complete.php:23 msgid "Create A Form" msgstr "Skapa ett formulär" #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-complete.php:19 msgid "Installation Complete" msgstr "Installationen har slutförts" #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-complete.php:12 msgid "Congratulations! Click the 'Create A Form' button to get started." msgstr "Gratulerar! Klicka på ”Nytt formulär” för att komma igång. " #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-settings.php:84 msgid "Global Settings" msgstr "Allmänna inställningar" #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-settings.php:74 #: settings.php:625 tooltips.php:156 msgid "Protect your form entries from spam using Akismet." msgstr "Skydda dina formulärinlägg från spam genom att använda Akismet." #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-settings.php:68 #: settings.php:624 tooltips.php:156 msgid "Akismet Integration" msgstr "Akismet-integration" #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-settings.php:61 msgid "Set this to ON to display the Forms menu in the WordPress top toolbar. The Forms menu will display the latest ten forms recently opened in the form editor." msgstr "Ange detta alternativ till PÅ för att visa formulärmenyerna i WordPress översta verktygsfält. Formulärmenyerna visar de 10 senast öppnade formulären i formulärredigeraren." #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-settings.php:55 #: settings.php:567 msgid "Toolbar Menu" msgstr "Meny i verktygsfältet " #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-settings.php:50 msgid "Set this to ON to prevent extraneous scripts and styles from being printed on Gravity Forms admin pages, reducing conflicts with other plugins and themes." msgstr "Ange detta till PÅ för att förhindra att onödiga skript och stilar skrivs ut på administrationssidorna för Gravity Forms, något som kan hjälpa till att minska eventuella konflikter med andra tillägg och teman." #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-settings.php:48 #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-settings.php:59 msgid "Off" msgstr "Av" #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-settings.php:47 #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-settings.php:58 msgid "On" msgstr "På" #: currency.php:448 #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:84 #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-settings.php:28 msgid "Select a Currency" msgstr "Välj en valuta" #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step.php:106 msgid "Back" msgstr "Tillbaka" #: form_display.php:4176 #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:50 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2511 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2707 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3426 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3622 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4289 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4485 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5433 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5792 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6568 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6899 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7828 #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step.php:102 js.php:646 msgid "Next" msgstr "Nästa" #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-license-key.php:75 msgid "Please accept the terms" msgstr "Du behöver acceptera villkoren" #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-license-key.php:68 msgid "Invalid or Expired Key : Please make sure you have entered the correct value and that your key is not expired." msgstr "Ogiltig eller utgången nyckel: Se till så att du har lagt in ett giltigt värde och att din licensnyckel fortfarande gäller." #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-license-key.php:62 msgid "Please enter a valid license key." msgstr "Lägg in en giltig licensnyckel." #: form_detail.php:1893 #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-license-key.php:53 msgid "License Key" msgstr "Licensnyckel" #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-license-key.php:44 msgid "I understand the risks of not providing a valid license key." msgstr "Jag förstår riskerna med att inte ange en giltig licensnyckel." #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-license-key.php:39 msgid "If you don't enter a valid license key, you will not be able to update Gravity Forms when important bug fixes and security enhancements are released. This can be a serious security risk for your site." msgstr "Om du inte lägger in en giltig licensnyckel kan du inte uppdatera Gravity Forms när viktiga felrättningar och säkerhetsuppdateringar släpps. Detta kan vara en allvarlig säkerhetsrisk för din webbplats. " #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-license-key.php:21 msgid "Enter your Gravity Forms License Key below. Your key unlocks access to automatic updates, the add-on installer, and support. You can find your key on the My Account page on the %sGravity Forms%s site." msgstr "Lägg in din licensnyckel för Gravity Forms nedan. Nyckeln ger dig åtkomst till automatiska uppdateringar, tilläggsinstalleraren och support. Du hittar din nyckel på My Account-sidan på%sGravity Forms%s hemsida." #: common.php:5391 #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-background-updates.php:110 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Inaktiverad" #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-background-updates.php:102 msgid "Please accept the terms." msgstr "Du behöver acceptera villkoren." #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-background-updates.php:94 msgid "Background Updates" msgstr "Bakgrundsuppdateringar" #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-background-updates.php:66 msgid "I understand and accept the risk of not enabling background updates." msgstr "Jag förstår och accepterar risken med att inte aktivera bakgrundsuppdateringar." #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-background-updates.php:61 msgid "By disabling background updates your site may not get critical bug fixes and security enhancements. We only recommend doing this if you are experienced at managing a WordPress site and accept the risks involved in manually keeping your WordPress site updated." msgstr "Genom att inaktivera bakgrundsuppdateringar kanske din webbplats inte kommer att ta emot felrättningar och säkerhetsförbättringar. Vi rekommenderar att du endast gör detta om du har erfarenhet av webbplatshantering i WordPress och accepterar de medföljande riskerna med manuell webbplatsuppdatering i WordPress." #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-background-updates.php:58 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Är du säker?" #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-background-updates.php:52 msgid "Turn off background updates" msgstr "Stäng av bakgrundsuppdateringar" #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-background-updates.php:46 msgid "Keep background updates enabled" msgstr "Håll bakgrundsuppdateringar aktiverade" #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-background-updates.php:35 msgid "Updates will only be available if you have entered a valid License Key" msgstr "Uppdateringar finns endast tillgängliga om du har lagt in en giltig licensnyckel" #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-background-updates.php:24 msgid "This feature is activated by default unless you opt to disable it below. We only recommend disabling background updates if you intend on managing updates manually." msgstr "Den här funktionen är som standard aktiverad om du inte har valt att inaktivera den nedan. Vi rekommenderar bara att inaktivera bakgrundsuppdateringar om du tänker sköta uppdateringarna manuellt." #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-background-updates.php:18 msgid "Gravity Forms will download important bug fixes, security enhancements and plugin updates automatically. Updates are extremely important to the security of your WordPress site." msgstr "Gravity Forms kommer automatiskt att ladda ner viktiga felrättningar, säkerhetsförbättringar och tilläggsuppdateringar. Uppdateringar är extremt viktiga för säkerheten på er WordPress-webbplats." #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:58 #: includes/wizard/class-gf-installation-wizard.php:97 msgid "Welcome to Gravity Forms" msgstr "Välkommen till Gravity Forms" #: includes/legacy/forms_model_legacy.php:2342 msgid "There was a problem while inserting the field values" msgstr "Ett problem inträffade när fältvärdena skulle läggas in" #: includes/legacy/forms_model_legacy.php:2333 msgid "There was a problem while inserting one of the input values for the entry" msgstr "Ett problem inträffade när ett av de inmatade värdena för posten skulle läggas in" #: forms_model.php:2935 includes/legacy/forms_model_legacy.php:549 msgid "An error prevented the entry for this form submission being saved. Please contact support." msgstr "På grund av ett fel kunde inlägget i detta formulär inte sparas. Vänligen kontakta supporten." #: forms_model.php:2917 includes/legacy/forms_model_legacy.php:514 msgid "You don't have adequate permission to edit entries." msgstr "Du saknar behörighet att redigera inlägg." #: includes/libraries/gf-background-process.php:629 msgid "Every %d Minutes" msgstr "var %d minut" #: common.php:5367 form_list.php:146 form_list.php:610 #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:2574 #: includes/class-confirmation.php:152 includes/class-confirmation.php:1067 #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-admin-i18n.php:39 js.php:289 #: js.php:391 notification.php:906 notification.php:1495 msgid "Inactive" msgstr "Inaktiv" #: common.php:5366 common.php:6097 form_list.php:150 form_list.php:607 #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:2571 #: includes/class-confirmation.php:156 includes/class-confirmation.php:1064 #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-admin-i18n.php:40 #: includes/license/class-gf-license-api-response.php:157 js.php:289 js.php:389 #: notification.php:910 notification.php:1492 msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktiv" #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:2478 msgid "feeds" msgstr "flöden" #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:2477 msgid "feed" msgstr "flöde" #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:2462 settings.php:1024 msgid "Checkbox" msgstr "Kryssruta" #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:2064 msgid "Select which actions should only occur after payment has been received." msgstr "Välj vilka åtgärder som ska ske först efter att betalning har tagits emot." #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:2061 #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:2064 msgid "Post Payment Actions" msgstr "Åtgärder efter betalning" #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:2049 msgid "Process %s feed only when payment is received." msgstr "Bearbeta flödet %s endast när betalning tas emot." #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1963 msgid "Invalid value" msgstr "Ogiltigt värde" #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1826 msgid "To get started, please configure your %s." msgstr "Börja med att konfigurera dina %s." #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1806 msgid "You don't have any feeds configured. Let's go %screate one%s!" msgstr "Du har inte konfigurerat några flöden. Vill du %sskapa ett%s?" #: form_list.php:166 form_list.php:170 #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1790 notification.php:1536 msgid "'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete." msgstr "”Avbryt” för att stoppa, ”OK” för att ta bort." #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1790 msgid "WARNING: You are about to delete this item." msgstr "VARNING: Du är på väg att radera detta objekt." #: form_list.php:699 includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1789 #: includes/class-confirmation.php:1098 #: includes/editor-button/config/class-gf-editor-config.php:55 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field.php:1600 notification.php:1535 msgid "Duplicate" msgstr "Duplicera" #: entry_detail.php:1402 gravityforms.php:5337 gravityforms.php:5615 #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1788 #: includes/class-confirmation.php:1097 #: includes/webapi/includes/class-gf-api-keys-table.php:68 #: notification.php:1534 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Redigera" #: entry_detail.php:823 form_detail.php:1664 #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1743 #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1790 #: includes/class-confirmation.php:1099 #: includes/editor-button/config/class-gf-editor-config.php:56 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field.php:1621 #: includes/settings/config/class-gf-settings-config-i18n.php:51 #: notification.php:1536 #: assets/js/src/legacy/admin/settings/field-map/mapping.js:371 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Ta bort" #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1650 msgid "There was an error updating this feed. Please review all errors below and try again." msgstr "Ett fel inträffade när flödet skulle uppdateras. Undersök alla fel nedan och försök igen." #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1636 msgid "Feed updated successfully." msgstr "Flödet har uppdaterats." #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1588 msgid "You don't have sufficient permissions to update the form settings." msgstr "Du saknar behörighet att uppdatera formulärets inställningar." #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1486 msgid "Feed Settings" msgstr "Inställningar för webbflöden" #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1467 msgid "Unable to render feed settings." msgstr "Det går inte att rendera inställningarna för flödet." #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1353 msgid "%s Feeds" msgstr "%s Flöden" #: form_list.php:185 includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1348 #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:2609 #: includes/class-confirmation.php:1216 notification.php:1641 msgid "Add New" msgstr "Lägg till" #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1027 msgid "Copy %d" msgstr "Exemplar %d" #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1025 msgid "Copy 1" msgstr "Exemplar 1" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5444 msgid "You don't have adequate permission to uninstall this add-on: " msgstr "Du har inte tillräcklig behörighet för att avinstallera följande utökning: " #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5418 msgid "Warning! ALL %s settings will be deleted. This cannot be undone. 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to stop" msgstr "Varning! ALLA inställningar för %s kommer att raderas. Detta går inte att ångra. ”OK” för att radera, ”Avbryt” för att återgå" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5414 msgid "%sThis operation deletes ALL %s settings%s. If you continue, you will NOT be able to retrieve these settings." msgstr "%sDenna åtgärd raderar ALLA inställningar för %s%s. Om du fortsätter kommer du INTE att kunna hämta dessa inställningar." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5369 msgid "Uninstall Add-On" msgstr "Avinstallera utökning" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5350 msgid "Uninstall %s Add-On" msgstr "Avinstallera utökningen %s" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5234 msgid "You don't have sufficient permissions to update the settings." msgstr "Du saknar behörighet för att uppdatera inställningarna." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5019 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Varning" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5013 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5027 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5337 msgid "Uninstall %s" msgstr "Avinstallera %s" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:4829 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5002 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5123 msgid "%s has been successfully uninstalled. It can be re-activated from the %splugins page%s." msgstr "%s har avinstallerats. Det kan återaktiveras från %stilläggs-sidan%s." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:4815 msgid "This add-on needs to be updated. Please contact the developer." msgstr "Denna utökning behöver uppdateras. Kontakta utvecklaren." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:4647 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:4653 msgid "You don't have adequate permission to view this page" msgstr "Du saknar behörighet för att visa denna sida" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:4309 msgid "Unable to render form settings." msgstr "Det går inte att visa formulärinställningarna." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:3810 msgid "Validation Error" msgstr "Valideringsfel" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:2907 #: assets/js/src/legacy/admin/settings/field-map/mapping.js:219 msgid "Add Custom Key" msgstr "Lägg till anpassad nyckel" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:2814 msgid "Please add a %s field to your form." msgstr "Lägg till ett fält %s i formuläret." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:2294 msgid "%s settings updated." msgstr "Inställningarna för %s har uppdaterats." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:2086 msgid "Field type '%s' has not been implemented" msgstr "Fälttypen ”%s” är inte implementerad" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:1997 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:2071 msgid "Field could not be rendered." msgstr "Fältet kunde inte renderas." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:1797 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:4860 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5165 #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1823 msgid "%s Settings" msgstr "%s-inställningar" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:1682 msgid "Gravity Forms Add-Ons" msgstr "Utökningar till Gravity Forms" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:1663 msgid "Results Page" msgstr "Resultatsida" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:1658 msgid "Add-On Settings" msgstr "Inställningar för utökningar" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:1655 msgid "Add-On Page" msgstr "Sida med utökningar" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:1652 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:4984 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5339 settings.php:1296 msgid "Uninstall" msgstr "Avinstallera" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:1595 msgid "GF Add-Ons" msgstr "Utökningar till GF" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:790 msgid "Please resolve the following issues to use %s:" msgstr "Rätta till följande problem för att använda %s:" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:789 msgid "%s is not able to run because your WordPress environment has not met the minimum requirements." msgstr "%s kan inte köras eftersom din WordPress-miljö inte uppfyller minimikraven." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:750 msgid "Current WordPress version (%s) does not meet minimum WordPress version requirement (%s)." msgstr "Aktuell WordPress-version (%s) uppfyller inte lägstakravet på WordPress-version (%s)." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:737 msgid "Required PHP function missing: %s" msgstr "Nödvändig PHP-funktion saknas: %s" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:722 msgid "Required PHP extension \"%s\" does not meet minimum version requirement: %s." msgstr "Det nödvändiga PHP-tillägget ”%s” uppfyller inte kravet på lägsta version: %s." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:715 msgid "Required PHP extension missing: %s" msgstr "Nödvändigt PHP-tillägg saknas: %s" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:698 msgid "Current PHP version (%s) does not meet minimum PHP version requirement (%s)." msgstr "Nuvarande PHP-version (%s) uppfyller inte lägstakravet på PHP-version (%s)." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:688 msgid "Required WordPress plugin is missing: %s." msgstr "Nödvändigt WordPress-tillägg saknas: %s." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:668 msgid "Required Gravity Forms Add-On \"%s\" does not meet minimum version requirement: %s." msgstr "Den nödvändiga utökningen ”%s” till Gravity Forms uppfyller inte kravet på lägsta version: %s." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:660 msgid "Required Gravity Forms Add-On is missing: %s." msgstr "Nödvändig utökning till Gravity Forms saknas: %s." #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:689 msgid "Show more" msgstr "Visa mer" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:681 msgid "Latest values:" msgstr "Senaste värdena:" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:645 msgid "Item" msgstr "Objekt" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:633 msgid "Average score" msgstr "Medelpoäng" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:631 msgid "Average global score" msgstr "Genomsnittlig totalpoäng" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:504 #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:534 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Frekvens" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:504 msgid "Choice" msgstr "Val" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:475 #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:482 #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:497 msgid "No entries for this field" msgstr "Inga poster för detta fält" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:416 msgid "No results" msgstr "Inga resultat" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:399 msgid "Entries processed: %1$d of %2$d" msgstr "Behandlade poster: %1$d av %2$d" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:385 msgid "There was an error while processing the entries. Please contact support." msgstr "Ett fel inträffade när posterna skulle behandlas. Kontakta supporten." #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:360 msgid "No results." msgstr "Inga resultat." #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:332 msgid "The average (mean) score: The sum of the scores divided by the number of entries." msgstr "Genomsnittlig (medelvärde) poäng: Poängsumman delad med antalet poster." #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:332 #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:575 msgid "Average Score" msgstr "Medelpoäng" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:331 msgid "The average (mean) score for the whole field. The sum of the total scores divided by the number of entries." msgstr "Den genomsnittliga (medelvärde) poängen för hela fältet. Den totala poängsumman delad med antalet poster." #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:331 msgid "Average Global Score" msgstr "Genomsnittlig totalpoäng" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:330 msgid "The average (mean) score for each row: the sum of all the scores for each row divided by the total number of entries." msgstr "Den genomsnittliga (medelvärde) poängen för varje rad: summan av alla poäng för varje rad, delad med det totala antalet poster." #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:330 msgid "Average Row Score" msgstr "Genomsnittlig radpoäng" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:329 msgid "Narrow the results by adding filters. Note that some field types support more options than others." msgstr "Begränsa resultaten genom att lägga till filter. Observera att visa fälttyper stöder fler alternativ än andra." #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:328 msgid "Date Range is optional, if no date range is specified it will be ignored." msgstr "Det är valfritt att ange datumintervall. Om inget intervall angetts kommer det att ignoreras." #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:327 msgid "The aggregate rank is the overall rank for all entries based on the weighted scores for each item." msgstr "Den sammanlagda rankningen är den total rankningen för alla artiklar utifrån de vägda poängen för varje objekt." #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:327 #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:651 msgid "Aggregate Rank" msgstr "Slutgiltig placering" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:326 msgid "Scores are weighted calculations. Items ranked higher are given a greater score than items that are ranked lower. The total score for each item is the sum of the weighted scores." msgstr "Poäng är vägda beräkningar. Objekt som rankats högre har högre poäng än objekt som rankats lägre. Den totala poängen för varje objekt är summan av dess vägda poäng." #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:326 #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:648 msgid "Total Score" msgstr "Totalpoäng" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:315 msgid "This form does not have any fields that can be used for results" msgstr "Detta formulär har inga fält som kan användas som resultat" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:289 msgid "Clear" msgstr "Rensa" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:286 msgid "Apply filters" msgstr "Använd filter" #: export.php:706 msgid "End" msgstr "Slut" #: export.php:701 msgid "Start" msgstr "Start" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:328 msgid "Date Range" msgstr "Datumintervall" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:329 msgid "Filters" msgstr "Filter" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:150 #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:156 msgid "Results" msgstr "Resultat" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:128 #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:158 msgid "View results generated by this form" msgstr "Se de resultat som detta formulär gett" #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:82 msgid "Error retrieving results. If the problem persists, please contact support." msgstr "Ett fel inträffade när resultaten skulle hämtas. Kontakta supporten om problemen kvarstår." #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:21 msgid "Results Filters" msgstr "Resultatfilter" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3940 msgid "Go to the last page" msgstr "Gå till sista sidan" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3931 msgid "Go to the next page" msgstr "Gå till nästa sida" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3926 msgctxt "paging" msgid "%1$s of %2$s" msgstr "%1$s av %2$s" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3916 msgid "Go to the previous page" msgstr "Gå till föregående sida" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3909 msgid "Go to the first page" msgstr "Gå till första sidan" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3892 msgid "1 item" msgid_plural "%s items" msgstr[0] "1 objekt" msgstr[1] "%s objekt" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3869 msgid "There hasn't been any sales in the specified date range." msgstr "Ingen försäljning har skett inom det angivna datumintervallet." #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3844 msgid "sales" msgstr "försäljning" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3843 msgid "sale" msgstr "försäljning" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3712 msgid "Cancel Subscription" msgstr "Avbryt prenumeration" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3446 msgid "The subscription could not be canceled. Please try again later." msgstr "Prenumerationen kunde inte avbrytas. Försök igen senare." #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3445 msgid "Canceled" msgstr "Avbruten" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3443 msgid "Warning! This subscription will be canceled. This cannot be undone. 'OK' to cancel subscription, 'Cancel' to stop" msgstr "Varning! Prenumerationen kommer avbrytas. Detta kan inte ångras. ”OK” för att avsluta prenumeration, ”Avbryt” för att stoppa" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3322 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3034 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4814 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4848 msgid "Payment Method" msgstr "Betalningsmetod" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3311 msgctxt "regarding a payment method" msgid "Any" msgstr "Valfri" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3301 msgid "Select how you would like the sales data to be displayed." msgstr "Välj hur du vill att försäljningsinformation ska visas." #: entry_list.php:1199 entry_list.php:1230 entry_list.php:1263 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3300 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3301 msgid "View" msgstr "Visa" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3295 msgid "Monthly" msgstr "Månadsvis" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3294 msgid "Weekly" msgstr "Veckovis" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3293 msgid "Daily" msgstr "Dagligen" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3174 msgid "Dec" msgstr "Dec" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3173 msgid "Nov" msgstr "Nov" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3172 msgid "Oct" msgstr "Okt" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3171 msgid "Sep" msgstr "Sep" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3170 msgid "Aug" msgstr "Aug" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3169 msgid "Jul" msgstr "Jul" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3168 msgid "Jun" msgstr "Jun" #: form_detail.php:1603 includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3167 #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-i18n.php:41 msgid "May" msgstr "Maj" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3166 msgid "Apr" msgstr "Apr" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3165 msgid "Mar" msgstr "Mar" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3164 msgid "Feb" msgstr "Feb" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3163 msgid "Jan" msgstr "Jan" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2985 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2986 msgid "Week" msgstr "Vecka" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2962 msgid "Refunds" msgstr "Återbetalning" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2961 msgid "Recurring Payments" msgstr "Återkommande betalningar" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2960 msgid "Subscriptions" msgstr "Prenumerationer" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2959 msgid "Orders" msgstr "Beställningar" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2954 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2963 msgid "Revenue" msgstr "Intäkter" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2835 msgid "There aren't any transactions that match your criteria." msgstr "Det finns inga transaktioner som motsvarar dina kriterier." #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2826 msgid "orders" msgstr "beställningar" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2827 msgid "subscriptions" msgstr "prenumerationer" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2809 msgid "Last 30 Days" msgstr "Senaste 30 dagarna" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2808 msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "Igår" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2807 msgid "Today" msgstr "Idag" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2781 msgctxt "metabox title" msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filtrera" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2780 msgctxt "toolbar label" msgid "Sales" msgstr "Försäljning" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2764 msgid "Select a product field" msgstr "Välj ett produktfält" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2755 msgid "year(s)" msgstr "år" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2754 msgid "month(s)" msgstr "månad(er)" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2753 msgid "week(s)" msgstr "vecka/veckor" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2752 msgid "day(s)" msgstr "dag(ar)" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2716 msgid "Sample Option" msgstr "Exempelalternativ" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2664 msgid "Enter an amount" msgstr "Ange ett belopp" #: common.php:5390 includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2603 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2648 #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:559 #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-background-updates.php:110 msgid "Enabled" msgstr "Aktiverat" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2543 msgid "When conditions are enabled, form submissions will only be sent to the payment gateway when the conditions are met. When disabled, all form submissions will be sent to the payment gateway." msgstr "När villkor aktiveras kommer inskickade formulärdata att skickas vidare till betalningsslussen när villkoren är uppfyllda. När de inte är aktiva kommer alla inskickade formulärdata att skickas vidare till betalningsslussen." #: common.php:5393 export.php:685 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2541 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2543 tooltips.php:104 #: tooltips.php:121 tooltips.php:144 msgid "Conditional Logic" msgstr "Villkorsstyrd logik" #: form_detail.php:1546 includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2533 msgid "Options" msgstr "Inställningar" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2525 msgid "Map your Form Fields to the available listed fields." msgstr "Koppla dina formulärfält till de tillgängliga uppräknade fälten." #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2522 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2525 msgid "Billing Information" msgstr "Faktureringsinformation" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2507 msgid "Other Settings" msgstr "Andra inställningar" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2502 msgid "Select which field determines the payment amount, or select 'Form Total' to use the total of all pricing fields as the payment amount." msgstr "Välj vilket fält som anger betalningsbeloppet, eller välj ”Formulärsumma” för att använda summan av alla prisfält som betalningsbelopp." #: common.php:6069 export.php:1125 forms_model.php:6576 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2497 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2502 select_columns.php:202 msgid "Payment Amount" msgstr "Belopp att betala" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2489 msgid "Products & Services Settings" msgstr "Inställningar för produkter och tjänster" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2484 msgid "Enable a trial period. The user's recurring payment will not begin until after this trial period." msgstr "Aktivera en provperiod. Användarens återkommande betalningar börjar först när provperioden är över." #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2484 msgid "Trial Period" msgstr "Provperiod" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2481 #: includes/orders/factories/class-gf-order-factory.php:188 #: includes/orders/factories/class-gf-order-factory.php:202 msgid "Trial" msgstr "Prova" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2475 msgid "Setup Fee" msgstr "Startavgift" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2471 msgid "Select how many times the recurring payment should be made. The default is to bill the customer until the subscription is canceled." msgstr "Välj hur många gånger den återkommande betalningen ska dras. Standardvärdet är att kunden fortsätter att debiteras till prenumerationen avslutas." #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2467 msgid "infinite" msgstr "tills vidare" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2463 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2471 msgid "Recurring Times" msgstr "Antal gånger" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2459 msgid "Select your billing cycle. This determines how often the recurring payment should occur." msgstr "Välj faktureringscykel. Detta avgör hur ofta den återkommande betalningen ska dras." #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2457 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2459 msgid "Billing Cycle" msgstr "Faktureringscykel" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2453 msgid "Select which field determines the recurring payment amount, or select 'Form Total' to use the total of all pricing fields as the recurring amount." msgstr "Välj vilket fält som avgör beloppet för återkommande betalningar eller välj ”Formulärsumma” för att använda summan av alla prisfält som belopp för de återkommande betalningarna." #: entry_detail.php:1203 includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2449 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2453 msgid "Recurring Amount" msgstr "Återkommande belopp" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2441 msgid "Subscription Settings" msgstr "Prenumerationsinställningar" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2436 msgid "Select a transaction type." msgstr "Välj typ av transaktion." #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2427 msgid "Select a transaction type" msgstr "Välj typ av transaktion" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2418 msgid "Enter a feed name to uniquely identify this setup." msgstr "Ange ett flödesnamn som unikt identifierar denna konfiguration." #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2402 msgid "You must add a Credit Card field to your form before creating a feed. Let's go %sadd one%s!" msgstr "Du måste lägga till ett kreditkortsfält i ditt formulär innan du skapar ett flöde. Vi kan väl %slägga till det nu%s!" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2365 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2699 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2707 msgid "Form Total" msgstr "Formulärsumma" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2358 msgid "Unsupported transaction type" msgstr "Transaktionstyp som inte stöds" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2353 msgid "Donations" msgstr "Donationer" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2350 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2431 msgid "Products and Services" msgstr "Produkter och tjänster" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2347 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2434 msgid "Subscription" msgstr "Prenumeration" #: entry_detail.php:1203 includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2340 msgid "Amount" msgstr "Belopp" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2339 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2422 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2436 msgid "Transaction Type" msgstr "Transaktionstyp" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2243 msgid "Subscription has expired. Subscriber Id: %s" msgstr "Prenumerationen har löpt ut. Prenumerant-ID: %s" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2202 msgid "Subscription has been cancelled. Subscription Id: %s." msgstr "Prenumerationen har avbrutits. Prenumerations-ID: %s." #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2147 msgid "Subscription payment has failed. Amount: %s. Subscription Id: %s." msgstr "Betalningen av prenumerationen misslyckades. Belopp: %s. Prenumerations-ID: %s." #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2092 msgid "Subscription has been paid. Amount: %s. Subscription Id: %s" msgstr "Prenumerationen har betalats. Belopp: %s. Prenumerations-ID: %s" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2038 msgid "Subscription has been created. Subscription Id: %s." msgstr "Prenumerationen har skapats. Prenumerations-ID: %s." #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2007 msgid "Authorization has been voided. Transaction Id: %s" msgstr "Betalningsgodkännandet har annulerats. Transaktions-ID: %s" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:1988 msgid "Payment has failed. Amount: %s." msgstr "Betalningen misslyckades. Belopp: %s." #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:1934 msgid "Payment has been refunded. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s." msgstr "Betalningen har återbetalats. Belopp: %s. Transaktions-ID: %s." #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:1876 msgid "Payment has been completed. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s." msgstr "Betalningen har fullföljts. Belopp: %s. Transaktions-ID: %s." #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:1841 msgid "Payment has been authorized. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s." msgstr "Betalningen har godkänts. Belopp: %s. Transaktions-ID: %s." #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:1810 msgid "Payment is pending. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s." msgstr "Betalningen är väntande. Belopp: %s. Transaktions-ID: %s." #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:1644 msgid "This webhook has already been processed (Event Id: %s)" msgstr "Denna webhook har redan behandlats (event-ID: %s)" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:1414 msgid "options: " msgstr "alternativ:" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:1084 msgid "Subscription failed to be created. Reason: %s" msgstr "Prenumeration kunde inte skapas. Anledning: %s" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:1071 msgid "Failed to capture %s. Reason: %s." msgstr "Kunde inte ta emot %s. Anledning: %s" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:1066 msgid "%s has been captured successfully. Amount: %s. Transaction Id: %s" msgstr "%s Har tagits emot. Belopp: %s. Transaktions-ID: %s" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:1059 msgid "Initial payment" msgstr "Förskottsbetalning" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:1017 msgid "Payment failed to be captured. Reason: %s" msgstr "Betalningsinformationen kunde inte tas emot. Anledning: %s" #: includes/addon/class-gf-auto-upgrade.php:316 msgid "You can update to the latest version automatically or download the update and install it manually. %sUpdate Automatically%s %sDownload Update%s" msgstr "Du kan uppdatera automatiskt till den senaste versionen eller ladda ned uppdateringen och installera den manuellt. %sUppdatera automatiskt%s %sLadda ned uppdatering%s" #: includes/addon/class-gf-auto-upgrade.php:268 #: includes/addon/class-gf-auto-upgrade.php:324 msgid "Your version of %s is up to date." msgstr "Din version av %s är aktuell." #: includes/addon/class-gf-auto-upgrade.php:260 #: includes/addon/class-gf-auto-upgrade.php:312 msgid "There is a new version of %1$s available. %s." msgstr "En ny version av %1$s är tillgänglig. %s." #: includes/addon/class-gf-auto-upgrade.php:258 #: includes/addon/class-gf-auto-upgrade.php:310 msgid "View version %s details" msgstr "Se information om version %s" #: includes/addon/class-gf-auto-upgrade.php:198 msgid "Oops!! Something went wrong.%sPlease try again or %scontact us%s." msgstr "Ojdå! Något blev fel.%sFörsök igen eller %skontakta oss%s." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5550 #: includes/addon/class-gf-auto-upgrade.php:66 msgid "Gravity Forms %s is required. Activate it now or %spurchase it today!%s" msgstr "Gravity Forms %s krävs. Aktivera nu eller %sköp idag!%s" #: form_settings.php:1111 includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:1649 #: includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:245 includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:246 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:245 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:289 msgid "Form Settings" msgstr "Formulärinställningar" #: form_list.php:183 gravityforms.php:1780 gravityforms.php:1785 #: gravityforms.php:5577 includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:236 #: includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:237 includes/class-personal-data.php:893 msgid "Forms" msgstr "Formulär" #: includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:183 msgid "License successfully removed." msgstr "Licensen har tagits bort." #: includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:140 msgid "Invalid or Expired Key - Please make sure you have entered the correct value and that your key is not expired." msgstr "Ogiltig eller utgången nyckel – Kontrollera att du angett rätt värde och att nyckeln fortfarande är giltig." #: includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:138 msgid "Invalid Key - an Enterprise license is required." msgstr "Ogiltig nyckel – företagslicens krävs." #: includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:130 msgid "Valid Key : Your license key has been successfully validated." msgstr "Giltig nyckel: Bekräftelsen av din licensnyckel lyckades. " #: includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:78 msgid "Invalid or Expired." msgstr "Ogiltigt eller utgånget." #: includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:75 msgid "Valid" msgstr "Giltigt" #: includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:73 includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:122 msgid "There was an error while validating your license key. Gravity Forms will continue to work, but automatic upgrades will not be available. Please contact support to resolve this issue." msgstr "Ett fel uppstod när licensnyckeln skulle bekräftas. Gravity Forms kommer fortfarande att fungera, men automatiska uppdateringar kommer inte vara tillgängliga. Kontakta supporten för att lösa problemet. " #: form_detail.php:1854 gravityforms.php:1831 includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:30 #: includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:283 includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:284 msgid "Help" msgstr "Hjälp" #: gravityforms.php:1588 gravityforms.php:1814 includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:28 #: includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:254 includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:255 msgid "Import/Export" msgstr "Importera/Exportera" #. translators: %d: the number of outdated add-ons #: includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:2158 msgid "There are %d add-ons installed that are not compatible with this version of Gravity Forms. See the plugins list for further details." msgstr "Det finns %d utökningar installerade som inte är kompatibla med denna version av Gravity Forms. Mer information finns i listan över tillägg." #. translators: %s: the add-on name #: includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:2155 msgid "The %s is not compatible with this version of Gravity Forms. See the plugins list for further details." msgstr "Utökningen %s är inte kompatibel med denna version av Gravity Forms. Mer information finns i listan över tillägg." #: includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:1789 msgid "There appears to be an issue with the data in the Gravity Forms database tables. Please get in touch with support." msgstr "Det verkar vara ett problem med data i databastabellerna för Gravity Forms. Vänligen kontakta supporten." #: includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:1748 msgid "There appears to be an issue with one of the Gravity Forms database tables. Please get in touch with support." msgstr "Det verkar vara ett problem med en av databastabellerna för Gravity Forms. Vänligen kontakta supporten." #: includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:1244 msgid "Migrating entry notes." msgstr "Migrerar postanteckningar." #. translators: %s: the database error #: includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:1229 msgid "Error Migrating incomplete submissions: %s" msgstr "Fel vid migrering av inkompletta formulärdata: %s" #: includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:1202 msgid "Migrating incomplete submissions." msgstr "Migrerar inkompletta formulärdata." #: includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:926 msgid "Entry details migrated." msgstr "Postdata har migrerats." #: includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:1183 msgid "Migrating leads. Step 3/3 Migrating entry meta. %d rows remaining." msgstr "Migrerar leads. Steg 3 av 3 Migrerar meta-data för poster. %d rader återstår." #. translators: %s: the database error #: includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:1143 includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:1167 msgid "Error Migrating Entry Meta: %s" msgstr "Fel vid migrering av meta-data för post: %s" #: includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:1097 msgid "Migrating leads. Step 2/3 Migrating entry details. %d rows remaining." msgstr "Migrerar leads. Steg 2 av 3 Migrerar postdata. %d rader återstår." #. translators: %s: the database error #: includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:1058 includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:1083 msgid "Error Migrating Entry Details: %s" msgstr "Fel vid migrering av postdata: %s" #: includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:1015 msgid "Migrating leads. Step 1/3 Migrating entry headers. %d rows remaining." msgstr "Migrerar leads. Steg 1 av 3 Migrerar postrubriker. %d rader återstår." #. translators: %s: the database error #: includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:976 includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:1002 msgid "Error Migrating Entry Headers: %s" msgstr "Fel vid migrering av postrubriker: %s" #: includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:895 msgid "Forms migrated." msgstr "Formulären har migrerats." #: includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:836 msgid "Migrating forms." msgstr "Migrerar formulär." #: includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:741 msgid "Queued for upgrade." msgstr "Har placerats i kö för uppgradering." #. translators: 1: version number 2: open link tag 3: closing link tag. #: includes/class-gf-upgrade.php:293 msgid "Gravity Forms is currently upgrading the database to version %1$s. For sites with a large number of entries this may take a long time. Check the %2$sSystem Status%3$s page for further details." msgstr "Gravity Forms uppgraderar för närvarande databasen till version %1$s. Det kan ta ett bra tag för webbplatser med många poster. Mer information finns på sidan %2$sSystemstatus%3$s." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-content.php:14 msgid "Body" msgstr "Innehåll" #: common.php:5403 includes/class-confirmation.php:235 #: includes/class-confirmation.php:285 includes/class-confirmation.php:1190 #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config.php:179 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-page.php:12 js.php:82 msgid "Page" msgstr "Sida" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-shipping.php:26 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2926 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3841 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4704 js.php:900 msgid "Shipping" msgstr "Leverans" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-email.php:151 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:170 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:793 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1472 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1943 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5186 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6385 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7459 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7676 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8430 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8812 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10461 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10812 js.php:1104 msgid "Confirm Email" msgstr "Bekräfta e-post" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-email.php:149 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:164 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:785 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1466 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1937 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5179 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6379 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7453 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7671 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8424 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8806 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10455 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10805 js.php:1099 #: notification.php:212 msgid "Enter Email" msgstr "Ange e-post" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-email.php:110 msgid "Your emails do not match." msgstr "Dina e-postadresser stämmer inte överens." #: form_display.php:4715 notification.php:293 msgid "Please enter a valid email address." msgstr "Ange en giltig e-postadress." #: form_detail.php:867 includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2728 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-email.php:13 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:157 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:733 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1457 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1928 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2662 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3577 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4440 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6370 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7510 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8415 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8797 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9355 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10447 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10796 js.php:780 msgid "Email" msgstr "E-post" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-tags.php:12 msgid "Tags" msgstr "Etiketter" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-html.php:57 msgid "This is a content placeholder. HTML content is not displayed in the form admin. Preview this form to view the content." msgstr "Detta är en platshållare för innehåll. HTML-innehåll visas inte i formuläret admin. Förhandsgranska detta formulär för att visa innehållet." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-html.php:56 msgid "HTML Content" msgstr "HTML-innehåll" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-html.php:12 msgid "HTML" msgstr "HTML" #: common.php:856 common.php:4682 form_detail.php:1600 form_detail.php:1601 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-radio.php:372 #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:92 #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:192 #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:242 #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config.php:307 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6847 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11044 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11157 msgid "Other" msgstr "Annan" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-radio.php:287 msgid "Other Choice, please specify" msgstr "Annat val, ange här" #: form_detail.php:669 form_detail.php:687 form_detail.php:723 #: form_detail.php:738 form_detail.php:859 form_detail.php:886 #: form_detail.php:1096 includes/fields/class-gf-field-radio.php:22 msgid "Radio Buttons" msgstr "Alternativknappar" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-option.php:29 js.php:918 msgid "Option" msgstr "Alternativ" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-list.php:411 msgid "Remove this row" msgstr "Ta bort denna rad" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-list.php:410 msgid "Add a new row" msgstr "Lägg till en ny rad" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-list.php:229 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-list.php:410 msgid "Add another row" msgstr "Lägg till en rad till" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-list.php:224 msgid "Remove row {0}" msgstr "Ta bort rad {0}" #: form_detail.php:869 includes/fields/class-gf-field-list.php:36 js.php:659 msgid "List" msgstr "Lista" #: form_detail.php:854 includes/fields/class-gf-field-textarea.php:13 msgid "Paragraph Text" msgstr "Textstycke" #: form_detail.php:1209 includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:161 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:163 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:225 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:233 msgid "Caption" msgstr "Bildtext" #: form_detail.php:1203 includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:145 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:147 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:223 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:231 msgid "Alternative Text" msgstr "Alternativ text" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:132 js.php:830 msgid "File" msgstr "Fil" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:128 msgid "delete" msgstr "ta bort" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:115 msgid "Accepted file types: %s." msgstr "Accepterade filtyper: %s." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:43 msgid "Allows users to upload an image that is added to the Media Library and Gallery for the post that is created." msgstr "Låter användaren ladda upp en bild som läggs till i mediebiblioteket och i galleriet för inlägget som skapas." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:32 js.php:862 msgid "Post Image" msgstr "Inläggsbild" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-repeater.php:379 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this item?" msgstr "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort detta objekt?" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-repeater.php:26 msgid "Repeater" msgstr "Repeterare" #: form_detail.php:668 form_detail.php:686 form_detail.php:721 #: form_detail.php:736 form_detail.php:752 form_detail.php:855 #: form_detail.php:884 form_detail.php:1094 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-select.php:22 msgid "Drop Down" msgstr "Nedrullningslista" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:822 msgid "Click to view" msgstr "Klicka för att visa" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:763 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:204 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:230 msgid "View the image" msgstr "Visa bilden" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:748 msgid "%d files" msgstr "%d filer" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:404 msgid "View file" msgstr "Visa fil" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:403 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:430 msgid "Delete file" msgstr "Ta bort fil" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:402 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Ladda ner fil" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:343 msgid "Select files" msgstr "Välj filer" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:342 msgid "Drop files here or" msgstr "Dra filer hit eller" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:313 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:336 msgid "Allowed Files" msgstr "Tillåtna filer" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:265 msgid "Accepted file types: %s" msgstr "Godkända filtyper: %s" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:222 includes/upload.php:123 msgid "The uploaded file type is not allowed. Must be one of the following: %s" msgstr "Den uppladdade filtypen är inte tillåten. Filtypen måste vara en av följande: %s" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:200 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:216 includes/upload.php:105 msgid "The uploaded file type is not allowed." msgstr "Den uppladdade filtypen är inte tillåten." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:176 msgid "There was an error while uploading the file. Error code: %d" msgstr "Ett fel inträffade när filen skulle laddas upp. Felkod: %d" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:172 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:184 includes/upload.php:117 msgid "File exceeds size limit. Maximum file size: %dMB" msgstr "Fil överskrider storleksgränsen. Maximal filstorlek: %d MB" #: form_detail.php:868 includes/fields/class-gf-field-fileupload.php:109 msgid "File Upload" msgstr "Uppladdning av fil" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-tags.php:90 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-text.php:127 msgid "Separate tags with commas" msgstr "Separera etiketter med kommatecken" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-text.php:84 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-textarea.php:207 msgid "The text entered exceeds the maximum number of characters." msgstr "Den inmatade texten är längre än det tillåtna antalet tecken." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-text.php:13 msgid "Single Line Text" msgstr "Textrad" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-section.php:12 msgid "Section" msgstr "Sektion" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-consent.php:480 msgid "Not Checked" msgstr "Inte markerat" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-consent.php:480 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-consent.php:551 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1608 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5987 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11227 js.php:985 msgid "Checked" msgstr "Markerat" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-consent.php:101 msgid "Offers a “yes/no” consent checkbox and a detailed description of what is being consented to." msgstr "Erbjuder en kryssruta ”ja/nej” för samtycke och en detaljerad beskrivning av vad samtycket gäller." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-consent.php:90 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1588 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5967 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11207 js.php:974 #: js.php:975 msgid "Consent" msgstr "Samtycke" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1072 msgid "Yukon" msgstr "Yukon" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1071 msgid "Saskatchewan" msgstr "Saskatchewan" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1070 msgid "Quebec" msgstr "Quebec" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1069 msgid "Prince Edward Island" msgstr "Prince Edward Island" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1068 msgid "Ontario" msgstr "Ontario" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1067 msgid "Nunavut" msgstr "Nunavut" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1066 msgid "Nova Scotia" msgstr "Nova Scotia" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1065 msgid "Northwest Territories" msgstr "Northwest Territories" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1064 msgid "Newfoundland and Labrador" msgstr "Newfoundland och labrador" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1063 msgid "New Brunswick" msgstr "New Brunswick" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1062 msgid "Manitoba" msgstr "Manitoba" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1061 msgid "British Columbia" msgstr "British Columbia" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1060 msgid "Alberta" msgstr "Alberta" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:975 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1049 msgid "Armed Forces Pacific" msgstr "Armed Forces Pacific" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:974 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1048 msgid "Armed Forces Europe" msgstr "Armed Forces Europe" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:973 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1047 msgid "Armed Forces Americas" msgstr "Armed Forces Americas" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:972 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1046 msgid "Wyoming" msgstr "Wyoming" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:971 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1045 msgid "Wisconsin" msgstr "Wisconsin" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:970 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1044 msgid "West Virginia" msgstr "West Virginia" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:969 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1043 msgid "Washington" msgstr "Washington" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:968 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1042 msgid "Virginia" msgstr "Virginia" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:967 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1041 msgid "Vermont" msgstr "Vermont" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:965 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1039 msgid "Utah" msgstr "Utah" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:964 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1038 msgid "Texas" msgstr "Texas" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:963 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1037 msgid "Tennessee" msgstr "Tennessee" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:962 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1036 msgid "South Dakota" msgstr "South Dakota" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:961 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1035 msgid "South Carolina" msgstr "South Carolina" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:960 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1034 msgid "Rhode Island" msgstr "Rhode Island" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:958 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1032 msgid "Pennsylvania" msgstr "Pennsylvania" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:957 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1031 msgid "Oregon" msgstr "Oregon" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:956 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1030 msgid "Oklahoma" msgstr "Oklahoma" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:955 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1029 msgid "Ohio" msgstr "Ohio" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:953 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1027 msgid "North Dakota" msgstr "North Dakota" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:952 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1026 msgid "North Carolina" msgstr "North Carolina" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:951 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1025 msgid "New York" msgstr "New York" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:950 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1024 msgid "New Mexico" msgstr "New Mexico" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:949 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1023 msgid "New Jersey" msgstr "New Jersey" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:948 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1022 msgid "New Hampshire" msgstr "New Hampshire" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:947 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1021 msgid "Nevada" msgstr "Nevada" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:946 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1020 msgid "Nebraska" msgstr "Nebraska" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:945 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1019 msgid "Montana" msgstr "Montana" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:944 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1018 msgid "Missouri" msgstr "Missouri" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:943 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1017 msgid "Mississippi" msgstr "Mississippi" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:942 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1016 msgid "Minnesota" msgstr "Minnesota" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:941 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1015 msgid "Michigan" msgstr "Michigan" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:940 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1014 msgid "Massachusetts" msgstr "Massachusetts" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:939 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1013 msgid "Maryland" msgstr "Maryland" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:938 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1012 msgid "Maine" msgstr "Maine" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:937 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1011 msgid "Louisiana" msgstr "Louisiana" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:936 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1010 msgid "Kentucky" msgstr "Kentucky" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:935 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1009 msgid "Kansas" msgstr "Kansas" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:934 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1008 msgid "Iowa" msgstr "Iowa" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:933 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1007 msgid "Indiana" msgstr "Indiana" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:932 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1006 msgid "Illinois" msgstr "Illinois" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:931 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1005 msgid "Idaho" msgstr "Idaho" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:930 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1004 msgid "Hawaii" msgstr "Hawaii" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:928 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1002 msgctxt "US State" msgid "Georgia" msgstr "Georgia" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:927 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1001 msgid "Florida" msgstr "Florida" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:926 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1000 msgid "District of Columbia" msgstr "District of Columbia" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:925 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:999 msgid "Delaware" msgstr "Delaware" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:924 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:998 msgid "Connecticut" msgstr "Connecticut" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:923 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:997 msgid "Colorado" msgstr "Colorado" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:922 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:996 msgid "California" msgstr "Kalifornien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:921 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:995 msgid "Arkansas" msgstr "Arkansas" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:920 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:994 msgid "Arizona" msgstr "Arizona" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:918 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:992 msgid "Alaska" msgstr "Alaska" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:917 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:991 msgid "Alabama" msgstr "Alabama" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:866 msgid "Zimbabwe" msgstr "Zimbabwe" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:865 msgid "Zambia" msgstr "Zambia" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:864 msgid "Yemen" msgstr "Jemen" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:863 msgid "Western Sahara" msgstr "Västsahara" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:862 msgid "Wallis and Futuna" msgstr "Wallis och Futuna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:861 msgid "Virgin Islands, U.S." msgstr "Amerikanska Jungfruöarna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:860 msgid "Virgin Islands, British" msgstr "Brittiska Jungfruöarna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:858 msgid "Venezuela" msgstr "Venezuela" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:857 msgid "Vanuatu" msgstr "Vanuatu" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:856 msgid "Uzbekistan" msgstr "Uzbekistan" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:855 msgid "US Minor Outlying Islands" msgstr "Förenta staternas mindre öar i Oceanien och Västindien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:854 msgid "Uruguay" msgstr "Uruguay" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:852 msgid "United Kingdom" msgstr "Storbritannien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:851 msgid "United Arab Emirates" msgstr "Förenade Arabemiraten" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:850 msgid "Ukraine" msgstr "Ukraina" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:849 msgid "Uganda" msgstr "Uganda" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:848 msgid "Tuvalu" msgstr "Tuvalu" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:847 msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands" msgstr "Turks- och Caicosöarna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:846 msgid "Turkmenistan" msgstr "Turkmenistan" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:844 msgid "Tunisia" msgstr "Tunisien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:843 msgid "Trinidad and Tobago" msgstr "Trinidad och Tobago" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:842 msgid "Tonga" msgstr "Tonga" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:841 msgid "Tokelau" msgstr "Tokelauöarna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:840 msgid "Togo" msgstr "Togo" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:839 msgid "Timor-Leste" msgstr "Östtimor" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:838 msgid "Thailand" msgstr "Thailand" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:836 msgid "Tajikistan" msgstr "Tadzjikistan" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:835 msgid "Taiwan" msgstr "Taiwan" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:833 msgid "Switzerland" msgstr "Schweiz" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:832 msgid "Sweden" msgstr "Sverige" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:830 msgid "Suriname" msgstr "Surinam" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:829 msgid "Sudan" msgstr "Sudan" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:828 msgid "Sri Lanka" msgstr "Sri Lanka" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:827 msgid "Spain" msgstr "Spanien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:826 msgid "South Sudan" msgstr "Sydsudan" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:824 msgid "South Africa" msgstr "Sydafrika" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:823 msgid "Somalia" msgstr "Somalien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:822 msgid "Solomon Islands" msgstr "Salomonöarna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:821 msgid "Slovenia" msgstr "Slovenien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:820 msgid "Slovakia" msgstr "Slovakien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:819 msgid "Sint Maarten" msgstr "Sint Maarten." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:818 msgid "Singapore" msgstr "Singapore" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:817 msgid "Sierra Leone" msgstr "Sierra Leone" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:816 msgid "Seychelles" msgstr "Seychellerna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:815 msgid "Serbia" msgstr "Serbien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:814 msgid "Senegal" msgstr "Senegal" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:813 msgid "Saudi Arabia" msgstr "Saudiarabien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:812 msgid "Sao Tome and Principe" msgstr "Sao Tomé och Principe" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:811 msgid "San Marino" msgstr "San Marino" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:810 msgid "Samoa" msgstr "Samoa" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:809 msgid "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" msgstr "Saint Vincent och Grenadinerna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:808 msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" msgstr "Saint Pierre och Miquelon" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:807 msgid "Saint Martin" msgstr "Saint Martin" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:806 msgid "Saint Lucia" msgstr "Saint Lucia" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:805 msgid "Saint Kitts and Nevis" msgstr "Saint Kitts och Nevis" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:803 msgid "Saint Barthélemy" msgstr "Saint Barthélemy" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:802 msgid "Rwanda" msgstr "Rwanda" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:800 msgid "Romania" msgstr "Rumänien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:799 msgid "Réunion" msgstr "Réunion" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:798 msgid "Qatar" msgstr "Qatar" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:797 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:959 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1033 msgid "Puerto Rico" msgstr "Puerto Rico" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:796 msgid "Portugal" msgstr "Portugal" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:795 msgid "Poland" msgstr "Polen" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:794 msgid "Pitcairn" msgstr "Pitcairnöarna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:793 msgid "Philippines" msgstr "Filippinerna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:792 msgid "Peru" msgstr "Peru" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:791 msgid "Paraguay" msgstr "Paraguay" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:790 msgid "Papua New Guinea" msgstr "Papua Nya Guinea" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:789 msgid "Panama" msgstr "Panama" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:788 msgid "Palestine, State of" msgstr "Palestina" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:787 msgid "Palau" msgstr "Palau" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:786 msgid "Pakistan" msgstr "Pakistan" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:785 msgid "Oman" msgstr "Oman" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:784 msgid "Norway" msgstr "Norge" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:783 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:954 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1028 msgid "Northern Mariana Islands" msgstr "Nordmarianerna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:781 msgid "Norfolk Island" msgstr "Norfolkön" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:780 msgid "Niue" msgstr "Niue" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:779 msgid "Nigeria" msgstr "Nigeria" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:778 msgid "Niger" msgstr "Niger" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:777 msgid "Nicaragua" msgstr "Nicaragua" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:776 msgid "New Zealand" msgstr "Nya Zeeland" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:775 msgid "New Caledonia" msgstr "Nya Kaledonien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:774 msgid "Netherlands" msgstr "Nederländerna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:773 msgid "Nepal" msgstr "Nepal" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:772 msgid "Nauru" msgstr "Nauru" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:771 msgid "Namibia" msgstr "Namibia" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:770 msgid "Myanmar" msgstr "Myanmar" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:769 msgid "Mozambique" msgstr "Moçambique" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:768 msgid "Morocco" msgstr "Marocko" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:767 msgid "Montserrat" msgstr "Montserrat" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:766 msgid "Montenegro" msgstr "Montenegro" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:765 msgid "Mongolia" msgstr "Mongoliet" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:764 msgid "Monaco" msgstr "Monaco" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:763 msgid "Moldova" msgstr "Moldavien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:762 msgid "Micronesia" msgstr "Mikronesien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:761 msgid "Mexico" msgstr "Mexiko" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:760 msgid "Mayotte" msgstr "Mayotte" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:759 msgid "Mauritius" msgstr "Mauritius" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:758 msgid "Mauritania" msgstr "Mauretanien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:757 msgid "Martinique" msgstr "Martinique" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:756 msgid "Marshall Islands" msgstr "Marshallöarna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:755 msgid "Malta" msgstr "Malta" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:754 msgid "Mali" msgstr "Mali" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:753 msgid "Maldives" msgstr "Maldiverna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:752 msgid "Malaysia" msgstr "Malaysia" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:751 msgid "Malawi" msgstr "Malawi" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:750 msgid "Madagascar" msgstr "Madagaskar" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:749 msgid "Macao" msgstr "Macau" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:748 msgid "Luxembourg" msgstr "Luxemburg" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:747 msgid "Lithuania" msgstr "Litauen" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:746 msgid "Liechtenstein" msgstr "Liechtenstein" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:745 msgid "Libya" msgstr "Libyen" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:744 msgid "Liberia" msgstr "Liberia" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:743 msgid "Lesotho" msgstr "Lesotho" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:742 msgid "Lebanon" msgstr "Libanon" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:741 msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Lettland" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:740 msgid "Lao People's Democratic Republic" msgstr "Demokratiska folkrepubliken Laos" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:739 msgid "Kyrgyzstan" msgstr "Kirgizistan" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:738 msgid "Kuwait" msgstr "Kuwait" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:735 msgid "Kiribati" msgstr "Kiribatis" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:734 msgid "Kenya" msgstr "Kenya" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:733 msgid "Kazakhstan" msgstr "Kazakstan" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:732 msgid "Jordan" msgstr "Jordanien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:731 msgid "Jersey" msgstr "Jersey" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:730 msgid "Japan" msgstr "Japan" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:729 msgid "Jamaica" msgstr "Jamaica" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:728 msgid "Italy" msgstr "Italien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:727 msgid "Israel" msgstr "Israel" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:726 msgid "Isle of Man" msgstr "Isle of Man" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:725 msgid "Ireland" msgstr "Irland" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:724 msgid "Iraq" msgstr "Irak" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:723 msgid "Iran" msgstr "Iran" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:722 msgid "Indonesia" msgstr "Indonesien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:721 msgid "India" msgstr "Indien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:720 msgid "Iceland" msgstr "Island" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:719 msgid "Hungary" msgstr "Ungern" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:718 msgid "Hong Kong" msgstr "Hong Kong" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:717 msgid "Honduras" msgstr "Honduras" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:716 msgid "Holy See" msgstr "Heliga stolen" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:714 msgid "Haiti" msgstr "Haiti" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:713 msgid "Guyana" msgstr "Guyana" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:712 msgid "Guinea-Bissau" msgstr "Guinea-Bissau" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:711 msgid "Guinea" msgstr "Guinea" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:710 msgid "Guernsey" msgstr "Guernsey" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:709 msgid "Guatemala" msgstr "Guatemala" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:708 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:929 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:1003 msgid "Guam" msgstr "Guam" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:707 msgid "Guadeloupe" msgstr "Guadeloupe" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:706 msgid "Grenada" msgstr "Grenada" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:705 msgid "Greenland" msgstr "Grönland" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:704 msgid "Greece" msgstr "Grekland" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:703 msgid "Gibraltar" msgstr "Gibraltar" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:702 msgid "Ghana" msgstr "Ghana" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:701 msgid "Germany" msgstr "Tyskland" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:700 msgctxt "Country" msgid "Georgia" msgstr "Georgien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:699 msgid "Gambia" msgstr "Gambia" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:698 msgid "Gabon" msgstr "Gabon" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:697 msgid "French Southern Territories" msgstr "Franska södra territorierna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:696 msgid "French Polynesia" msgstr "Franska Polynesien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:695 msgid "French Guiana" msgstr "Franska Guyana" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:694 msgid "France" msgstr "Frankrike" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:693 msgid "Finland" msgstr "Finland" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:692 msgid "Fiji" msgstr "Fiji" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:691 msgid "Faroe Islands" msgstr "Färöarna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:690 msgid "Falkland Islands" msgstr "Falklandsöarna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:689 msgid "Ethiopia" msgstr "Etiopien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:687 msgid "Estonia" msgstr "Estland" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:686 msgid "Eritrea" msgstr "Eritrea" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:685 msgid "Equatorial Guinea" msgstr "Ekvatorialguinea" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:684 msgid "El Salvador" msgstr "El Salvador" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:683 msgid "Egypt" msgstr "Egypten" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:682 msgid "Ecuador" msgstr "Ecuador" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:681 msgid "Dominican Republic" msgstr "Dominikanska republiken" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:680 msgid "Dominica" msgstr "Dominica" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:679 msgid "Djibouti" msgstr "Djibouti" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:678 msgid "Denmark" msgstr "Danmark" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:676 msgid "Cyprus" msgstr "Cypern" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:675 msgid "Curaçao" msgstr "Curaçao" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:674 msgid "Cuba" msgstr "Kuba" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:673 msgid "Croatia" msgstr "Kroatien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:672 msgid "Côte d'Ivoire" msgstr "Elfenbenskusten" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:671 msgid "Costa Rica" msgstr "Costa Rica" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:670 msgid "Cook Islands" msgstr "Cooköarna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:668 msgid "Congo, Democratic Republic of the" msgstr "Kongo, Demokratiska republiken" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:667 msgid "Comoros" msgstr "Komorerna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:666 msgid "Colombia" msgstr "Colombia" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:665 msgid "Cocos Islands" msgstr "Kokosöarna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:664 msgid "Christmas Island" msgstr "Julön" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:663 msgid "China" msgstr "Kina" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:662 msgid "Chile" msgstr "Chile" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:661 msgid "Chad" msgstr "Tchad" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:660 msgid "Central African Republic" msgstr "Centralafrikanska republiken" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:659 msgid "Cayman Islands" msgstr "Caymanöarna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:655 msgid "Cabo Verde" msgstr "Kap Verde" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:658 msgid "Canada" msgstr "Kanada" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:657 msgid "Cameroon" msgstr "Kamerun" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:656 msgid "Cambodia" msgstr "Kambodja" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:654 msgid "Burundi" msgstr "Burundi" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:653 msgid "Burkina Faso" msgstr "Burkina Faso" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:652 msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulgarien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:651 msgid "Brunei Darussalam" msgstr "Brunei Darussalam" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:650 msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory" msgstr "Brittiska territoriet i Indiska oceanen" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:649 msgid "Brazil" msgstr "Brasilien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:648 msgid "Bouvet Island" msgstr "Bouvetön" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:647 msgid "Botswana" msgstr "Botswana" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:646 msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina" msgstr "Bosnien och Hercegovina" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:645 msgid "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba" msgstr "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius och Saba" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:644 msgid "Bolivia" msgstr "Bolivia" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:643 msgid "Bhutan" msgstr "Bhutan" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:642 msgid "Bermuda" msgstr "Bermuda" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:641 msgid "Benin" msgstr "Benin" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:640 msgid "Belize" msgstr "Belize" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:639 msgid "Belgium" msgstr "Belgien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:638 msgid "Belarus" msgstr "Vitryssland" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:637 msgid "Barbados" msgstr "Barbados" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:636 msgid "Bangladesh" msgstr "Bangladesh" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:635 msgid "Bahrain" msgstr "Bahrain" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:634 msgid "Bahamas" msgstr "Bahamas" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:633 msgid "Azerbaijan" msgstr "Azerbajdzjan" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:632 msgid "Austria" msgstr "Österrike" #: form_detail.php:1594 includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:631 msgid "Australia" msgstr "Australien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:630 msgid "Aruba" msgstr "Aruba" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:629 msgid "Armenia" msgstr "Armenien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:628 msgid "Argentina" msgstr "Argentina" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:627 msgid "Antigua and Barbuda" msgstr "Antigua och Barbuda" #: form_detail.php:1594 includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:626 msgid "Antarctica" msgstr "Antarktis" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:625 msgid "Anguilla" msgstr "Anguilla" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:624 msgid "Angola" msgstr "Angola" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:623 msgid "Andorra" msgstr "Andorra" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:622 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:919 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:993 msgid "American Samoa" msgstr "Amerikanska Samoa" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:621 msgid "Algeria" msgstr "Algeriet" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:620 msgid "Albania" msgstr "Albanien" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:619 msgid "Åland Islands" msgstr "Åland" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:618 msgid "Afghanistan" msgstr "Afghanistan" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:480 msgid "Province" msgstr "Län" #: form_detail.php:1264 includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:479 msgid "Postal Code" msgstr "Postnummer" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:478 msgid "Canadian" msgstr "Kanada" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:472 msgid "ZIP Code" msgstr "Postnummer" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:471 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:853 msgid "United States" msgstr "USA" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:468 msgid "State / Province / Region" msgstr "Stat / Län / Region" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:467 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2784 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2871 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3699 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3786 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4562 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4649 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5264 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6505 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7757 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8888 js.php:750 msgid "ZIP / Postal Code" msgstr "Postnummer" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:207 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:609 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2766 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2853 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3681 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3768 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4544 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4631 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5246 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6487 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7742 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8870 js.php:735 msgid "Address Line 2" msgstr "Gatuadress rad 2" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:205 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:603 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2760 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2847 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3675 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3762 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4538 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4625 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5240 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6481 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7737 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8864 js.php:730 msgid "Street Address" msgstr "Gatuadress" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:183 msgid "Zip Code" msgstr "Postnummer" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-name.php:278 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:110 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:549 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1413 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1886 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2627 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3542 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4405 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5128 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6328 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7402 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7621 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8375 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8754 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9313 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10412 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10751 js.php:1041 msgid "Suffix" msgstr "Suffix" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-name.php:277 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-name.php:397 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:103 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:542 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1407 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1880 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2621 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3536 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4399 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5121 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6322 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7396 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7616 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8369 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8748 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9307 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10406 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10744 js.php:1036 msgid "Last" msgstr "Efternamn" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-name.php:276 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:96 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:535 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1400 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1873 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2614 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3529 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4392 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5114 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6315 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7389 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7610 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8362 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8741 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9300 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10399 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10737 js.php:1029 msgid "Middle" msgstr "Mellannamn" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-name.php:275 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-name.php:396 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:89 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:528 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1394 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1867 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2608 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3523 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4386 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5107 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6309 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7383 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7605 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8356 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8735 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9294 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10393 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10730 js.php:1017 msgid "First" msgstr "Förnamn" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-name.php:274 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:37 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:476 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1356 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1815 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2556 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3471 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4334 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5054 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6257 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7345 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7568 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8318 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8683 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9242 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10341 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10692 js.php:1009 msgid "Prefix" msgstr "Prefix" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2338 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2414 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2418 #: includes/class-confirmation.php:873 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-name.php:58 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:33 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1346 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1805 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2345 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2406 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2547 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3300 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3363 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3462 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4163 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4226 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4325 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6247 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8308 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8673 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9232 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10332 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10682 js.php:667 #: js.php:888 notification.php:235 notification.php:1302 msgid "Name" msgstr "Namn" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-calculation.php:149 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-hiddenproduct.php:120 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-singleproduct.php:221 msgid "Price: " msgstr "Pris:" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-calculation.php:149 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-hiddenproduct.php:116 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-singleproduct.php:217 msgid "Qty: " msgstr "Antal:" #: form_detail.php:695 form_detail.php:1541 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-calculation.php:107 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-singleproduct.php:153 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-singleproduct.php:163 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-singleproduct.php:164 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-singleproduct.php:172 #: includes/orders/summaries/class-gf-order-summary.php:65 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2350 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2411 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3305 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3368 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4168 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4231 js.php:888 js.php:948 msgid "Price" msgstr "Pris" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-captcha.php:372 msgid "An example of reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Ett exempel på reCAPTCHA" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-captcha.php:368 msgid "Sign up%s for an API key pair for your site." msgstr "Registrera dig%s för en API-nyckel för din webbplats." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-captcha.php:368 msgid "To use the reCAPTCHA field you must do the following:" msgstr "För att använda reCAPTCHA-fältet måste du:" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-captcha.php:185 msgid "The reCAPTCHA was invalid. Go back and try it again." msgstr "Ogiltigt svar på reCAPTCHA. Gå tillbaka och försök igen." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-captcha.php:116 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-captcha.php:152 msgid "The CAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Go back and try it again." msgstr "CAPTCHA angavs inte korrekt. Gå tillbaka och försök igen." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-captcha.php:48 msgid "Adds a captcha field to your form to help protect your website from spam and bot abuse." msgstr "Lägger till ett captcha-fält i formuläret för att skydda din webbplats mot skräppost och missbruk från robotar" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-captcha.php:37 js.php:870 msgid "CAPTCHA" msgstr "CAPTCHA" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-multiselect.php:153 msgid "Click to select..." msgstr "Klicka för att välja…" #: form_detail.php:856 form_detail.php:887 form_detail.php:1097 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-multiselect.php:30 msgid "Multi Select" msgstr "Flervalslista" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:936 msgctxt "Abbreviation: Year" msgid "YYYY" msgstr "ÅÅÅÅ" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:933 msgctxt "Abbreviation: Day" msgid "DD" msgstr "DD" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:930 msgctxt "Abbreviation: Month" msgid "MM" msgstr "MM" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:903 msgid "YYYY dot MM dot DD" msgstr "ÅÅÅÅ punkt MM punkt DD" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:901 msgid "yyyy.mm.dd" msgstr "åååå.mm.dd" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:896 msgid "YYYY dash MM dash DD" msgstr "ÅÅÅÅ streck MM streck DD" #: common.php:6032 common.php:6065 includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:894 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:1088 msgid "yyyy-mm-dd" msgstr "åååå-mm-dd" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:889 msgid "YYYY slash MM slash DD" msgstr "ÅÅÅÅ snedstreck MM snedstreck DD" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:887 msgid "yyyy/mm/dd" msgstr "åååå/mm/dd" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:882 msgid "DD dot MM dot YYYY" msgstr "DD punkt MM punkt ÅÅÅÅ" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:880 msgid "dd.mm.yyyy" msgstr "dd.mm.åååå" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:875 msgid "DD dash MM dash YYYY" msgstr "DD streck MM streck ÅÅÅÅ" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:873 msgid "dd-mm-yyyy" msgstr "dd-mm-åååå" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:868 msgid "DD slash MM slash YYYY" msgstr "DD snedstreck MM snedstreck ÅÅÅÅ" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:866 msgid "dd/mm/yyyy" msgstr "dd/mm/åååå" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:861 msgid "MM slash DD slash YYYY" msgstr "MM snedstreck DD snedstreck ÅÅÅÅ" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:859 msgid "mm/dd/yyyy" msgstr "mm/dd/åååå" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3021 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3024 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:772 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:982 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:1138 js.php:318 js.php:1060 #: js.php:1066 js.php:1067 msgid "Day" msgstr "Dag" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:133 msgid "Please enter a valid date." msgstr "Ange ett giltigt datum." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:133 msgid "Please enter a valid date in the format (%s)." msgstr "Ange ett giltigt datum enligt formatet (%s)." #: common.php:796 common.php:800 entry_detail.php:1168 form_detail.php:863 #: form_detail.php:1872 form_detail.php:2973 form_detail.php:2974 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3023 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:13 js.php:807 js.php:1507 msgid "Date" msgstr "Datum" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-time.php:336 msgid "Minutes" msgstr "Minuter" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-time.php:327 msgid "Hours" msgstr "Timmar" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-time.php:307 msgid "PM" msgstr "PM" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-time.php:306 msgid "AM" msgstr "AM" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-time.php:287 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-time.php:334 msgctxt "Abbreviation: Minutes" msgid "MM" msgstr "MM" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-time.php:286 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-time.php:325 js.php:324 js.php:327 msgid "HH" msgstr "HH" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-time.php:190 msgid "Please enter a valid time." msgstr "Ange en giltig tid." #: form_detail.php:864 includes/fields/class-gf-field-time.php:43 js.php:812 msgid "Time" msgstr "Tid" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-excerpt.php:12 msgid "Excerpt" msgstr "Utdrag" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-password.php:225 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-password.php:226 msgid "Hide Password" msgstr "Dölj lösenordet" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-password.php:225 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-password.php:226 msgid "Show Password" msgstr "Visa lösenordet" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-password.php:215 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10553 js.php:1116 msgid "Confirm Password" msgstr "Bekräfta lösenord" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-password.php:212 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10548 js.php:1115 msgid "Enter Password" msgstr "Ange lösenord" #: form_display.php:3772 includes/fields/class-gf-field-password.php:193 msgid "Strength indicator" msgstr "Styrkeindikator" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-password.php:104 msgid "Your password does not meet the required strength. %sHint: To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like ! \" ? $ %% ^ & )." msgstr "Ditt lösenord är inte tillräckligt starkt. %sTips: Skapa ett starkare lösenord genom att använda både små och stora bokstäver, siffror och specialtecken, såsom ! \" ? $ %% ^ & )." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-password.php:92 msgid "Your passwords do not match." msgstr "Dina lösenord stämmer inte överens." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-password.php:14 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10540 js.php:825 msgid "Password" msgstr "Lösenord" #: form_detail.php:2860 includes/fields/class-gf-field.php:341 msgid "Add a %s field to your form." msgstr "Lägg till ett fält av typen %s i formuläret." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-custom-field.php:12 msgid "Custom Field" msgstr "Anpassat fält" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-number.php:205 msgid "Please enter a valid number." msgstr "Ange ett giltigt tal." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-number.php:203 msgid "Please enter a number less than or equal to %s." msgstr "Ange ett nummer som är lika med eller mindre än %s." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-number.php:201 msgid "Please enter a number greater than or equal to %s." msgstr "Ange ett nummer som är lika med eller större än %s." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-number.php:199 msgid "Please enter a number from %1$s to %2$s." msgstr "Ange ett nummer från %1$s till %2$s." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-calculation.php:35 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-hiddenproduct.php:53 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-number.php:132 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-singleproduct.php:60 msgid "Please enter a valid quantity" msgstr "Ange en giltig kvantitet" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-number.php:129 msgid "Please enter a valid quantity. Quantity cannot contain decimals." msgstr "Ange ett giltigt antal. Antalet får inte innehålla decimaler." #: form_detail.php:751 form_detail.php:857 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-number.php:13 js.php:787 msgid "Number" msgstr "Nummer" #: form_detail.php:1206 form_list.php:535 gravityforms.php:2568 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:153 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:155 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:224 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:232 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-title.php:13 widget.php:138 msgid "Title" msgstr "Rubrik" #: gravityforms.php:2572 includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2810 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-total.php:24 #: includes/orders/summaries/views/view-order-summary.php:60 #: includes/orders/summaries/views/view-pricing-fields-html.php:61 #: includes/orders/summaries/views/view-pricing-fields-text.php:25 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2113 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2991 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3907 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4770 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7093 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7972 js.php:911 msgid "Total" msgstr "Summa" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-product.php:13 #: includes/orders/summaries/class-gf-order-summary.php:62 msgid "Product" msgstr "Produkt" #: form_detail.php:1106 includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-category.php:12 msgid "Category" msgstr "Kategori" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:616 js.php:769 js.php:1128 msgid "Expiration Year" msgstr "Sista giltighetsår" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:611 js.php:767 js.php:1126 msgid "Expiration Month" msgstr "Sista giltighetsmånad" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:417 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3970 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4843 js.php:772 #: js.php:1131 msgid "Cardholder Name" msgstr "Namn på kortets ägare" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:395 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4833 js.php:770 msgid "Security Code" msgstr "Säkerhetskod" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:345 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:484 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:803 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:985 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:1143 js.php:320 js.php:1061 #: js.php:1068 js.php:1069 msgid "Year" msgstr "År" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3003 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3004 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:332 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:453 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:748 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:979 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-date.php:1133 js.php:316 js.php:1059 #: js.php:1064 js.php:1065 msgid "Month" msgstr "Månad" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:328 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4828 js.php:768 #: js.php:1127 msgid "Expiration Date" msgstr "Utgångsdatum" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:304 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4823 js.php:766 msgid "Card Number" msgstr "Kortnummer" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:303 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:397 msgid "Only digits are allowed" msgstr "Endast siffror är tillåtna" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:288 msgid "Supported Credit Cards:" msgstr "Kreditkort som stöds:" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:199 msgid "This page is unsecured. Do not enter a real credit card number! Use this field only for testing purposes. " msgstr "Denna sida är inte skyddad. Skriv inte in något riktigt kreditkortsnummer! Använd endast detta fält för testning." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:124 msgid "is not supported. Please enter one of the supported credit cards." msgstr "accepteras inte. Ange ett kreditkort som stöds." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:121 msgid "Invalid credit card number." msgstr "Ogiltigt kreditkortsnummer." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:118 msgid "Please enter your card's security code." msgstr "Ange säkerhetskoden för ditt kreditkort." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:112 msgid "Please enter your credit card information." msgstr "Ange din kreditkortsinformation." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php:13 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2157 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3042 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3092 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3951 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7128 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8015 js.php:763 msgid "Credit Card" msgstr "Kreditkort" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-website.php:74 msgid "Please enter a valid Website URL (e.g. https://gravityforms.com)." msgstr "Ange en giltig URL till en webbplats (t.ex. https://gravityforms.com)." #: form_detail.php:866 includes/fields/class-gf-field-website.php:13 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9443 js.php:817 msgid "Website" msgstr "Webbplats" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-donation.php:50 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-price.php:46 msgid "Please enter a valid amount." msgstr "Ange ett giltigt belopp." #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:466 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-phone.php:339 msgid "International" msgstr "Internationell" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-phone.php:180 js.php:1498 msgid "Phone format:" msgstr "Telefonnummer-format:" #: form_detail.php:865 includes/fields/class-gf-field-phone.php:38 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:737 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5750 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6427 js.php:796 msgid "Phone" msgstr "Telefon" #: common.php:6973 form_detail.php:671 form_detail.php:753 form_detail.php:860 #: form_detail.php:1387 form_detail.php:2134 form_detail.php:2168 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-hidden.php:13 msgid "Hidden" msgstr "Dolt" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-quantity.php:29 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-singleproduct.php:133 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field.php:2754 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2355 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2416 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3310 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3373 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4173 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4236 js.php:888 js.php:959 msgid "Quantity" msgstr "Antal" #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-checkbox.php:826 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-radio.php:185 msgid "%d of %d items shown. Edit field to view all" msgstr "%d av %d objekt visade. Redigera fält för att visa alla" #: export.php:435 export.php:558 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-checkbox.php:181 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-checkbox.php:719 msgid "Deselect All" msgstr "Avmarkera alla" #: common.php:5374 export.php:435 export.php:558 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-checkbox.php:170 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-checkbox.php:708 msgid "Select All" msgstr "Markera alla" #: form_detail.php:722 form_detail.php:858 form_detail.php:885 #: form_detail.php:1095 includes/fields/class-gf-field-checkbox.php:35 msgid "Checkboxes" msgstr "Kryssrutor" #: includes/settings/fields/class-date-time.php:198 msgid "You must select either am or pm." msgstr "Du måste välja antingen am eller pm." #: includes/settings/fields/class-date-time.php:192 msgid "You must select a valid minute." msgstr "Du måste välja en giltig minut." #: includes/settings/fields/class-date-time.php:186 msgid "You must select a valid hour." msgstr "Du måste välja en giltig timme." #: includes/settings/fields/class-date-time.php:180 msgid "Date must not include HTML tags." msgstr "Datumet får inte innehålla HTML-taggar." #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:261 #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:267 #: includes/settings/fields/class-date-time.php:145 msgid "Open Date Picker" msgstr "Öppna datumväljaren" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:2938 #: includes/settings/fields/class-select-custom.php:150 msgid "Reset" msgstr "Återställ" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:2917 #: includes/settings/fields/class-select-custom.php:94 #: assets/js/src/legacy/admin/settings/field-map/mapping.js:302 msgid "Add Custom Value" msgstr "Lägg till anpassat värde" #: includes/settings/fields/class-select-custom.php:90 msgid "Add Custom" msgstr "Lägg till anpassat" #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:609 msgid "Entry Meta" msgstr "Metadata för posten" #: common.php:814 form_list.php:46 form_settings.php:114 gravityforms.php:4648 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:3029 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:587 #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:90 #: js.php:1507 tooltips.php:24 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:300 msgid "Form Title" msgstr "Formulärrubrik" #: export.php:1123 forms_model.php:6564 includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:3028 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:583 select_columns.php:199 msgid "Source Url" msgstr "URL för källa" #: entry_detail.php:1318 export.php:1130 forms_model.php:6558 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:3027 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:579 select_columns.php:198 msgid "User IP" msgstr "Användar-IP" #: common.php:6030 export.php:1121 forms_model.php:6561 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:3026 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:575 select_columns.php:197 msgid "Entry Date" msgstr "Inläggsdatum" #: common.php:6026 includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:3025 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:571 msgid "Entry ID" msgstr "Inläggs-ID" #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:568 msgid "Entry Properties" msgstr "Egenskaper för posten" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:3080 #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:248 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:482 msgid "Selected" msgstr "Markerat" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:3066 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:3073 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:3093 #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:237 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:505 msgid "Full" msgstr "Orginalstorlek" #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:558 msgid "Form Fields" msgstr "Formulärfält" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:3017 #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:82 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:547 msgid "Select a %s Field" msgstr "Välj ett %s-fält" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:3010 #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:71 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:538 notification.php:216 #: assets/js/src/legacy/admin/settings/field-map/mapping.js:158 msgid "Select a Field" msgstr "Välj ett fält" #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:152 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:349 msgid "Address (Country)" msgstr "Adress (land)" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2734 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:215 #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:152 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:349 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:634 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2790 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2877 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3705 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3792 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4568 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4655 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5270 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6511 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7762 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8894 js.php:755 msgid "Country" msgstr "Land" #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:151 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:348 msgid "Address (Zip / Postal Code)" msgstr "Adress (Postnummer)" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2733 #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:151 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:348 msgid "Zip" msgstr "Postnummer" #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:150 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:347 msgid "Address (State / Province)" msgstr "Adress (stat/provins)" #: form_detail.php:1260 includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2732 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:182 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:473 #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:150 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:347 msgid "State" msgstr "Län/stat" #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:149 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:346 msgid "Address (City)" msgstr "Adress (stad)" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2731 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:211 #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:149 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:346 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:615 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2772 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2859 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3687 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3774 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4550 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4637 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5252 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6493 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:7747 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8876 js.php:740 msgid "City" msgstr "Stad" #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:148 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:345 msgid "Address (Address Line 2)" msgstr "Adress (adressrad 2)" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2730 #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:148 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:345 msgid "Address 2" msgstr "Adressrad 2" #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:147 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:344 msgid "Address (Street Address)" msgstr "Adress (gatuadress)" #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:2729 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-address.php:37 #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:147 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:344 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5230 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6471 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8854 js.php:725 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adress" #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:146 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:343 msgid "Name (Last)" msgstr "Namn (efternamn)" #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:146 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:343 msgid "Last Name" msgstr "Efternamn" #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:145 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:342 msgid "Name (First)" msgstr "Namn (förnamn)" #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-select.php:145 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:342 msgid "First Name" msgstr "Förnamn" #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:258 msgid "No mapping fields are available." msgstr "Inga kopplingsfält är tillgängliga." #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:187 msgid "Custom Value" msgstr "Anpassat värde" #: form_detail.php:1540 form_detail.php:2325 #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:184 msgid "Value" msgstr "Värde" #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:181 msgid "Custom Key" msgstr "Anpassad nyckel" #: includes/settings/fields/class-generic-map.php:178 msgid "Key" msgstr "Nyckel" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:2960 #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-map.php:40 msgid "Form Field" msgstr "Formulärfält" #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:2978 #: includes/settings/fields/class-field-map.php:35 js.php:244 js.php:279 msgid "Field" msgstr "Fält" #: includes/settings/fields/class-text.php:120 #: includes/settings/fields/class-textarea.php:216 msgid "Fix it" msgstr "Korrigera det" #: includes/settings/fields/class-text.php:117 #: includes/settings/fields/class-textarea.php:213 msgid "The text you have entered is not valid. For security reasons, some characters are not allowed. " msgstr "Texten du matade in är inte giltig. Av säkerhetsskäl är vissa tecken inte tillåtna." #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1909 #: includes/settings/fields/class-conditional-logic.php:50 msgid "Enable Condition" msgstr "Aktivera villkor" #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1888 #: includes/settings/fields/class-conditional-logic.php:45 msgid "Process this feed if" msgstr "Bearbeta detta flöde om" #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:379 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:586 msgid "Enter value" msgstr "Ange värde" #: common.php:5381 includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:350 msgid "Loading..." msgstr "Laddar…" #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:180 msgid "Please enter a valid email address for all highlighted routing rules above." msgstr "Ange en giltig e-postadress för alla markerade dirigeringsregler ovan." #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:163 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:225 msgid "if" msgstr "om" #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:161 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:224 msgid "Send to" msgstr "Skicka till" #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:142 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:149 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:243 msgid "Remove This Rule" msgstr "Ta bort denna regel" #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:132 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:238 msgid "Add Another Rule" msgstr "Lägg till en ny regel" #: common.php:5415 includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:4092 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:82 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:233 msgid "ends with" msgstr "slutar med" #: common.php:5414 includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:4088 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:81 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:232 msgid "starts with" msgstr "börjar med" #: common.php:5413 includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:4084 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:80 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:231 msgid "contains" msgstr "innehåller" #: common.php:5412 includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:4080 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:79 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:230 msgid "less than" msgstr "mindre än" #: common.php:5411 includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:4076 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:78 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:229 msgid "greater than" msgstr "större än" #: common.php:5410 includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:4072 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:77 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:228 msgid "is not" msgstr "är inte" #: common.php:5409 includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:4068 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:76 #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:227 msgid "is" msgstr "är" #: includes/settings/fields/class-notification-routing.php:52 msgid "To use notification routing, your form must have a field supported by conditional logic." msgstr "För att använda notifikationsdirigering måste formuläret ha ett fält som stödjer villkorsstyd logik." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:3765 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-calculation.php:32 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-hiddenproduct.php:50 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-radio.php:90 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-repeater.php:598 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-singleproduct.php:57 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-website.php:68 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field.php:825 #: includes/settings/fields/class-base.php:784 msgid "This field is required." msgstr "Fältet är obligatoriskt." #: common.php:5379 form_display.php:1723 form_list.php:326 #: gravityforms.php:3196 includes/fields/class-gf-field-submit.php:158 #: includes/settings/fields/class-button.php:50 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:22 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:367 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1751 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:2280 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:3235 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:4098 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:6147 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:8616 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9174 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:10274 msgid "Submit" msgstr "Skicka" #: includes/settings/fields/class-checkbox.php:325 #: includes/settings/fields/class-checkbox.php:373 #: includes/settings/fields/class-radio.php:204 #: includes/settings/fields/class-select-custom.php:220 #: includes/settings/fields/class-select.php:275 #: includes/settings/fields/class-select.php:303 msgid "Invalid selection." msgstr "Ogiltig markering." #: includes/addon/class-gf-feed-addon.php:1266 #: includes/addon/class-gf-payment-addon.php:3754 #: includes/settings/class-settings.php:1499 includes/webapi/webapi.php:1060 #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1068 includes/webapi/webapi.php:1100 msgid "Access denied." msgstr "Åtkomst nekad." #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:2300 #: includes/settings/class-settings.php:992 msgid "There was an error while saving your settings." msgstr "Ett fel inträffade när inställningarna skulle sparas." #: includes/settings/class-settings.php:991 settings.php:1090 msgid "Settings updated." msgstr "Inställningarna har uppdaterats." #: includes/settings/class-settings.php:988 msgid "Save Settings" msgstr "Spara inställningar" #: includes/settings/class-settings.php:832 msgid "Toggle %s Section" msgstr "Växla visningen av avsnittet %s" #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-admin-i18n.php:44 #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:45 #: includes/templates/edit-shortcode-form.tpl.php:18 msgid "Insert Form" msgstr "Infoga formulär" #: includes/templates/edit-shortcode-form.tpl.php:17 msgid "Update Form" msgstr "Uppdatera formulär" #: includes/templates/edit-shortcode-form.tpl.php:11 widget.php:163 msgid "Advanced Options" msgstr "Avancerade inställningar" #: includes/logging/logging.php:527 msgid "and log only error messages" msgstr "och logga endast felmeddelanden" #: includes/logging/logging.php:509 msgid "and log all messages" msgstr "och logga alla meddelanden" #: includes/logging/logging.php:473 msgid "Enable logging" msgstr "Aktivera loggning" #: includes/logging/logging.php:454 msgid "Enable logging and log all messages" msgstr "Aktivera loggning och registrera alla meddelanden" #: includes/logging/logging.php:441 msgid "delete log" msgstr "radera loggen" #: includes/logging/logging.php:440 msgid "view log" msgstr "visa loggen" #: common.php:5388 includes/logging/logging.php:365 #: includes/settings/fields/class-checkbox-and-select.php:50 msgid "Enable" msgstr "Aktivera" #: includes/logging/logging.php:307 msgid "Plugin Logging Settings" msgstr "Inställningar för loggning i tillägget" #: includes/logging/logging.php:290 msgid "Logging assists in tracking down issues by logging debug and error messages in Gravity Forms Core and Gravity Forms Add-Ons. Important information may be included in the logging messages, including API usernames, passwords and credit card numbers. Logging is intended only to be used temporarily while trying to track down issues. Once the issue is identified and resolved, it should be disabled." msgstr "Loggning hjälper till att spåra problem genom att registrera felsöknings- och felmeddelanden i Gravity Forms kärna och Gravity Forms-utökningar. Viktig information kan komma att registreras i loggningsmeddelandena, inklusive användarnamn och lösenord för API:er och kreditkortsnummer. Loggning är endast avsett att användas tillfälligt i samband med felsökning. När problemet har hittats och lösts ska loggningen stängas av." #: includes/logging/logging.php:228 msgid "Log file was successfully deleted." msgstr "Loggfilen har raderats." #: includes/logging/logging.php:222 msgid "Invalid log file." msgstr "Ogiltig loggfil." #: includes/logging/logging.php:219 msgid "Log file could not be deleted." msgstr "Loggfilen kunde inte raderas." #: includes/api.php:2159 msgid "There was an error while inserting a feed" msgstr "Ett fel inträffade när ett flöde skulle läggas in" #: forms_model.php:8227 includes/api.php:2117 msgid "There was an error while updating feed id %s" msgstr "Ett fel inträffade när flödes-ID %s skulle uppdateras" #: forms_model.php:8231 includes/api.php:2078 msgid "Feed id %s not found" msgstr "Flödes-ID %s hittades inte" #: includes/api.php:2074 msgid "There was an error while deleting feed id %s" msgstr "Ett fel inträffade när flödes-ID %s skulle raderas" #: includes/api.php:2018 msgid "Feed not found" msgstr "Flödet hittades inte" #: includes/api.php:1679 includes/api.php:1688 msgid "There was an error while processing the form:" msgstr "Ett fel inträffade när formuläret behandlades:" #: includes/api.php:1865 msgid "Your form could not be found" msgstr "Ditt formulär hittades inte" #: includes/api.php:1568 msgid "Missing note id" msgstr "Antecknings-id saknas" #: includes/api.php:1556 msgid "Invalid note format" msgstr "Ogiltigt format för anteckning" #: includes/api.php:1525 msgid "Invalid note" msgstr "Ogiltig anteckning" #: includes/api.php:1505 msgid "Invalid or empty note" msgstr "Ogiltig eller tom anteckning" #: includes/api.php:1501 msgid "Invalid entry" msgstr "Ogiltig post" #: includes/api.php:1476 includes/api.php:1574 msgid "Note not found" msgstr "Anteckningen hittades inte" #: includes/api.php:1326 msgid "Invalid entry id: %s" msgstr "Ogiltigt post-ID: %s" #: includes/api.php:1260 includes/legacy/forms_model_legacy.php:2313 msgid "There was a problem while inserting the entry properties" msgstr "Ett problem inträffade när postegenskaperna skulle läggas in" #: includes/api.php:1212 includes/legacy/forms_model_legacy.php:2269 msgid "The form id must be specified" msgstr "Formulär-ID måste anges" #: includes/api.php:1206 includes/legacy/forms_model_legacy.php:2263 msgid "The entry object must be an array" msgstr "Postobjektet måste vara en matris" #: includes/api.php:1135 includes/legacy/forms_model_legacy.php:2145 msgid "There was a problem while updating one of the input values for the entry" msgstr "Ett problem inträffade när ett av postens inmatade värden skulle uppdateras" #: includes/api.php:1103 includes/api.php:1155 #: includes/legacy/forms_model_legacy.php:2158 #: includes/legacy/forms_model_legacy.php:2194 msgid "There was a problem while updating the field values" msgstr "Ett problem inträffade när fältvärdena skulle uppdateras" #: includes/api.php:993 includes/legacy/forms_model_legacy.php:2118 msgid "There was a problem while updating the entry properties" msgstr "Ett problem inträffade när postens egenskaper skulle uppdateras" #: includes/api.php:847 includes/api.php:1216 #: includes/legacy/forms_model_legacy.php:2051 #: includes/legacy/forms_model_legacy.php:2273 msgid "The form for this entry does not exist" msgstr "Formuläret för denna post saknas" #: includes/api.php:832 includes/legacy/forms_model_legacy.php:2037 msgid "Entry not found" msgstr "Posten hittades inte" #: includes/api.php:826 includes/legacy/forms_model_legacy.php:2031 msgid "Missing entry id" msgstr "Post-ID saknas" #: includes/api.php:693 includes/api.php:704 msgid "Entry with id %s not found" msgstr "Posten med id %s hittades inte" #: includes/api.php:506 msgid "There was a problem while inserting the form" msgstr "Ett problem inträffade när formuläret skulle placeras in" #: includes/api.php:455 msgid "The form fields are missing" msgstr "Formulärfälten saknas" #: includes/api.php:451 msgid "The form title is missing" msgstr "Formulärrubrik saknas" #: includes/api.php:414 msgid "Invalid form objects" msgstr "Ogiltiga formulärobjekt" #: includes/api.php:335 msgid "Property key incorrect" msgstr "Felaktig egenskapsnyckel" #: includes/api.php:284 msgid "Error updating title" msgstr "Fel när rubriken skulle uppdateras" #: includes/api.php:273 msgid "Error updating form notifications" msgstr "Fel när formulärets notifieringar skulle uppdateras" #: includes/api.php:265 msgid "Error updating form confirmations" msgstr "Fel när formulärets bekräftelser skulle uppdateras" #: includes/api.php:258 msgid "Error updating form" msgstr "Fel när formuläret skulle uppdateras" #: includes/api.php:248 includes/api.php:2150 #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/class-results-cache.php:477 #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-field-filters.php:46 #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-forms.php:152 msgid "Form not found" msgstr "Formuläret hittades inte" #: includes/api.php:228 #: includes/webapi/v2/includes/controllers/class-controller-form-feeds.php:207 #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:1342 msgid "Missing form id" msgstr "Formulär-ID saknas" #: includes/api.php:216 includes/api.php:447 msgid "Invalid form object" msgstr "Ogiltigt formulärobjekt" #: includes/api.php:136 msgid "Form with id: %s not found" msgstr "Inget formulär med id: %s har hittats" #: forms_model.php:1751 forms_model.php:1778 forms_model.php:1830 #: forms_model.php:1863 forms_model.php:1899 forms_model.php:8209 #: includes/api.php:131 includes/api.php:158 includes/api.php:180 #: includes/api.php:212 includes/api.php:328 includes/api.php:389 #: includes/api.php:410 includes/api.php:443 includes/api.php:726 #: includes/api.php:760 includes/api.php:810 includes/api.php:1198 #: includes/api.php:1321 includes/api.php:1497 includes/api.php:1552 #: includes/api.php:1658 includes/api.php:2061 includes/api.php:2097 #: includes/api.php:2140 msgid "Submissions are currently blocked due to an upgrade in progress" msgstr "Just nu går det inte att skicka in formulär eftersom uppgradering pågår" #: includes/locking/class-gf-locking.php:508 msgid "Reject Request" msgstr "Neka begäran" #: includes/locking/class-gf-locking.php:491 msgid "Request Control" msgstr "Begär kontroll" #: includes/locking/class-gf-locking.php:490 msgid "Take Over" msgstr "Ta över" #: includes/locking/class-gf-locking.php:290 msgid "Your request has been sent to %s." msgstr "Din begäran har skickats till %s." #: includes/locking/class-gf-locking.php:210 msgid "Your request was rejected" msgstr "Din begäran avvisades" #: gravityforms.php:5890 includes/locking/class-gf-locking.php:209 msgid "Error" msgstr "Fel" #: includes/locking/class-gf-locking.php:208 msgid "Request again" msgstr "Begär igen" #: includes/locking/class-gf-locking.php:207 msgid "No response" msgstr "Inget svar" #: common.php:6099 includes/locking/class-gf-locking.php:206 msgid "Pending" msgstr "Väntande" #: includes/locking/class-gf-locking.php:205 #: includes/locking/class-gf-locking.php:285 msgid "You now have control" msgstr "Nu har du kontrollen" #: includes/locking/class-gf-locking.php:204 msgid "%s has requested permission to take over control." msgstr "%s har begärt tillstånd att ta över kontrollen." #: includes/locking/class-gf-locking.php:203 msgid "%s has taken over and is currently editing." msgstr "%s har tagit över och redigerar för närvarande." #: includes/locking/class-gf-locking.php:202 msgid "%s is currently editing" msgstr "%s redigerar just nu" #: entry_detail.php:1416 form_detail.php:1651 form_detail.php:1663 #: includes/addon/class-gf-results.php:305 #: includes/config/items/class-gf-config-multifile.php:34 #: includes/embed-form/config/class-gf-embed-config-i18n.php:54 #: includes/form-editor/save-form/config/class-gf-form-editor-form-save-config.php:42 #: includes/locking/class-gf-locking.php:201 #: includes/template-library/config/class-gf-template-library-config.php:105 #: select_columns.php:277 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:132 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Avbryt" #: includes/locking/class-gf-locking.php:199 msgid "This page is currently locked. Click on the \"Request Control\" button to let %s know you'd like to take over." msgstr "Denna sida är för närvarande låst. Klicka på knappen ”Begär kontroll” för att informera %s att du vill ta över." #: includes/locking/locking.php:149 msgid "These settings are currently locked. Click on the \"Request Control\" button to let %s know you'd like to take over." msgstr "Dessa inställningar är för närvarande låsta. Klicka på ”Begär kontroll” för att informera %s att du vill ta över." #: includes/locking/locking.php:110 includes/locking/locking.php:152 msgid "%s has requested permission to take over control of these settings." msgstr "%s har begärt tillstånd att överta kontrollen över dessa inställningar." #: includes/locking/locking.php:107 msgid "These form settings are currently locked. Click on the \"Request Control\" button to let %s know you'd like to take over." msgstr "Dessa formulärinställningar är för närvarande låsta. Klicka på ”Begär kontroll” för att informera %s att du vill ta över." #: includes/locking/locking.php:64 msgid "%s has requested permission to take over control of this entry." msgstr "%s har begärt tillstånd att överta kontrollen över detta inlägg." #: includes/locking/locking.php:63 msgid "%s has taken over and is currently editing this entry." msgstr "%s har tagit över och redigerar just nu denna post." #: includes/locking/locking.php:62 msgid "%s is currently editing this entry" msgstr "%s redigerar just nu denna post" #: includes/locking/locking.php:61 msgid "This entry is currently locked. Click on the \"Request Control\" button to let %s know you'd like to take over." msgstr "Denna inlägg är för närvarande låst. Klicka på ”Begär kontroll” för att informera %s att du vill ta över." #: includes/locking/locking.php:24 msgid "%s has requested permission to take over control of this form." msgstr "%s har begärt tillstånd att överta kontrollen över detta formulär." #: includes/locking/locking.php:23 msgid "%s has taken over and is currently editing this form." msgstr "%s har tagit över och redigerar just nu detta formulär." #: includes/locking/locking.php:22 msgid "%s is currently editing this form" msgstr "%s redigerar just nu detta formulär" #: includes/locking/class-gf-locking.php:200 includes/locking/locking.php:21 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Acceptera" #: includes/locking/locking.php:20 msgid "This form is currently locked. Click on the \"Request Control\" button to let %s know you'd like to take over." msgstr "Detta formulär är för närvarande låst. Klicka på knappen ”Begär kontroll” för att informera %s att du vill ta över." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1538 msgid "Parent" msgstr "Överordnad" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1239 msgid "Your system does not meet the minimum requirements for this Add-On (%d errors)." msgstr "Detta system uppfyller inte minimikraven för denna utökning (%d fel)." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1083 msgid "Warning: downgrading Gravity Forms is not recommended." msgstr "Varning: vi rekommenderar inte att man nedgraderar Gravity Forms." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1083 msgid "Your database is up-to-date." msgstr "Din databas använder den senaste versionen." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1083 msgid "Database upgraded successfully." msgstr "Databasen har uppgraderats." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1067 msgid "There are issues with your database." msgstr "Det är problem med din databas." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1067 msgid "Database upgrade failed." msgstr "Databasuppgraderingen misslyckades" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1062 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1078 msgid "Re-run database upgrade" msgstr "Kör databasuppgraderingen igen" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1050 msgid "Your database version is out of date." msgstr "Din databasversion är gammal" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1045 msgid "Upgrade database" msgstr "Uppgradera databas" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1023 msgid "Force the upgrade" msgstr "Tvinga uppgraderingen" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1021 msgid "As this site doesn't support background tasks the upgrade process will take longer than usual and the status will change infrequently." msgstr "Eftersom denna webbplats saknar stöd för bakgrundsaktiviteter kommer uppgraderingen att ta längre tid än normalt och statusen kommer inte att ändras så ofta." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1019 msgid "The database is currently being upgraded to version %s. %s" msgstr "Databasen uppgraderas för närvarande till version %s. %s" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1017 msgid "Force the migration manually" msgstr "Tvinga migreringen manuellt" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1016 msgid "Automatic background migration is disabled but the database needs to be upgraded to version %s. %s" msgstr "Automatisk bakgrundsmigrering är inaktiverad, men databasen behöver uppgraderas till version %s. %s" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1013 msgid "%s%% complete." msgstr "%s %% färdigt." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1011 msgid "Current Status: %s" msgstr "Nuvarande status: %s" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1004 msgid "WARNING! Re-running the upgrade process is only recommended if you are currently experiencing issues with your database. This process may take several minutes to complete. 'OK' to upgrade. 'Cancel' to abort." msgstr "VARNING! Du bör endast köra uppgraderingsprocessen igen om du för närvarande upplever problem med databasen. Denna process kan ta flera minuter att slutföra. ”OK” för att uppgradera. ”Avbryt” för att återgå." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:988 msgid "Table has not been upgraded successfully." msgstr "Tabellen har inte uppgraderats korrekt." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:976 msgid "Table does not exist" msgstr "Tabellen finns inte" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:932 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1029 msgid "Database Version" msgstr "Databasversion" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:885 msgid "Background updates" msgstr "Bakgrundsuppdateringar" #: form_detail.php:1783 includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:880 #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-settings.php:20 #: tooltips.php:155 msgid "Currency" msgstr "Valuta" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:874 #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-settings.php:44 #: tooltips.php:151 msgid "No-Conflict Mode" msgstr "Konfliktlöst läge" #: tooltips.php:150 msgid "Output HTML5" msgstr "Utmatning av HTML5" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:863 tooltips.php:149 msgid "Output CSS" msgstr "Utmatning av CSS" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:860 msgid "File uploads, entry exports, and logging will not function properly." msgstr "Filuppladdning, export av inlägg och loggning kommer inte att fungera korrekt." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:857 msgid "Not writable" msgstr "Ej skrivbar" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:857 msgid "Writable" msgstr "Skrivbar" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:855 msgid "Upload folder permissions" msgstr "Filrättigheter i uppladdningskatalogen" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:850 msgid "Upload folder" msgstr "Uppladdningskatalog" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:845 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:1233 msgid "New version %s available." msgstr "Ny version %s är tillgänglig." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:666 msgid "PHP - Local time" msgstr "PHP – lokal tid" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:661 msgid "PHP - Universal time (UTC)" msgstr "PHP – universell tid (UTC)" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:656 msgid "MySQL - Local time" msgstr "MySQL – lokal tid" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:651 msgid "MySQL - Universal time (UTC)" msgstr "MySQL – universell tid (UTC)" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:646 msgid "WordPress (Local) Timezone" msgstr "Lokal tidszon i WordPress" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:642 msgid "Date and Time" msgstr "Datum och tid" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:635 msgid "Database Collation" msgstr "Databas-kollationering" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:630 msgid "Database Character Set" msgstr "Teckenuppsättning för databasen" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:627 msgid "Gravity Forms requires MySQL 5 or above." msgstr "Gravity Forms kräver MySQL 5 eller högre." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:604 msgid "Loaded Extensions" msgstr "Inlästa tillägg" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:598 msgid "Mbstring Enabled" msgstr "Mbstring aktivt" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:592 msgid "Mcrypt Enabled" msgstr "Mcrypt aktivt" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:586 msgid "OpenSSL" msgstr "OpenSSL" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:582 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:583 msgid "version" msgstr "version" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:580 msgid "cURL Enabled" msgstr "cURL aktivt" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:575 msgid "Maximum Input Variables" msgstr "Maximalt antal ingångsvariabler" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:570 msgid "Maximum Post Size" msgstr "Maximal storlek för http post" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:565 msgid "Maximum File Uploads" msgstr "Maximal antal filuppladdningar" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:560 msgid "Maximum File Upload Size" msgstr "Maximal storlek på uppladdade filer" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:555 msgid "Maximum Execution Time" msgstr "Maximal programkörningstid" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:550 msgid "Memory Limit" msgstr "Minnesbegränsning" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:547 msgid "Recommended: PHP 7.3 or higher." msgstr "Vi rekommenderar PHP 7.3 eller senare." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:541 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:621 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:838 msgid "Version" msgstr "Version" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:537 msgid "PHP" msgstr "PHP" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:530 msgid "Document Root" msgstr "Huvudkatalog för dokument" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:525 msgid "Port" msgstr "Port" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:520 msgid "Software" msgstr "Programvara" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:516 msgid "Web Server" msgstr "Webbserver" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:512 msgid "Server Environment" msgstr "Servermiljö" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:505 msgid "Network Active Plugins" msgstr "Aktiva tillägg på nätverket" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:500 msgid "Active Plugins" msgstr "Aktiva tillägg" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:495 msgid "Active Theme" msgstr "Aktivt tema" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:484 msgid "Background tasks" msgstr "Bakgrundsaktiviteter" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:478 msgid "WordPress Alternate Cron" msgstr "WordPress alternativ Cron" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:472 msgid "WordPress Cron" msgstr "WordPress Cron" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:466 msgid "WordPress Script Debug Mode" msgstr "WordPress felsökningsläge för skript" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:460 msgid "WordPress Debug Log" msgstr "WordPress felsökningslogg" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:454 msgid "WordPress Debug Mode" msgstr "WordPress felsökningsläge" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:449 msgid "WordPress Memory Limit" msgstr "WordPress minnesbegränsning" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:445 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:456 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:462 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:468 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:474 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:480 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:487 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:582 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:588 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:594 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:600 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:865 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:876 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:887 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:893 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9715 #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-settings.php:72 msgid "No" msgstr "Nej" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:445 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:456 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:462 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:468 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:474 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:480 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:487 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:582 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:594 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:600 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:865 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:876 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:887 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:893 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:9709 #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-settings.php:71 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Ja" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:443 msgid "WordPress Multisite" msgstr "WordPress Multisite" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:436 msgid "Gravity Forms requires WordPress %s or greater. You must upgrade WordPress in order to use Gravity Forms." msgstr "Gravity Forms kräver WordPress version %s eller senare. Du måste uppgradera WordPress för att använda Gravity Forms." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:428 msgid "The Gravity Forms support agreement requires WordPress %s or greater. This site must be upgraded in order to be eligible for support." msgstr "Supportavtalet för Gravity Forms kräver WordPress version %s eller senare. Denna webbplats måste uppgraderas för att supporten ska gälla." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:419 msgid "WordPress Version" msgstr "WordPress-version" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:409 msgid "Site URL" msgstr "Webbplats-URL" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:404 msgid "Home URL" msgstr "Hemsidans URL" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:400 notification.php:977 #: notification.php:1586 msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:396 msgid "WordPress Environment" msgstr "WordPress-miljön" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:384 msgid "Log Files" msgstr "Loggfiler" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:374 msgid "Database" msgstr "Databas" #: gravityforms.php:1820 includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:29 #: includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:264 includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:265 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:369 msgid "Add-Ons" msgstr "Utökningar" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:360 msgid "Gravity Forms Environment" msgstr "Gravity Forms-miljön" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:349 msgid "Response code: %s" msgstr "Resultatkod: %s" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:347 msgid "Unexpected content in the response." msgstr "Oväntat innehåll i svaret." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:260 msgid "Upgrading Gravity Forms" msgstr "Uppgraderar Gravity Forms" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:247 msgid "Current status: %s" msgstr "Nuvarande status: %s" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:243 msgid "complete." msgstr "klart." #: includes/wizard/steps/class-gf-installation-wizard-step-license-key.php:25 msgid "Enter Your License Key" msgstr "Lägg in din licensnyckel" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:69 msgid "The following is a system report containing useful technical information for troubleshooting issues. If you need further help after viewing the report, click on the \"Copy System Report\" button below to copy the report and paste it in your message to support." msgstr "Nedan följer en systemrapport med teknisk information som är användbar vid felsökning av problem. Om du behöver ytterligare hjälp efter att du läst rapporten kan du klicka på knappen ”Kopiera systemrapport” nedan för att kopiera rapporten och sedan klistra in den i ditt meddelanden till supporten." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-update.php:184 msgid "You can update to the latest version automatically or download the update and install it manually." msgstr "Du kan uppdatera till den senaste versionen automatiskt eller ladda ner uppdateringen och installera den manuellt." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-update.php:183 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-update.php:192 msgid "There is a new version of Gravity Forms available." msgstr "Det finns en ny version av Gravity Forms tillgänglig." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-update.php:174 msgid "Your version of Gravity Forms is up to date." msgstr "Din version av Gravity Forms är aktuell." #: includes/addon/class-gf-auto-upgrade.php:300 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-update.php:117 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-update.php:194 msgid "%sRegister%s your copy of Gravity Forms to receive access to automatic updates and support. Need a license key? %sPurchase one now%s." msgstr "%sRegistrera%s ditt exemplar av Gravity Forms så får du tillgång till automatiska uppdateringar och support. Behöver du en licensnyckel? %sKöp en nu%s." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-update.php:105 msgid "%1$sView version %2$s details %3$s or %4$supdate now%5$s." msgstr "%1$sSe detaljer om version %2$s%3$s eller %4$suppdatera direkt%5$s." #: includes/system-status/class-gf-update.php:99 msgid "%1$sView version %2$s details %3$s. " msgstr "%1$sVisa information om version %2$s%3$s. " #: includes/system-status/class-gf-update.php:92 msgid "There is a new version of %s available. " msgstr "En ny version av %s är tillgänglig. " #: includes/system-status/class-gf-update.php:84 msgid "Visit plugin page" msgstr "Besök tilläggets sida" #: gravityforms.php:1809 gravityforms.php:2274 gravityforms.php:5351 #: gravityforms.php:5637 includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:4521 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:4799 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:4972 #: includes/addon/class-gf-addon.php:5405 includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:27 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field.php:1645 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-update.php:75 settings.php:1258 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Inställningar" #: form_detail.php:640 form_detail.php:1212 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:169 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:171 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:226 #: includes/fields/class-gf-field-post-image.php:234 #: includes/setup-wizard/config/class-gf-setup-wizard-config-i18n.php:93 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-update.php:53 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:1599 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:5978 #: includes/template-library/templates/templates.php:11218 #: includes/webapi/includes/class-gf-api-keys-table.php:27 #: includes/webapi/webapi.php:395 js.php:975 msgid "Description" msgstr "Beskrivning" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-update.php:51 msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Tillägg" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-update.php:30 msgid "You don't have permissions to view this page" msgstr "Du har inte behörighet att se denna sida" #: gravityforms.php:1826 includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:31 #: includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:274 includes/class-gf-osdxp.php:275 msgid "System Status" msgstr "Systemstatus" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-status.php:70 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-update.php:47 msgid "Updates" msgstr "Uppdateringar" #: includes/system-status/class-gf-system-status.php:62 msgid "System Report" msgstr "Systemrapport" #. Description of the plugin #: gravityforms.php msgid "Easily create web forms and manage form entries within the WordPress admin." msgstr "Skapa enkla webbformulär och hantera formulär inuti WordPress admin. " #. Plugin URI of the plugin #. Author URI of the plugin #: gravityforms.php msgid "https://gravityforms.com" msgstr "https://gravityforms.com" #. Plugin Name of the plugin #. Author of the plugin #: gravityforms.php gravityforms.php:1562 gravityforms.php:1623 #: gravityforms.php:2549 includes/system-status/class-gf-system-report.php:364 #: includes/system-status/class-gf-update.php:207 #: assets/js/src/admin/block-editor/blocks/form/edit.js:835 msgid "Gravity Forms" msgstr "Gravity Forms"