
Day 3

Day 3 started off with Teemu Suninen in the lead but his luck didn’t even last through the second stage of the day.

Going a bit too wide at the end of Hagfors 1 left him stranded for about a minute and a half while seeing every single chance of being able to compete for a podium spot go out the window.
Instead Tänak got a free ticket to another level of a comfortable distance in the lead, being over a half minute quicker than Mikkelsen. Tänak then extended his lead throughout the day with multiple stage wins, ending up with 54 seconds ahead when heading for a good nights sleep.
Mikkelsen and Lappi share the second spot and Neuville is only a couple of seconds behind.

In WRC2 Pro, Mads Ostberg extended an already comfortable lead with another two minutes when both Rovanperä and Greensmith were struggling.

WRC2 still has Ole Christian Veiby in the lead but now only with 12 seconds ahead in from of Jari Huttunen. In third we have Emil Lindholm, over a minute behind Huttunen, while Kristoffersson dropped from second to fifth after having a troubled day.

Junior WRC has been one lethal competition, ending the fun for drivers over and over. Only four names remain and Tom Kristensson now has a big lead, almost two minutes ahead of Roland Poom and another two ahead of Jan Solans Baldo.

Follow the action all the way to the finish line in Torsby tomorrow!