LIVE: Follow the Powerstage here

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Time for the Powerstage

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The final leg of this years Rally Sweden was calm until two flat tires of rally leader Jari-Matti Latvala and 3rd Petter Solberg on SS22. Solberg lost over half a minute and Latvala almost as much and the gap to Mikko Hirvonen closed down to 8,4 seconds, but there were both back on track on […]

Driver Comments Service Flash 4

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Driver Comments SS21 Hagfors 1

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Great interest for Rally Sweden

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Crowded stages in both Sweden and Norway, broadcasting around the world and record figures on the Internet. The positive signals from Rally Sweden were many in the last phase began Sunday morning. – It’s obviously nice to get the signals, given the position we had just days before the competition started, says Swedish Rally CEO Glenn Olsson.

Stort intresse för Rally Sweden

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Mycket publik på sträckorna både i Sverige och Norge, TV-sändningar världen över och rekordsiffror på Internet. De positiva signalerna från Rally Sweden var många när den sista etappen tog sin början söndag morgon. – Det känns givetvis otroligt skönt att få de signalerna med tanke på det läge vi hade bara några dagar innan tävlingen […]

Driver Comments SS19 Lesjöfors

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Driver Comments Service Flash 3

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Latvala keeps clear of Hirvonen

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Jari-Matti Latvala is on its way to victory in Rally Sweden. The Finn extended his lead on Saturday’s stages and looks to be heading for his second triumph in the competition. Runner-up for Sunday’s final stages are Mikko Hirvonen and for the third place fight Norwegians Petter Solberg and Mads Østberg.

Driver Comments SS17 Fredriksberg 2

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