
Göransson testing in England

Now the WRC premiere is close. Last Wednesday Richard Göransson was on English soil to become familiar with the team and Prodrive WRC car. It was a full day with a lot of information and an initial test drive of the car.
– It is important to have a good relationship with a new team. We went through the whole car and I learned also how we should do to implement the so-called ’quick fix’. It can mean how to change a tie rod or a support arm on a transport or special stage. The car is well built and I got a first taste of what it’s like driving a WRC car. I stood and smiled a good while afterwards, said Richard

Now awaits two intensive test days in Ostersund on real winter roads. Thursday and Friday will be very important to get well prepared for Rally Sweden, which starts on Thursday next week at 20.00 on Färjestadtravet in Karlstad.

– First and foremost, we will focus on learning to drive the car, and then we will of course try some different settings. But the focus is to become best friends with the car and get it to feel like a backpack on me. I’ll drive the car and the car will not drive me, says Richard

And do not be surprised if you will see Richard’s car here and there. Today was delivered a new promotion car of MINI. It will roll around on the roads and make it´s first pit stop at Auto Experten who has a fair in Örebro on Friday.