
Watch out for the national class

First on the road in the national class of Rally Sweden, Swedish Champion Mats Jonsson had to dodge for spectators walking on the special stage. Before Saturdays four remaining stages of the national class, the Clerk of the Course Bertil Klarin now exhort the crowd to watch out.
– We have had incidents today that is not acceptable, said Klarin Friday evening.

The national class is run directly after the Rally Swedens 30 or so cars with a safety car ahead of the competitive cars.
– But the safety car is starting 10 minutes ahead of us at the stages, so maybe the spectators thinks is the last of the WRC-cars and have not in mind that the national class is starting after the WRC cars, Mats Jonsson said.

The Clerk of the Course Bertil Klarin:
–  You shall not, as a spectator, walk on the road between the WRC and the national class at all. There may come a car at any time.

On Saturday the national class will run the following stages after the WRC cars. Here are the stages and the first car on stage:

SS8, Lesjöfors 1, kl 09.20.
SS9, Sågen 1, kl 10.22.
SS10, Fredriksberg 1, kl 11.27.
SS11, Värmullsåsen 1, kl 12.30.

On Sunday there will be no national class run in Rally Sweden.

So remember; don´t walk on the special stages between the WRC and the national class!