Østberg extends WRC 2 lead

By johan

The Norwegian, driving a Citroën C3, started the day with an 8.4sec lead over Ole Christian Veiby. However, his lead looked to be in jeopardy when Veiby clawed back 3.5sec in the Hof-Finnskog speed test despite picking up a slow puncture on his Hyundai i20. Østberg responded by snatching back 5.7sec in the following Finnskogen […]

Lindholm on top in WRC 3

By johan

”It’s been a surprise for us. After coming in second place last year, we wanted to put on a good show but today has exceeded my expectations. I did not expect to be the fastest Rally 2 competitor, but we have done a lot of work for this and this is show time,” said the […]

Tänak wins Rally Sweden 2019

By admin

The Estonian showed no signs of any nervs when he cruised all the way to the finsih line, ending with seriously impressive win at the Power Stage. In the end he was 53 seconds ahead of Esa-Pekka Lappi in second and 56 ahead of Neuville in third. Mads Ostberg was also cruising his way to […]

Day 2 – Halftime report

By admin

The Estonian is 5.5 seconds ahead of Teemu Suninen and 5.6 ahead of Jari-Matti Latvala. In the WRC2 Pro Mads Ostberg is charging on top, in front of Gus Greensmith and Kalle Rovanperä. Ole Christian Veiby is first in the WRC2, followed by Johan Kristfoffersson and Emil Lindholm. For the Junior WRC we have Tom […]

Red Hot on Valentine’s Day

By admin

”The car feels really, really good so it was really enjoyable to drive”. The winner from 2018 showed everyone that he’s all in to defend his title. Drving head to head with Sebastién Ogier he topped the Frenchman and the rest of the field on Karlstad SSS1. Ogier was second fastest and Andreas Mikkelsen had […]

Rally goes hockey

By admin

Ice is ice, no matter where and how, right? For a whole new take on preparing for the biggest winter festival, we gathered all the WRC drivers and threw on some hockey gear. Guess what? They all seemed to love it. Ogier and Latvla really hit it off, with Latvala being a former hockey player […]

Thank You from Rally Sweden 2018

By admin

Neuville fought off his old demons last night and went out the last day without any regrets. Taking it easy during the first stage and balancing the numbers with ease during the closing Power Stage. Any doubt about his ability to take it all the way flew straight out the window as he cruised through […]

Day 3 – Halftime

By admin

Tänak was back in his lightning mode when he took a double stage win. Ogier showcased a completely different pace and Breen moved up to second in the Overall Classifications when having another impressive drive. In WRC2 Tidemand won the first stage while Katsuta lost some time, forcing a change of leadership. This new leaderborard […]

Många anmälda till Rally Sweden 2018

By admin

– 67 anmälda i WRC är vår högsta siffra på över 10 år. Att dessutom se 18 svenska deltagare i kombination med totalt 24 nationer känns onekligen glädjande. Vi växer både nationellt och internationellt säger en nöjd sportchef tillika tävlingsledare Christina Lundqvist Viklund. M-Sport Ford World Rally Team har anmält regerande världsmästaren Sébastien Ogier tillsammans […]

Saferoad SSS Arena

Storstilad invigning med Prins Carl Philip Det är här alla kommer att vara. Tävlingarna och vinterfestivalen invigs som sig bör av vår egen racingstjärna och kunglighet Prins HKH Carl Philip, som ser till att sätta fart på festen. Och det är en fest du inte får missa. Teamen ska visa upp sig och sina bilar. […]