Evans secures Sweden win

By johan

On only his second rally in a Toyota Yaris, he led the four-day winter fixture from start to finish to win by 12.7sec. A second career victory left Evans tied on points with Thierry Neuville at the top of the championship after two of 13 rounds, but the Welshman leads on countback. World champion Ott […]

Kristensson leaves junior rivals trailing

By johan

Kristensson almost doubled his 23.0sec opening day advantage before striking tyre problems in the closing Torsby Sprint speed test. The Swede dropped little more than a handful of seconds to close with a 41.8sec lead ahead of Sunday’s finale. He won the day’s opening Hof-Finnskog special stage in his Ford Fiesta R2 and posted top […]

SS17 Likenäs 1 CANCELLED

By johan

Lindholm on top in WRC 3

By johan

”It’s been a surprise for us. After coming in second place last year, we wanted to put on a good show but today has exceeded my expectations. I did not expect to be the fastest Rally 2 competitor, but we have done a lot of work for this and this is show time,” said the […]

Prince partners Ogier in Rally Sweden warm-up

By johan

The 40-year-old prince, fourth in line to the Swedish throne, replaced co-driver Julien Ingrassia in Ogier’s Toyota Yaris for the 1.90km warm-up at the town’s trotting track. The pair posted second fastest time and Ogier joked: “I’m considering to change co-driver. What are you doing this weekend?” “I’m free!” said the Prince. “It was great, fantastic, […]

Opening in Karlstad with rally action

By admin

Following a positive meeting between representatives of Rally Sweden, the FIA, WRC Promoter and the WRC teams, and in the interest of continuing to provide top entertainment to rally fans at the Karlstad stage, the stage will be run as a second part of the morning’s Shakedown, rather than as a competitive stage. Each of […]

you are on 

By admin

Fram till idag har de säkerhetsansvariga fått förlita sig till noll-bilarna, som kör igenom banan innan tävlingsbilarna, för att kontrollera så publiken står på behörigt avstånd och att banan är säker. De och personalen som finns utefter banan har varit de som kunde upprätthålla säkerheten utefter banan. Problemet är att den sista säkerhetsbilen passerar tio […]

Anmälningsformulär Rally Sweden Historic 2023

Anmälan till Rally Sweden Historic 2024 öppnar 15 december 2023. För frågor angående Rally Sweden Historic maila till historic@rallysweden.com. OBS! Om du vill ändra eller lägga till information till din anmälan efter du gjort den, gör INTE en ny anmälan utan kontakta oss på e-post adressen ovan.

Green light for Rally Sweden

By admin

Next week’s Rally Sweden (13 – 16 February), the second round of the FIA World Rally Championship, will go ahead following a positive inspection of the event route by the FIA on Tuesday. Following unseasonably warm weather in the Värmland region of Sweden and across the border in Norway, FIA sporting delegate Timo Rautiainen inspected […]

Förberedelserna inför Rally Sweden går enligt plan

By admin

Trots den senaste tidens varma väder så känner sig arrangörerna trygga i att de gällande väderprognoserna med kyla räcker till för att möjliggöra hårda och fasta vägar samt även en del snö. Rally Swedens vd Glenn Olsson tillbringade helgen på plats vid VM-säsongens öppningsrunda Rallye Monte Carlo där möten med nyckelintressenterna FIA, WRC Promoter samt […]